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[blocks in formation]

Malacca, attack by the King of
Acheen on, 43.

Malays, nautical character of the,


Resemblance between them
and the people of the South Sea
Islands, 37. Their fisheries long
established on the coast of New
Holland, 43.

Mangaja, treatment of the mission-
aries in this island, 226.
Mariner, William, particulars re-
lated by him respecting the first
missionaries in Tonga, 258.
Marion, a French commander, visits
New Zealand, where he is mur-
dered, 342.
Marquesas, when first discovered
by Mendana, 181. Climate, ib.
Products, ib. Cannibalism, 182.
Description of natives, ib. Visited
by Cook, 183. Dædalus arrives,
184. Bennett's account of these
isles, 190. The gospel makes small
progress in them, 399. Romish
missionaries land at this station,


Matavai, this district ceded to the
missionaries, 136, 140.

Mauke, one of the Hervey group,
noticed, 224. Visited by Lord
Byron, 228. Church described,

Melanesia, or Black Islands, 21.
Mendana, visit of this navigator to
the Marquesas, 182.
Metempsychosis, 74.

teachers, 147. Cause of their dis-
persion, 152. Return in 1811,
154. Forced by circumstances to
become traders, 166. Gratifying
results of their labours, 235. In-
trusive disposition manifested by
them in the Sandwich Islands, 323.
Remarks on the changed character
of the South Sea Islanders, said to
be in consequence of the strict laws
enforced by them, 404.
Missionary enterprise, remarks on,
392, 395. Results, 398.
Missionary Society, when first form-
ed, 101.

Missions, little good effected at first
by them, 104. Probable causes of
this failure, 105, 391. Civilisation
and morality introduced in Poly-
nesia owing to their efforts, 125,
Mosaical Law, interest in the cere-
monies of the, shown by the South
Sea Islanders, 72.

Motives for renewing intercourse
with the Society Islanders, 95.
Mountainous Islands, 28.
Mowee, progress of religion and
Mythological ballads, notice of those
learning in this island, 408.
in use among the Polynesian tribes,


Nautilus, unfortunate results from
the visit of this vessel at Otaheite,

Navigators' Islands, human sacri-
fices unknown, 71. Their situa-
tion, 267. Appearance of the
country, 268. Manners of the in-
habitants, 269. Visited by Wil-
liams, 271. Introduction of Chris-
tianity, 273. Mixed reasons which
led to the conversion of the chiefs
and others, 275. Good effects of
the advice of the missionaries in
putting an end to a dreadful con-
test, 276. First missionary meet-
ing, 277. Improvement in the
manners of the people of these is-
lands, ib. Remains of Mr Wil-
liams interred, 285.
Nelson, settlement formed at this
place, 366.

Missionaries, improvement in the
Polynesian isles caused by, 18, 62,
116. Question put to them by the
Polynesians respecting the origin
of evil, 73. Their statements as
to sorcery, 83. The spirit and zeal
displayed by, 90, 92. First land-
ing at Otaheite, 101. Remarks on
the modes of conveying divine
knowledge to the heathen, 103.
Zeal and perseverance manifested
by these teachers, 111. Evil may
be mingled with the good effected,
112. Testimony in their favour,
115. Conspiracy formed against
them, ib. Mechanical arts taught
by, 122, 136. Their attempts to
put a stop to infanticide and hu-
man sacrifice, 139. Miseries en-
dured by these devoted men, 144.
Second arrival at Otaheite of these Obookiah, notice of this youth, 304.

