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ism; as from time to time in the lapse of ages, they have manifested themselves, in the progressive changes of the widely diversified field of Society; and on the other hand, of Society on the manœuvring of Papal power and Romish pretensions. For disquisitions of this nature, cannot but be, to the scrutinizing glance of a philosophic observer, as amusing as they are interesting; and as remarkable as they are highly important, in furnishing certain Data for prescribing due boundaries ;-beyond which, Hypocrisy, with all its accompanying train of subservient attendants, Falsehood, Misrepresentation, and Deceit, dare not with impunity transgress.

The full development of this fantastic medley ;-an extraordinary medley, indeed, which must necessarily result from a general review of the complicated effects, so wonderfully produced, by the protracted mutual embraces of your Apostacy and the World ;-by the orthodoxy of the One, spontaneously, and naturally, obeying the very persuasive impulse of her temporal policy, in close junction with the interests of the other; -whilst, in the fairness of exchange, for the protection and encouraging patronage, bestowed upon her, by the nations of the earth, which were all at the same time, wallowing in the veriest depths of profound and barbaric darkness and licentiousness; your Church, in return, has unceasingly, and readily, paid an obsequious and flattering court, to glut and sate the carnal appetites of her polluted, and polluting handmaid :-and thus reviving, and verifying, by the frequency of her example and precept, the venerable and infallible dogma of the old Grecian philosophy-that, "the SENSES were the highest natural light of MANKIND." Such a development, I say, presents to the reflecting mind, so marvellous a Phantasmagoria, of so many and so different variegated Phases; insomuch, that it were vain, to search for a parallel, in the extended records of the progress of human intellect; in the whole range of the diversified history of human nature, or the world; or even in the vast assemblage of the prevailing lamentable, and ridiculous absurdities, and contradictions, which are so well adapted to satyrize the proud intellectual prowess of civilized, or of barbarous nations. By this means, however, we are easily enabled to have before us a perfect exhibition of the Protean faculty, inherent in your Romish policy; by which, at any time, as circumstances may profitably suit, she puts forth to the world, in the spirit of mildness, mitigated and LIBERAL representations of the doctrines she professes to believe, and of the practice which she pretends to follow; at the same time, clothing herself in the tinsel ornaments of a false, deceiving and attractive garb, in order the better, to lull suspicion asleep, and to draw a darkening film over the eyes of your unsuspecting adversaries; who are thus either unguardedly, or ignorantly, turned aside, from instituting and grounding inquiry, upon the only proper, adequate, and unerring foundation and rule, to which they can possibly have recourse, when they desire to ascertain the absolute certainty of the doctrines of your system :-for that foundation and rule are as old as Popery itself; but doubtless you are aware of its tendency, and can adequately appreciate its force, that, "IF WE DESIRE TO KNOW WHAT ROME TEACHES, WE MUST NOT TAKE IT FROM HER TEACHERS, BUT FRON HERSELF." Now, Sir, when the diligent and accurate inquirer, keeps this steadily in view, as the prescribed rule and appointed method of his investigation; very soon will he be supplied with an uninterrupted flow of examples, to instruct and warn him; that the greater and more pompous the profession of mildness, charity, and liberality, that the more captivating, the fascinating charms, of a gilded and decorated exterior; just in the same proportion, nay, EVEN MORE, is danger to be apprehended:-it is then most certainly, that the ravening tiger's destructive spring, putting forth her paws to tear and voraciously to destroy, may in truth be justly apprehended :--and that is the very period when each, and all of the sincere and avowed defenhateful and haggard frightfulness of its festering polluting sores, and of its moral contagious disorders, to the full and astonished gaze of a disgusted world ;will now, and unceasingly, be ever my unshrinking,

