unprecedented crisis,-such an openly avowed advocacy, in the maintenance of Truth, and exposure of Error, in opposition to the rude gusts and overwhelming whirlwind of popular feeling; will be far tion to the authorities above cited, the general reader is referred most particularly to the pathetic, and fine description, of the Massacre, by Voltaire, in his Henriade, canto ii.; and the English Modern Univ. Hist. vol. xxvi. book xix. chap. v. p. 368.) which says, "The Pope published a Jubilee over all Christendom, in consideration of the great blow given to the Heretics; and likewise on account of the Success of the DUKE OF ALVA in the Netherlands; and the signal victory gained the year before over the Turks: and he went in procession on foot to the Church of St. Louis at Rome, where Divine Service was performed with great pomp by the Cardinal of Lorraine." Now we may remark of the Duke of Alva, who was the interesting subject of Pope Gregory's pious care, and one of the principal objects which moved his Holiness' mind to grant the Jubilee :- that he was one of the most bloodthirsty monsters, that ever disgraced human nature; and the most bloody, persecuting Papist, that ever panted to make offerings of human blood, to the Moloch of Papal Persecution, and Roman Butchery. He concerted with Philip II. of Spain-of Spanish Armada celebrity!; Catherine de Medicis; and the Cardinal of Lorraine,—the renowned uncle of the Popish Mary, Queen of Scots; when, as the two splendid courts of Spain and France met at Bayonne, there appeared nothing but the smiling appearances of festivity and joy; and with them fabricated schemes the most bloody, and the most destructive to the repose of mankind, that had ever been thought of in any age or nation: being nothing less than a total and universal extermination of all the Protestants in their territories; and Alva, agreeably to his fierce and sanguinary disposition, advised as a commencement of the project, the immediate massacre of all the leaders of the Hugonots. (See Davila, lib. iii.) And this Duke of Alva, is conspicuous in English History, for having entered into a negociation with the Earl of Northumberland, for an insurrection in England; (Hume's Hist. of Eng. Eliz. chap. xl.) for having forbidden all commerce with England; (Rapin's England, vol. ii. book xvii.) and distinguished in the History of Scotland for holding, the most dangerous intrigues with the Pope and the Duke of Norfolk, in behalf of Queen Mary and the Papal interests. (Robertson's Hist. of Scotland, book vi.) Likewise in the Netherlands, Alva, has been notorious, for having condemned the Prince of Orange, as a rebel, and confiscated his possessions to the Spanish King; and though it was in defence of their reformed religion, their properties, and their lives, that the Belgians, with their brave and illustrious Prince, in the extremity of despair and distress, patriotically and nobly united, to put a check to the fierce usurpations of the Spanish dominion; yet in the hours of his triumph, this Barbarous Papal Monster exercised over these flourishing Provinces, enormities; the recital of which from being favored, either by the encouraging breath of mob applause, or the contemptible boon of vulgar acclamation. For if the heathen Governor and Judge, on whose benighted soul, the healing beams of Gos 66 would shock even the ferocious nature of a savage. Among the sanguinary tribunals he erected, the Holy Inquisition was not neglected!; nothing was heard of but robbery, torture, and death; and the decisions of the Council of Trent were ordered to be received on pain of death; and to sum up the matter, when this tyrant departed from the Low Countries in 1574, he boasted, that, "during the course of five years, he had delivered above eighteen thousand Heretics into the hands of the executioner," independent of the many thousands, who perished by the sword in the field, and by massacres in cold blood. (See Grotii Annales, de rebus Belgicis, lib. ii.; the Jesuit Strada, Histor, de Belg. Bello passim; and almost all modern histories.) After having descanted so much on this Splendid object of His Holiness' devotional regards, let us read one quotation respecting his other no less illustrious compeer, the King of France; who, in consequence of his delegated mission, superintended the St. Barthomolew spectacle:- so grateful a Sacrifice to the Supreme Being was this exemplification of his Perfidy and Inhumanity considered by Charles IX. that he caused a Medal to be struck, for the purpose of transmitting the Memorial of it to posterity. On one side of it were his arms, with the date, 24 Augusti, 1572, and this inscription, "PIETAS EXCITAVIT JUSTITIAM," i. e. Piety excited Justice;" and, on the reverse, he is represented as seated on his throne, with a Sword in his right hand, the symbol of Justice in his left, and A GROUP OF HEADS under his feet, surrounded with these words-"VIRTUS IN REBELLES" -that is 66 Virtue against the rebellious." (See Modern Univ. Hist. vol. xxiv. book xix. chap. iv. p. 268-274.) And in addition to the above fruits, we may add, the expulsion of the Moors from Spain, and of the Protestants from France; -the exterminating persecution of the Protestants, by the Duke of Savoy; which the " Biblical," "Forconscience-sake-murdering" regicide CROMWELL-the Patriarch and Idolized Saint of the whole modern school of DISSENTERISM, arrested by a letter;-the Dragonades of the Cevennes ;--the Irish Rebellion against King Charles I.;—and the massacre of Forty, or as some say One Hundred and Fifty, and others, Two Hundred Thousand of Protestants in 1641; (See Sir J. Temple's Irish Rebellion passim, and Rushworth's Histor. Collections, vol. v.)—and likewise the intended and final exterpation of them from 1685 to 1688, in both England and Ireland, during the reign of James II. I will not venture to predict how far the fruits that are now ripening, will be similar, to those already produced!!! Let the legitimate end of History have its proper effect, namely, "Philosophy teaching by examples." (Bolingbroke.) (The general reader is particularly desired to consult on the subject of the Two Beasts," the Analysis of Newton, the Commentaries 66 pel truth, had not shed their irradiating light;-nor to whom it was given "to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven;"* but being naturally impelled, by the strong impulse of an anxious and investigating mind, in a subject, which, from its infinite importance, was beginning to gain his earnest solicitude, was constrained eagerly to inquire, "what is Truth?"