Nicholson, Port, colony established
there, 363. Noticed, 366.
Noukahiva, or Martin's Island, de-
scribed, 191. Habits of the natives,


Ohittahoo, attempts to introduce
Christianity into this island, 187.
Omai, brought to England by Cook,
133. Visits Atiu on his way home,

Oro, the god of war, 58, 70.
Orsmond's translation of the Otahei-
tan account of the Deluge, 65.
Otaheite, notices of, 20. Its physi-
cal origin, 28. Distinction of caste
in, 35. Manners of the inhabitants,
77. Arrival of the Bounty, 96.
Fruits peculiar to the country,
97. Visit of Spanish missionaries,
98. The supremacy of the King
of Spain acknowledged, ib. Re-
spect shown to the Lord's-day, 123.
Civilisation introduced by mis-
sions, 125. Visited by Captain
Wallis, 132. Arrival of Cook, 133.
Reinforcement of missionaries,
147. Their treatment, 148. Po-
mare returns from exile, 156.
Conversions to Christianity in-
crease after this event, 157. Im-
provement in the people conse-
quent on this change, 396. At-
tempt to establish a Roman Cath-
olic mission, 397. Productions.of
the island, 422.

Otoo, one of the rulers of Otaheite,
96, 99. His notions as to religion,
111. Conduct to the missionaries,
142, 145. Assumes the title of
Pomare II. on the death of his
father, 150. Learns to write, 151.
Professes Christianity, 154; and
is baptized, 171.

Ouapoa, or Trevennien's Island,

Owhyhee noticed, 297. Improve-
ments introduced by foreigners
into this island, 300.

Pelew Islands, visited by Captain
Wilson, 290. Character of the
natives, ib. Productions, 291.
Perouse, La, his observations on the
language of the natives of the South
Sea Islands, 38.

Pitcairn's Island, its occupation by
the mutineers of the Bounty, 96.
Noticed, 192. Described, 200.
Good conduct of natives, 203.
Polarity of the mountains in South-
ern Ocean, 23.
Polygamy, 60, 72, 79.

Polynesia, discovery of, 18. Situa-
tion, 21. Colour of natives, ib.
First application of the name, 22.
Volcanic action in, ib. Smaller
archipelagos, 23. Origin of the

people, 32, 378, 384, 385. Pro-
bability that they migrated from
Asia, 36. Their resemblance to
the Malays, 37, 41. Observations
on the language, 38. Distance
from Sumatra, 42. Description
of the several classes of inhabi-
tants, 43. Climate and scenery,
46. Character of the people, 47.
Ancient monuments, 49. My-
thological ballads, ib. Form of
government, 51, 58. Reverence
shown to the king, 51. Different
orders of society, 55. Regal cere-
monies, 57. National assemblies,
59. Laws, 60. Human sacrifices,
61, 382. Notions of religion, 62.
Traditions of the Deluge, 64.
Species of worship, 67. Honours
shown to the dead, 69. Religious
devotees, 70. Belief in a future
state, 71. Inquiries respecting the
resurrection of the body, 73. In-
tellectual powers, 74. Mental
capacity of the inhabitants, 75.
Physical attributes, 76. Duration
of life, 77. Marriage ceremonies,
78. Belief in sorcery, 81. Public
entertainments, 85. Improved
character of the people owing to
missionary enterprise, 117, 235.
Remarks on the past and present
state of these islands, 377. Resem-
blance in religious usages to the
Asiatics, 378. First intercourse
between Europeans and the na-
tives attended by fatal diseases,
393. Commercial enterprise at
the present time, 420.
Polypes, coral, notices of, 23, 25.
Pomare, motives which led him
to abjure idolatry, 104. His
delight in seeing the mission-
aries at work as smiths, 137. His
reluctance to allow them to de-
part, 143. Kindness shown to
them by this prince, 145. His
death noticed, 150. Etymology of
the name, 151.

Pomare II. His letter to the Lon-
don Missionary Society, 151. His
conversion to Christianity, 154.
Effect of his clemencyon the people,
158. Orders the idols' temple to
be destroyed, ib. Prayer composed
by him, 159. He throws off the
first sheet printed in the South
Sea Islands, 162. Large church
erected by his means, 169. His
baptism, 171, His death, 172.
Statement of Mr Ellis respecting
him, 173.

Pomare III. Coronation, 174. His
death, 175.

[blocks in formation]

Raatira, or chief, 80.

