tianity, into so many poisonous fountains, as may effectually stop the flowing of the healing waters, through the uncorrupted channels of Spiritual religion, Gospel truth, and God-like sincerity. I hesitate not to conjecture that you, and many of your willing and self-devoted dupes, have often since bitterly lamented, that such a luckless occasion offered itself, to draw you so unguardedly out of the longenjoyed halcyon quiet, and uninterrupted sunshine, of your Episcopal retreat. It has however, I am assured, materially served the all-important purposes of True Religion, that one more case is added to the infinite number, already so vividly emblazoned on the page of authentic records; in which it can be irrefragably proved, by evidence that dare not be disputed, much less answered, to the irresistible conviction not merely of Protestants, but also of the idolatrous and blasphemous worshippers of the Papal "Beast; *" that another of their Ecclesiastical Governors, for the advocacy and maintenance of Idolatry and Blasphemy; has been unanswerably guilty of the base and despicable subterfuges of Falsehood, Deception, and the wily chicanery of the eluding grasp of accommodating Jesuitism. Yes, Sir, well did our immortal and illustrious bard inspire, with wrathful ire, the bosom of his historotragic hero, when, as this profound master of the hidden workings of human nature-with the Lyncean eye of his wonted sagacity, so marvellously skilled in penetrating the remotely moving springs of the apish tricks of deceitful man-inwardly surveyed the hideous machinery of the papal farce; and thus was irresistibly impelled to make the impatient King indignantly and aptly exclaim, "I abhor The dilatory sloth and tricks of Rome."t And are those gainsaying tricks, Sir, let me ask, no longer obtruded upon the world? Aye, they assuredly * Rev. xiii. 2, and xx. 4. † Shakespeare, Henry VIII. Act. 2. sc. 4. are; and will unceasingly continue to present their unblushing front, with an accumulating force, and accelerating rapidity; until the measure of the abominations of the Mystery of Iniquity"* is quite made up :for how else than by a proud boast of nefarious impostures, legendary lies, and impious frauds, can your Apostacy, so strikingly portrayed, in the warning voice of Revelation, be defended or upheld; "whose coming (as it is written) is after the working of Satan with all power and signs, and Lying Wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness:t-and the weapons, methinks of a Protogè of Satan are not spiritual but Carnal, veiling in imitation of the Patron Arch-fiend -under the profession and parade, perhaps, of Pharisaical holiness, and the dazzling pomp of ceremonial observances, with such other gorgeous displays of dress and action, so truly palatable to the carnal appetite of the worldly and profane-lust, avarice, deception, cunning, and transformations into such fantastic and Liberal shapes, either of Religion or Politics, as may be most likely to serve his purposes in palming his imposing front on the ignorant and unwary, “insomuch, that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."‡ Nor, Sir, until the final arrival and perfect consummation of that heavenly-marked crisis, so accurately and awfully delineated in "the Lively Oracles" of Divine Inspiration-when your triple-crowned Apostate Tyrant, of whom the triple-headed Cerberus of Paganism, the fictitious guard of the gloomy passage to their fabled infernal regions, is far from being an inadequately unseemly prototype;-when your Lucifer, another and similar rival of the most High God ; -when your Pompous Pretender, like another Corah, exalting himself against the authority of the Creator, in his own rightful ministers, as exhibited in the kings and priests, whose charter is the offspring of the Great Eternal;-when, I say, this grotesque compound of Usurpation and Intrigue shall have quite gone through * 2 Thess, ii. 7. † 2 Thess, ii. 9-10. † Matt. xxiv. 24. his blood-marked round of blasphemy, bigotry, and superstition :-not until then will your impious and multifarious System of pretended Apostolicity-of assumed Infallibility-of usurped Supremacy-of boasted possession of the delegated Keys of Heaven, and the overflowing Treasure of