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that human nature is depraved and fallen from God, my eyes open at once to discover the characters of this truth, inscribed on every thing around me. All nature, both within and without us, most manifestly declares the withdrawing of the presence of God”— "What then do this sense of want, and this inability to obtain, declare to us, but that man originally possessed a real bliss, of which no traces now remain, except that cheerless void within, which he vainly endeavours to fill from the things around him; by seeking from those which are absent, a joy which present things will not yield,-a joy which neither the

our compassionate Great High Priest) and they shall never perish” (John x. 28.). The following is the opening of a Lesson in the "Officium B. Mariæ in Sabbato"-" Grievously, my beloved, were we hurt by one man and one woman (Adam and Eve); but thanks be to God, not less by one man and one woman (!) are all things restored, aye and with great usury of grace; for not as was the offence, so also is the free gift, &c." (Mense Junio). In this passage, the great, and blessed work of man's Salvation is equally as much ascribed to the Virgin Mary as to our Lord himself. In one of the prayer-books now very commonly used by the laity, is the following horrible, and execrable blasphemy-"Daughter of the eternal Father! Mother of the eternal Son! and Spouse of the Holy Ghost!" (Devout Communicant, p. 66.). It is to be observed that the Romish Church has affected a similarity between the Virgin Mary and our Saviour, in almost all the various incidents in their respective lives. Thus for example, (ex uno disce omnes), not only is the assumption of her body into Heaven made to parallel our Lord's glorious Ascension, but that body itself is stated like our Saviour's to have been miraculously preserved, absolutely free, and entire from all corruption. On the fourth day of the week after the Assumption, a Lesson is read, in which it is declared that "at the time of her glorious falling asleep (her death) all the Apostles, who were employed in their holy mission through the whole earth, for the Salvation of mankind, were in a moment carried aloft through the air (!) and brought together to Jerusalem :-while they were there, they saw a vision of Angels, and heard the hymns of the Hosts of Heaven, and so with Divine Glory she delivered her Soul into the hands of God (!!!) But her body was taken amidst the songs of Angels and of the Apostles, and deposited in a coffin at Gethsemane, in which place the melody of Angels continued for three days. At the end of those days, the Apostles opened the tomb, to enable Thomas, who alone had hitherto been absent, to fulfil a wish which he felt, to adore that body which had borne the Lord (!!) On opening it, the body was no where to be found, but only the grave

present nor the absent can bestow on him; because this illimitable chasm, this boundless void, can never be filled by any but an infinite immutable object.' Pascal then proceeds to show the absolute necessity of the divine communications, conveyed to us through the channels of Revelation, in order to counteract the strength of pride, arrogance, and presumption, which those men must necessarily have, who feed their vanity by the inward impression yet remaining of their former grandeur-by esteeming their nature as hitherto uncorrupted-and by being inordinately alive to the excellency of man;-at the same time, also, to avoid

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clothes in which it had been wrapped; and from them issued an ineffable odour (!) pervading the atmosphere around. So wonderful, and mysterious an event astonished the Apostles, who could draw from it but one conclusion, that it had pleased the Word of God, that her immaculate body (by which he was incarnate) should be preserved from corruption (!), and should be at once translated to Heaven, without waiting for the general resurrection of all flesh (!!!).” In the service of the next day is the following Lesson. 66 But who is sufficient to conceive, how glorious on this day was the progress of the Queen of the World (!)—with what transport of devout affection the whole multitude of the Heavenly Hosts went forth to meet her!--with what hymns she was conducted to the throne of Glory(!) —with how placid, how serene an aspect! with what divine embraces she was received by her Son, and exalted above every creature (!!!.)”. The Title here bestowed on the Virgin Mary, of Queen of the World," is not the highest which she has received. In the Bull of Sixtus IV., which was particularly confirmed, and formally adopted by the Council of Trent, she is styled "Queen of the Heavens," and her Son is spoken of in the very same sentence as King." In the very popular Prayer-Book, to which we have above alluded, she is thus addressed, “O glorious Queen of Heaven” (Devout Communicant, p. 29.). This same title " Queen of Heaven" is given to her in the Breviary, where she is also called the Mistress of all creatures" (Brev. Off. B. Mariæ, tempore Paschali.). On the fifth day of the week of her Nativity occurs the following :- She alone has surpassed Heaven and Earth in her greatness. For what is more holy than she? Neither Prophets, nor Apostles, nor Martyrs, nor Patriarchs, nor Angels, nor Thrones, nor Powers, nor Seraphim, nor Cherubim, nor aught beside of created things, visible, or invisible, can be found greater, or more excellent. She is at once the handmaid, and the mother of God, a Virgin and a Mother (!)." We cannot forbear inserting the following Lesson from an exposition on 1. Sam. i. 1. "The most blessed, ever-virgin Mary, Mother of God, may be designated by the name of the Mountain. For she was in


