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twelve shillings and eightpence farthing + seventy thousand eight hundred and sixteen pounds five shillings and sevenpence halfpenny + nine thousand three hundred pounds four shillings and sixpence + eight pounds eight shillings and eightpence.



(4) What will a gross of pens come to at 3d. per dozen? (5) What will a pair of gloves cost if 6 dozen cost £7 2s. 6d. ? (6) Find the difference between ten thousand pounds and ten thousand pence.

Lesson 229.-Thursday Morning. Write and Learn. Dictation.--EXERCISES ON VARIOUS DIFFICULT WORDS.We perceived when it was too late that the neighbouring chiefs had made a league. Can you give me a receipt for making marmalade? Under the guidance of the shepherd we crossed the heath safely. We saw nothing of the man in disguise: he had evidently taken to flight. The musician fell into a passion with the physician who gave him the nasty physic.

Lesson 230.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) What will 36 yards of braid come to at 24d. per yard? (2) What must I pay for 19 lbs. of butter at 15 d. per lb. ? (3) 14s. 91d. x 189. (4) £4,007 13s. 84d. ÷ 79. *(5) If I buy 40lbs. of tea for £10, and sell it at 2s. 6d. per lb., do I gain or lose, and how much?



(6) I bought so many pounds of soap for £15, and paid 3 d. per pound for it: how many pounds was there?


Lesson 231.-Learn for Monday Morning.

It is proper that alms should come out of a little purse as well as out of a great sack; but surely where there is plenty charity is a real duty. It is a tribute imposed by heaven upon us, and he is not a good subject who refuseth to pay it.—Feltham.

True charity, a plant divinely nursed,

Fed by the love from which it rose at first,
Thrives against hope, and, in the rudest scene,
Storms but enliven its unfading green;

Exub'rant is the shadow it supplies,

Its fruit on earth, its growth above the skies.-Cowper.

OR ELSE LEARN St. John XVI., verses 11-17.

Lesson 232-Tuesday Morning. Dictation.

We sometimes hear of people who are afraid1 of their shadows, and it seems cowardly and foolish; but, if Augustine's idea? should come to pass, a great many would have reasons to be frightened by the image of their inner selves, so deformed1 and unsightly it might be, or so disagreeable, that nobody would wish to take a second view after they had once seen its ugliness. ideu, notion. 3 reason, cause. 4 disagreeable, unpleasant.

afraid, frightened.

of shape. 5 unsightly, ugly.


deformed, out view, look.

Lesson 233.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) What do 3 ounces of gold come to at £3 17s. 10 d. per ounce (2) Multiply 17s. 6d. by 10813.

*(3) Divide eight hundred and six thousand and nine pounds by 27. * (4) What will 20 herrings cost if four cost 5d. ?


(5) From eight thousand and sixty pounds take seventeen shillings and eightpence three farthings.

*(6) I have hired a sewing machine from the store worth £6 108., and have to pay for it in seven months: how much shall I have to put away each week?

Lesson 234.—Thursday Morning. Write and Learn.

Dictation.-EXERCISES ON VARIOUS DIFFICULT WORDS.When the sluice was opened the water rushed through with such force as almost to swamp our canoe. When you have got a few moments of leisure come and see the fine heifer I have recently bought. The leopard is a beautiful and graceful animal. At last they yielded to advice, and peace was proclaimed. Kate is very conceited because she has received a prize for " general intelligence."

Lesson 235.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) What must I pay for 151lb. of candles at 7d per lb. ? (2) Tom Smith sells 8 dozen newspapers every day, and gains a half-farthing on each: how much money does he make from Monday morning to Saturday night?


(3) A shoemaker sells 149 pairs of boots for £118 14s., and gains 68. on each pair he sells: what do each pair cost him?


* (4) £393,811 1s. 6d. ÷ 9. (5) £57,496 118. 3 d. x 28. # (6) Divide £24.800 10s. 5d. by three hundred and five.


Lesson 236.-Learn for Monday Morning.

Time speeds away-away-away;
No eagle through the skies of day,
No wind along the hills can flee
So swiftly or so smooth as he:


Like fiery steeds-from stage to stage
He bears us on from youth to age;
Then plunges in the fearful sea
Of fathomless eternity. Knox.

Time is cried out upon as a great thief. It is people's own fault; use him well, and you will get from his hand more than he will ever take from yours.-Miss Weatherell,

Nothing is more precious than time, and those who misspend it are the greatest of all prod-i-gals.-Theophrastus.

OR ELSE LEARN St. John XVII., verses 1-8.

Lesson 237.-Tuesday Morning. Dictation.

* A high gateway gave us admittance' to a cluster of houses around an open space, where seats of beaten earth and stone bordering the walls here and there formed a sort of Arab antechamber or waiting-room for visitors not yet received into the interior, and thus bespoke the importance of the owner. Here our guide halted, and we modestly dismounted.


1 admittance, entrance. cluster, group, collection, 3 bordering, going round. interior, inside. bespoke, showed. halted, stopped.


Lesson 238.—Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) What is the cost of 3674 ounces of silk at 34d. per ounce ? (2) What must I pay for 123 cwt. of coke at 10 d. per cwt.? (3) I bought a leg of mutton for 9s. 2 d., paying 8 d. per lb. for it how many lbs. were there?


* (4) £9,376 12s. 4 d. x 350. *(5) £54,509 11s. 6d. ÷ 9, 180.

Write and Learn.

Lesson 239.-Thursday Morning. Dictation.-EXERCISES ON VARIOUS noisy, insolent lad is a great nuisance. The surgeon says he must probe the wound before he can tell its depth. A steady and persevering endeavour will carry you through great difficulties. We were determined not to yield, though we were so fatigued we could scarcely carry our weapons. The weather was very boisterous throughout the voyage. The saucy gipsy is lazy when he is sober, and when he is drunk he is a perfect fiend.

Lesson 240.—Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

* (1) If one lb. of salt cost d., how many lbs. can thirteen florins?

get fo * (2) I bought a horse for £60, and a carriage which cost me half just as much as the horse: what did they both cost me? (3) What must I pay for 8,000 envelopes at 9d. per hundred? (4) A boy's jacket and waistcoat cost £1 7s. 7 d., but the jacket was worth just twice as much as the waistcoat: what did each cost?




(5) How many apples at 3 a penny should be given in exchange for 44 oranges at 9d. per doz.?


(6) If 1,790 shillings be multiplied by 51, and £511⁄2 be t' added to the product, what will be the sum ?

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