the superabundant merits of Saints, bones and relics-of professed but oft-debauched and scandalously impure Holiness of avowed Catholicity-of erroneous Tenets of innumerable prevailing Schisms and Heresies of veiled Deism and Atheism* of gross Idolatry-of absurdly ridiculous * No doubt the following honest and astonishing confession of your Great Champion, the famous J. K. L., alias Dr. Doyle, will astound you and my readers. The Doctor, observe, does not speak of the Existence of mere differences in Faith or Morals; but unwillingly reveals the well-known fact of the Hot-Beds of Neology, Deism, and Atheism, contained within the polluted walls of all the Romish Colleges of Europe, erected for the education of your Candidate Divines and Pastors. Scarcely, says Dr. Doyle, had he entered foreign University, for the completion of his studies, when he informs us, that he "found himself surrounded by the disciples or admirers of Delambert, Rousseau, and Voltaire; that he frequently traversed in company with them the halls of the Inquisition, and discussed in the area of the Holy Office, those arguments and sophisms, for the suppression of which, this awful tribunal was ostensibly employed; and that at that time the ardour of youth, the genius of the place, the spirit of the times, as well as the examples, of his companions, prompted him to inquire into to all things, and to deliberate, whether he should take his station among the Infidels, or remain attached to Christianity." (Letters on the State of Ireland, by J. K. L. 1825, p. 55.) I cannot, Sir, but express my uncommon delight, in thus finding an unintentional and certainly undesigned verification of the following remarks made on the same subject by Jos. B. White, once a Romish Priest in the enjoyment of distinguished Preferment in the Spanish Church and Court, but now a Clergyman of the Church of England, and a most talented writer. "If my case were singular (speaking of his infidel and sceptical doubts) if my knowledge of the most enlightened classes of Spain did not furnish me with a multitude of sudden transitions from sincere faith and piety to the most outrageous infidelity, I would submit to the humbling conviction, that either weakness of judgment or fickleness of character, had been the only source of my errors. But though I am not at liberty to mention individual cases, I do attest, from the most certain knowledge, that the history of my owa mind is, with little variation, that of a great portion of the Spanish clergy." (See Evidence against Catholicism by the Rev. J. B. White, 2d Edit. p. 8.) And in p. 62, Mr. White says, "I knew but very few Spanish priests whose talents or acquirements were above contempt, who had not secretly renounced their religion.". Fables and legendary Tales-of truly contemptible and indecent Miracles:-nay more, of sanguinary Persecutions-of perpetual Misanthrophy-of determined hostility to the civil and religious Liberties of nations- of the nursery of intellectual Darkness and mental Ignorance-and of systematic Disaffection, at one time latent-at another avowed to the legitimate government of lawful rulers; not until the arrival-I repeat-of the destined Crisis, will this your inexplicable Bulwark of heterogeneous elements, meet its merited and pre-ordained fate. But when that period at length arrives, soon shall we discern a rapid waning in the rampant energies of your hydra-headed monster, and fully discover the absolute futility, and ludicrous display, of the unhallowed usurpations, and bombastic titles, of " THATMAN OF SIN,"*-of "THAT LAWLESS ONE,"† (v. 8)-even * 2. Thess. ii. 3. et seq. † The common English version has "that Wicked one"---but the original word is not πονηρος, but ἄνομος "Lawless," i. e. casting out, renouncing, and trampling on all authority of law, as well Human as Divine :---no doubt you will, Sir, quickly detect the biting pungency of this extraordinary prophetic mark of your Papal Apostacy, when you read in your own writers of established authority, among your Colleges and Clergy, the following execrable passages of revolting blasphemy, in relation to the nature and degree of the longvaunted, but expiring Supremacy of the Popes,---the acknowledged representatives of your Antichristian