Raiatea, success of the missions in
this island, 172, 214. Sudden con-
version from idolatry, 390.
Raivavai, discovery of this island,
207. Idolatry abolished, 208.
Rapa, one of the Austral Isles, de-
scribed, 206. Arrival of mission-
aries, 207.

Rarotonga discovered by Mr Wil-
liams, 225, 229. Progress of the
gospel in this island, 230, 237. Cus-
toms and laws of the natives, 232.
Hurricanes, 234.

Remarks on the motives which lead
to voyages of discovery, 89.
Rienzi, his works referred to, 81.
Rihoriho, Christianity established
in the Sandwich Islands by this
prince, 306. Becomes king under
the name of Tamehameha II.. ib.
Rimatara, character of the inhabit-
ants, 215. Visited by Williams,
216. Improvement in the customs
of the natives, 217.

Roman Catholic missions, attempts
to establish them in several Poly-
nesian islands, 397. Their success
in Gambier's Island, 398.
Romatane, exertions of this chief in
the cause of religion, 227.
Rum, its injurious effect on the peo-
ple of Polynesia, 120.
Rurutoo, discovered by Cook, 212.
Conversion of inhabitants, ib.
Visited by Mr Ellis, 215.


Sandilands, Captain, peace main-
tained in Otaheite through his
intervention, 177.
Sandwich Islands, discovered by
Captain Cook, 296. Position and
extent, 297. Enterprise of the
natives, 298-301. Importance of
the local position for trading, 301.
Means through which Christianity
was introduced, 304. Abolition of
idolatry, 311. King and queen
visit England, 315. Death and
character of the king, 316. Change
in the manners of the natives dur-
ing the last few years, 318-320,

328. Increase of civilisation, 332.
Religious awakening, ib. Usages
at the death of friends, 381. Re-
semblance of these customs to the
practices of the Israelites, ib.
Present state of society noticed,
406. Decrease of the population,
410. Causes which may lead to
this result, 412. Americans enjoy
nearly all the trade carried on
between these islands and other
countries, 422.

Savaii, one of the Navigators' Isl-
ands, 267.

Slavery, its mild form in Polynesia,

Society Islands, notices of, 21, 29,
49. Motives which led to a re-
newal of intercourse with the
natives, 95. Christianity and
civilisation introduced, 172. Disaf-
fection and dissolute habits caused
by the very disastrous war which
raged in these islands, 178.
Solomon Islands, where situated,
286. Productions, and character
of the natives, 287.

Sorcery practised in South Sea Isl-
ands, 81.

Southern Ocean, when first discover-
ed, 18. Description of the islands
in, 19.

South Sea Fishery, its great extent,

South Sea Islands, religious belief

in, 63. Marriage ceremonies, 78.
Spain, King of, acknowledged owner
of Otaheite, 98.

Spanish discoveries in Pacific, 98.
Spanish missionaries, Captain Cook
denies any converts were made
by them, 99. Imperfect success
among the Indians, 105.
Stewart, Rev. C. S., his account of
the Sandwich Isles referred to,
318, 327, 329.
Surville, a French navigator, his
cruel conduct at New Zealand
noticed, 340.


Taaroa, a deity of the Polynesians,
63, 64, 67.

Taboo, observations on, 35. Nature
and extent of the custom, 306.
Manner in which this superstition
was abolished in the Sandwich
Islands, 308.

Tama, worshipped in Polynesia,

Tamatoa, a convert to Christianity,
his character and death noticed,

Tamehameha, rise of this chief, 299.
Cedes the sovereignty of his domin-
ions to the British monarch, 300.
George III. assures him of his
friendship, 302. Character, 303.
His anxiety to introduce Chris-
tianity, 303-306.
Tamehameha II., suspicion evinced
by him in regard to the mis-
sionaries, 314. Learns to read
and write, ib. He and his queen
visit England, where they die,
315. Character of this prince by
Mr Ellis, 316. Kotzebue's account
of him, 317.
Tamehameha III., 328. Presides
at the opening of a church,