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that vortex of despair, recklessness, indifference, and negligence, into which those must inevitably plunge, who abjectly sink under the consciousness of their present infirmities-whilst losing sight of the pristine, and yet remaining fragments of the dignity of human nature, regard themselves as irrecoverably lost. as the French philosopher justly remarks-"The Christian religion only has been able thoroughly to cure the opposite vices of pride and despair-the two great sources of all vice; not by using the wisdom of this world to make one expel the other; but by expelling them both, through the means of the simple truth

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"Let us

deed a Mountain, who by the dignity of her election transcended every exaltation of every elect creature. Was not Mary a Sublime Mountain, who, that she might attain to the conception of the eternal Word, reared the summit of her merits above all the choirs of Angels, even to the throne of the Godhead? For This is the Mountain, of whose surpassing dignity Isaiah prophesies. It shall come to pass in the last days, that the Mountain of the Lord's House shall be established in the top of the Mountains (!!!).' For a Mountain, she was, in the top of the mountains; because the exalted height of Mary shone resplendent above all Saints" (Brev. Off. B. M. Mense Augusto.). But what are we to think of the offensive blasphemy contained in a Lesson on Rev. xii. 1-" And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven, a Woman clothed with the Sun, &c.”. embrace the footsteps of Mary, my brethren, and with the devoutest supplication, let us fling ourselves before her blessed feet. Let us hold her fast; let us not suffer her to go, till she hath blessed us ; for she is powerful. She is the Fleece of Wool between the dew and the threshing-floor' (Judges vi. 37.); but perhaps your wonder is rather given to (her other symbol) the Woman clothed with the Sun.' For great indeed is this connexion, wonderful is the nearness of the Sun and the Woman." Nor can we overlook the execrable instance of profaneness, in the repeated, constant application to the Virgin Mary of the 24th chap. of Ecclesiasticus, which was meant to refer to the divine Wisdom; particularly the 9th and 10th verses:66 He created me from the beginning, before the world, and I shall never fail : in the holy tabernacle I ministered before him" (Brev. Off. B. M. Mariæ, passim.). In the same impious style of blasphemy, we find the 8th chap. of Proverbs, from the 22d to the 35th verses applied to the Virgin Mary-a passage often quoted to prove the eternal generation of the Son of God" The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was, &c. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors for whoso findeth me, findeth life, and shall obtain favour of

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of the Gospel. For while it exalts its votaries to be partakers of the divine nature, it teaches that even in this exalted state, they carry with them the source of all corruption, which renders them, during their whole life, liable to error and misery, to death and sin. At the same time, it assures the most impious, that even they might yet experience the grace of the Redeemer. Thus administring salutary dread to those whom it justifies, and needful encouragement to those whom it condemns"—" And hereby it is shewn of the Christian religion, that inasmuch as it only is free from defect or error, to it alone belongs the task of instructing