System. Ist, -The celebrated Spanish Jesuit Lainez, who was the immediate successor of Ignatius Loyola--the ever-memorable founder of the Jesuitical College--in the conspicuous office of General of the Order in the year 1558; and who likewise distinguished himself so very highly in the ranks of sycophancy and parasitism, as a servile minion of the Vatican pretensions, at the Council of Trent, in 1545, that a Cardinal's hat was offered to him, as an approving reward, for his services, in declaring and urging before the Council, that, "The Pope has the power of dispensing with all laws, and the same authority as the Lord :"-in thus impiously ascribing the name as well as the attributes of Deity to the Pope, have we not the additional testimonies of Jacobatius De Concilio, iii. and Durand. De Corpore, 1, 50, "The Pope possesses a plenitude of power, and none dare say to him, any more than to God, Lord, what dost thou?" "He can change the nature of things, and make nothing out of something, and something out of nothing:"and have we not another Romish Jurist, Decius, as well as the Canon Law, the Decretals, and the Last General Lateran Council,-to of him "who opposeth and exalteth himself ABOVE ALL THAT IT CALLED GOD, or that it worshipped," (v. 4.) -of him who as "God sitteth in the temple of God, SHEWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD," - (v. 4.) of him whose principles you have sworn,-inculcating precisely the very same blasphemies? 2nd. And as if it were not sufficient, Sir, to equalize the prerogatives of your Popes with those of the Supreme Deity-I challenge-I dare you to deny the palpable fact, that even the Pontiffs themselves, as well as your Theologians, Canonists, and Councils, have unblushingly, in perfect despite of the horrid blasphemy, maintained the Pope's superiority over the Creator!!! Can you contradict the fact of Cardinal Zarabella informing the world, that, "The Pope can do all things, whatsover he pleases, EVEN UNLAWFUL THINGS and is MORE THAN GOD!!! (See De Schism)-or his assertion that the "Pontiffs, in their arrogance, assumed the accomplishment of all they pleased, EVEN UNLAWFUL THINGS, and thus raised their power ABOVE THE LAW OF GOD," (See De Schism)-with which compare (Thuan. Histor. 6 vol. p. 397.) Nay more, can you deny that Cardinal Bellarmine, the oracular guide and continually quoted doctor in all your controversies, has taught you to believe, that, "The Pope can transubstantiate sin into duty, and duty into sin"!!!-(De Pontif. Rom. lib. iv. cap, 5 ad finem.) Can you deny that a writer of high authority and reputation in your Church, the Jesuit Massonus, has declared "That the Roman Pontiffs CANNOT Even SIN WITHOUT PRAISE"!!! (History of the Popes, lib. iii. Vit. Johan. ix.) But what says the Canon Law, the theory and practice of which are taught in almost all of your Colleges :- does it not teach you that "The Pope in the plenitude of his power, is above right, can change the substantial nature of things, and transform unlawful into lawful"!!! (Durand. De Corpore 1.50.) And does not the same Canon Law also declare "The Pope has plenitude of power, and is above law?" (Gibert's Corpus Juris Canonici, 2 vol. p. 103.) But above all, can you contradict the stubborn truththat these shameful and blasphemous usurpations hold a conspicuous, in short an engrossing station, throughout the entire of the famous Decretal Epistles, which, (whatever may be your liberal opinion) even in our time-Romanists themselves, at least such as are possessed of any tolerable degree of judgment, and impartiality; honestly acknowledge as a fictitious support, as a pious fraud, as a pardonable cheat; felicitously contrived, to gain a degree of credit, to the superlatively haughty pretentions of the Supremacy of your high minded Pontiffs; and which, you are aware, from the novelty of the doctrines and the claims of the Popes, formed quite a new Ecclesiastical Code in the ninth Century; but such as we have heard nothing about in any of the ancient rules of Primitive Church Government. (See Buddeus Isagoge in Theologiam, tom. ii. p. 762, also Petr. Constantius, Prolegom. ad Epist. Pontificum, tom. i. p. 130; but particularly a Dissertation of Fleury, prefixed to the 16th vol. of his |