—well may we, who have professedly enlisted ourselves under the glorious banner of the Cross; and who have been "called out of darkness into marvellous light;" exclaim, in our bitter and sullen contempt, of the waywardness and unfaithfulness of our common humanity;" WHERE IS TRUTH?" At the present calamitous period, when the defection of an abandoned and unprincipled faction, no longer hides itself in the dark abodes of unsuspected villany, and undetected hypocrisy, but stalks abroad in Colossal greatness, in the light of open day, throughout almost every order of society;-glorying in all the corrupt principles of unbridled, licentious, sensual nature; in Infidelity and every species of Blasphemy; and in a fashionable contempt of those venerable, and established institutions, which have for so many ages, been eminently blessed, as proper and adequate instruments, in guiding and mollifying men's unruly passions; in keeping a salutary check on their froward wills ;-and directing the united, and concentrated energies of legitimately constituted power, into such useful channels, that served as safe conductors to the whole community;-and consequently produced the invariable results of well-ordered Government and duly exercised power,—namely, harmony, stability, strength, and security-when, I say, we see such a defection, gathering daily strength and accumulated force, from a of Daubuz, the Introduction of Hurd, and the learned dissertations of Faber; which, though with some trifling discrepancies, yet upon the whole, materially coincide in substance.) * Matt. xiii. 11. ↑ John xviii, 38. 1 Peter ii. 9. combination, and admixture of contradictory and hetetogeneous parts ;--whose means however various they may be, still their object is confessedly the same; the effects on the common safeguards of Society are the same; and their principles are identically the same;-if principles they can indeed be called, which are at once bartered, compromised, and sacrificed, in the unlawful obtainment of their darling object, and possession of their ill-gotten spoil:-Yes, when these awfully pernicious effects, in connexion with their contaminated, and rapidly contaminating source, meet the eye of the religious and reflecting observer of the elemental principles, which enter into the rise, revolutions, and decline of empires ;-his imagination riots, and his mind flounders, in the vast ocean of unlimited speculation, except he founds his survey, and terminates his investigations, within the limit of those boundaries, which are mercifully assigned, as directing beacons in the Book of Revelation, to the finite intelligences of erring creatures, by no less than the finger of Omnipotence, and the mind of Omniscience. And who is there, that approaches these unerring records of Divine truths, in a teachable spirit of humility; but will not readily perceive the perfect adaptation, to the present times, of the just rebukes and reproachful expressions; which proceeded from the lips of the Inspired Prophets, as they contemplated and experienced even among "a special people,”* a prevailing apostacy from the God of their fathers; and a growing ingratitude in return for the lovingkindness, and oft-repeated deliverances of their Creator? Who is there, that is "zealous for his God;"†— aye, who is there, that so faithfully regards in the sincere discharge of his sacred office, the Apostolic precept, as ingenuously and honestly "to speak, exhort, and rebuke;" even as, "to have always a conscience void of offence toward God and men;"§ will not * Deut. vii. 6. + Tit. ii. 15. † Numb. xxv. 13. § Acts xxiv. 16. cry aloud, as well in sovereign contempt of the lowering frowns of corrupt wordlings, as of the infamous truckling,-the cringing subserviency,-the low flatteries of hungry parasites, and place-hunting jobbers; who, being like king David's troops, "every one that is in distress, and every one that is in debt, and every one that is discontented; "* or, if you please, like the dependant, intimidated, suborned, hungry, and pensioned Italian Bishops, who voted at the Council of Trent, where the cause was to be for ever ended, as they were driven or paid by the Papal Court ;†-hesi * 1 Sam. xxii. 2. †The Italians, who were present in the packed Council of Trent, amounted to 187; while those of other nations mustered only 80. Did not the inimitable Bishop Jewel, in his immortal and unanswerable Apology, rightly exclaim, "in the name of common sense, how could the last Council of Trent be called General, when it was attended by only forty Bishops from all the different Christian Kingdoms and States? And among these Bishops some were so ignorant, that they needed the instruction of a Schoolmaster; some so utterly destitute of knowledge that they had never read the Scriptures" !!! (See Jewel's Apology, chap. vi.) But is it, any wonder, Sir, that this great Bishop put common sense to the test, when only forty Bishops made their appearance out of Italy, France, Spain, England, Germany, Denmark, Scotland, Asia, Greece, Armenia, Persia, Media, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Mauritania, and many other districts, where Christian Bishops, and all the primitive Institutions of Apostolic Episcopacy, have for ages been acknowledged, and established. Nor is there any wonder also, that the learning of the members of this Council, ill accorded with the views of Jewel on this subject; to whom no part of Divinity, Philosophy, Science, or Literature was unknown; for the comprehensive grasp of his sublime genius had mastered the whole circle of Sacred, and Profane learning. This great Bishop's opinion, however, was not unique:-consult (Alphonso de Castro, lib. i. cap. 4. "Adversus Hæreses.")-and we are there told, that some Popes are so totally ignorant, that they do not even comprehend the rules of Grammar. I would not have cited this author, had I not found upon research in Dupin, one of your Maynooth church historians; (See Appendix to Eighth Report of Commissioners of Irish Education, No. 67.) that, Alphonso, was a celebrated writer belonging to your own communion, being a Spanish friar of the Franciscan order, and so great a favorite in the strong-holds of Popery, as to have accompanied Philip II. to England, and died just as he was appointed Archbishop of Compostella. I will only trouble you with one more authority on this topic, as I intend giving it on a future occasion, a |