the Lord" (Missal. in Nativ. B. M. V. et in Concept. B. M. V.). In the same horrid blasphemous manner, are the hymns and prayers addressed to the Virgin Mary, throughout the Breviary. As for example "Mother of mercy at the hour of death take us to thyself— Loose the bands of the guilty-Hold forth light to the blind-Shew thyself to be a Mother-Let Him through thee (!) receive our prayers -Through thee (!) may that be pardonable which through thee we urge; Because thou art the only hope of sinners: Through thee we hope for pardon of our offences, and in thee, O most blessed, is the expectation of our rewards" (Brev. In Off. parv. B. M; In Off. B. M; Sect. v. and vi. in Die ix Septembris, 2 da infra Oct. Nativ. B. M. V.). We will not at present drag any more unblushing examples of idolatry, blasphemy, and superstition out of the established Services-the authorized Liturgy-the most formal book of the private, and public devotions of Papists. From such a sample, protestants can judge both of Romish impieties, and of the character of the Breviary which includes them. At the same time Romanists can decide on the merits of their Breviary, even although it has received the authoritative sanction of three Popes, and glitteringly appears on every papal Altar in the kingdom, as an emblazoned tirade of lying miracles, and impious blasphemy ;-whilst all the clergy of the Roman Church, secular and regular, are commanded daily to peruse it, either in public or private, under pain of mortal sin for the neglect of not doing so; and consequently, eternal damnation. The Litany of Loretto, that is specially devoted to the worship of the Virgin Mary, and which has a conspicuous place in all Romish books of Devotion, contains a repetition of the same disgusting materials. In this Litany she is styled "Mother of divine grace-Mirror of justice-Seat of wisdom-Cause of our joy-Spiritual vessel-Mystical rose- -Tower of David - Tower of ivory -- House of Gold-Ark of the covenant-Gate of heaven-Morning star-Refuge of sinners, &c. &c." It would, indeed, be an endless matter to transcribe all the absurd and revolting blasphemies, which almost every Popish prayer-book super-abundantly contains on this head. We cannot forbear mention

and correcting mankind." If, therefore, our great Tillotson made the following observation in reference to Christianity, when he thus expressed himself, that, "he who would do right to religion, cannot take a more effectual course than by reconciling it with the happiness of mankind,"-we cannot but esteem this recommended task of reconciliation as a perfectly superfluous work, for the very basement of the whole superstructure of our holy religion is, avowedly, the restoration and security of the happiness, glory, and dignity of man-as the angelic choirs proclaimed and ushered in the birth of Jesus-" Glory to God in the

ing one in particular. In a prayer-book, which contains the devotion and service of the "Sacred Heart of Jesus and of Mary", are the following abominations, among a multitude of others. The service appropriated to the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Mary, opens thus-"Go then, devout client, go to the Heart of Jesus, but let your way be through the heart of Mary. Presume not to separate

and divide two objects so intimately one, or united together (!) but ask redress in all your exigencies from the heart of Jesus, and ask this redress through the heart of Mary."-p. 170. Again we read—

Come then, hardened and inveterate sinner, how great soever your crimes may be, come and behold! Mary stretches out her hand, opens her breast to receive you. Though insensible to the great concerns of your salvation, though unfortunately proof against the most engaging invitations, and inspirations of the Holy Ghost, fling yourself at the feet of this powerful advocate ;-her throne, though so exalted has nothing forbidding-nothing dreadful-her heart is all love, all tenderness."-p. 171. Again we read—“ Hail Mary, Lady and Mistress of the world, to whom all power has been given both in heaven and earth (!)"--p. 176. Here, there is impiously ascribed, and in the same words, to the Virgin Mary, that Almighty power, with which our Saviour declares that he is invested-Matt. xxviii. 18. Again we read-"Oh, Virgin! pardon my past offences and indignities, pardon those of mankind."—p. 196. Again" Rejoice, O most glorious Virgin! such is the light of thy glorified body, that it illuminates the whole extent of the heavenly Jerusalem (!) even as the Sun enlivens this lower hemisphere."-p. 218. Here, the reader may readily perceive, that the above is borrowed from Rev. xxi. 23—“the city had no need of the Sun, neither of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof." And lastly-"I reverence you, O Sacred Virgin Mary, the holy ark of the Covenant (!), and together with all the good thoughts of all good men upon earth, and all the blessed spirits in heaven, do bless and praise you infinitely (!), for that you are the Great Mediatrix (!) between God and man, obtaining for sinners

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