which two Cardinals are represented, as crowning the Sovereign Pontiff, and two are kneeling, with this inscription, "Quem creant adorant, whom they create they adore!" And to conclude, can you contradict the notoriously well-known fact, recorded even by one of your own historians, that one of your most celebrated Universities, the famous one of Coimbra, so very recently as the year 1717, sent a declaration to Clement XI. containing assurances of their unwavering belief in his Infallibility and Divinity, in the following style; "Our University knows, that, by the mouth of the Sovereign Pastor, it is God Himself who speaks to the flock over which the Holy Ghost has constituted him the Universal Bishop, to govern the Church of God." (Hist. des Papes, tom. v. p. 476, par Bruys.) Notwithstanding all this fine language, it may not be amiss to remind you, what a POLITICAL WEATHERCOCK the Divine Infallibility of the Holy Clement XI. appeared to be, on the memorable subject of the learned and pious Quesnel's New Testament, at that time so violently agitated in your Church. An anecdote illustrative of the matter, is related by Voltaire, in his (Siècle de Louis XIV. vol. ii.) under the article Jansenism. The credit of the narrator is extremely small, the anecdote however is well and incontrovertibly attested, and is as follows. "The Abbé Renaudot, a learned Frenchman, happened to be at Rome the first year of the pontificate of Clement XI. went one day to see the Pope, who was fond of men of letters, and was himself a learned man, and found his Holiness reading Father Quesnel's book. On seeing Renaudot enter the apartment, the Pope said, in a kind of rapture, Here is a most excellent book-We have nobody at Rome that is capable of writing in this manner; I wish I could engage the author to reside here!" And yet, Sir, you know this same book was condemned afterwards by this same Pope, in his well-known Bull of "UNIGENITUS"!!! No more of this, at least at présent; enough has been brought forward, forming a collective body of such evidence and facts as cannot be diminished, much less denied; from which it unanswerably appears, from Public Canons, Decretals, acts of Councils, oracular writers, and infallible authorities, that the Infamous Usurpations, and Blasphemous Pretensions of your Popes are, in the minutest tittle, perfectly coincident with the prophetic and scriptural marks of the Antichristian Tyrant, when we are told, as it is written, "his look was More Stout than his fellows;" (Dan. vii. 20.) again, "he shall speak Great Words against the Most High;" or as Symmachus interprets the passage, "he shall speak Great Words as the Most High;" (id. 20.) again, that he would have "a Mouth speaking Great Things and Blasphemies," (Rev.xiii.v.) and that he would open "his Mouth in Blasphemy against God, to Blaspheme His Name, and His Tabernacle;" (id. 6.) and finally, in

unyielding, and undaunted purpose. To examine, lay open, and unhesitatingly probe every contaminating wound;-aye, and quite to rend, and draw aside, the tapestried curtain from the hidden and generally unknown resources of your own established, but wellguarded ambushes and covert retreats ;-and to throw open, before your followers, and the public view, an unmitigated and unrelenting exposure of the Antichristian abominations of your Papal institutions; contrasted, as they shall be, in each detail, with the searching light of the illumining torch of Revelation; -the resistless energy of Truth; -and the long-recorded predictions of Heaven's unerring Inspiration; -will never cease to be my devoted and unwearying labour. I pledge myself to the unfashionable-perhaps the despised task, of detecting, in the utmost exertion of my power, the secret springs, which put in motion the complicated fabric of the confused Babel of your crude innovations; and exhibiting for a public spectacle, the misshapen Caliban of your human creations. And at the same time, in order to draw a willing assent, from the impartial inquirer, and force an irresistible conviction on the reluctant will, of the unenlightened bigot-I devote myself to the toilsome office of putting your entire system, in its every Cameleon complexion, and throughout the endless mazes of its diversified ramifications, -to the trying tests of the certain warrant of Divine Revelation, of enlightened Philosophy, of the accusing page of impartial History, and of the plainest dictates of Common Sense. Nor, in my future discourses, will I pass by unheeded, the reciprocating influences of Romanism, surrounded by her powerful bulwarks of Jesuit

every respect agreeable to the Predictions, so minutely revealed in the second Chapter, of the second Epistle, of St. Paul, to the Thessalonians, where we are instructed in the hideous machinations of "That Wicked One," or as was hinted above, "That Lawless One;" and designated so, because he "Opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that He as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (2 Thess. ii. 4, et passim.)

ism; as from time to time in the lapse of ages, they have manifested themselves, in the progressive changes of the widely diversified field of Society; and on the other hand, of Society on the manœuvring of Papal power and Romish pretensions. For disquisitions of this nature, cannot but be, to the scrutinizing glance of a philosophic observer, as amusing as they are interesting; and as remarkable as they are highly important, in furnishing certain Data for prescribing due boundaries;-beyond which, Hypocrisy, with all its accompanying train of subservient attendants, Falsehood, Misrepresentation, and Deceit, dare not with impunity transgress.

The full development of this fantastic medley ;-an extraordinary medley, indeed, which must necessarily result from a general review of the complicated effects, so wonderfully produced, by the protracted mutual embraces of your Apostacy and the World ;-by the orthodoxy of the One, spontaneously, and naturally, obeying the very persuasive impulse of her temporal policy, in close junction with the interests of the other; -whilst, in the fairness of exchange, for the protection and encouraging patronage, bestowed upon her, by the nations of the earth, which were all at the same time, wallowing in the veriest depths of profound and barbaric darkness and licentiousness; your Church, in return, has unceasingly, and readily, paid an obsequious and flattering court, to glut and sate the carnal appetites of her polluted, and polluting handmaid :-and thus reviving, and verifying, by the frequency of her example and precept, the venerable and infallible dogma of the old Grecian philosophy-that, "the SENSES were the highest natural light of MANKIND." Such a development, I say, presents to the reflecting mind, so marvellous a Phantasmagoria, of so many and so different variegated Phases; insomuch, that it were vain, to search for a parallel, in the extended records of the progress of human intellect; in the whole range of the diversified history of human nature, or the world; or even in the vast assemblage

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