Tanna, cannibalism in this island,

281. Account of the natives, 282.
Tasman, Tonga discovered by this
navigator, 242; also New Zealand
and Van Diemen's Land, 335.
Tonga or Friendly Islands, visited
by Cook, 243, 244. Arrival of the
ship Duff, 245.
Tongataboo, one of Friendly Isles,
visited by Cook, 243. Cultivation
of the soil, 244. Conspiracy
against Cook, ib. Arrival of the
Duff, 245. Missionaries protected
by the king, 247. Superstition of
the natives, 250.

character of the inhabitants, 253.
Three missionaries murdered, 259.
Arrival of Mr Williams, 260. Cli-
mate and productions, 263.
Toobouai, situation of this island,
208. Christianity established, 210.
Celebrity of this spot, owing to its
being the refuge of the mutineers
of the Bounty, 211.

Tooi, visit of this young chief to
England, 374.
Turnbull, his favourable testimony
respecting the missionaries in Ota-
heite, 115.

[ocr errors][merged small]

nesia owing to, 22. Still of fre-
quent occurrence, 23-27. Action
of, 27, 28.

Voyages of discovery, motives which
lead to these enterprises, 89.


Waimate, one of the chief towns in
New Zealand, 353.
Waldegrave, Captain, his descrip-
tion of the islands of Low Archi-
pelago, 191. Testimony as to the
value of a liturgy, 203.
Wellington, fine situation of this
town, 366.

Wesleyan missionaries, plan pur-
sued by them in Tongataboo, 263.
Williams, Mr, division of the South
Sea Islands into classes by, 28.
His opinion of the origin of the
language of Polynesia, 41.

work referred to, 62. Visits Ri-
matara, 216. Discovers Raro-
tonga, 225, 229. Introduces the
gospel into Aitutaki, 225. Arrives
at Mangaia, 226. Visits Naviga-
tors' Islands, 272. Murdered in
the New Hebrides at Erromango,

Wilson, Captain, expedition under,

101. His account of the kindness
shown by the king and queen of
Otaheite, ib. Visits the Pelew
Islands, 290.

Woahoo, results of missionary labour
in this island, 312. Improved man-
ners of the natives, 403.

Xavier, Francis, his labours alluded
to, 90.


Yate, Rev. William, his account
of New Zealand, 348, 351, 354,
358. His remarks on the Litur-
gical service, and the religious
belief of the natives, 417.


Zealand, New, practices at, 71.
Discovered, 335. Visited by Cook,
337. Where situated, 339. Soil,
productions, and climate, 339, 340.
Attempt of the French to form a
settlement in the country, 341.
Murder of the commander, and
consequent massacre of the natives,
342. Intercourse with Australia,
344. Character of the natives, 345.
One of them visits England, ib.
The crew of the Boyd murdered,

345. Arrival of the church mis-
sionaries, 347. Two chiefs visit
England, 348. Protection given
to the christian teachers in con-
sequence, 349. Disadvantage to
this country from its not having a
king over the whole group, ib.
First report of the missionaries,

Manner in which the Sun-
day services are conducted, ib.
Progress of Christianity, and social
improvement resulting therefrom,
352-355. Cultivation of flax, 357.
Harbours, ib. Bishop of Austra-
lia visits these islands, 358. A
bishop sent out from England,
360. Results of the missionary
labours, ib. Worst kind of Euro-
peans take refuge here, 361. First
attempt to colonize the country,


Sovereignty of the British
monarch declared, 365. Advan-
tages of this country, 367. Pre-
sent state and aspect of the islands,
368. Character of the natives,
368-371. Improvement produced
by Christianity, 372. Necessity
for Britain continuing its attempts
to civilize the inhabitants, 373.
Epidemic diseases introduced from
intercourse with Europeans, 413.
Change in the character of the
natives within a few years, 414.
Facilities for commerce, 423.
Exports, ib. Whale trade, 424.
Zealand, New, Company, its forma-
tion, 362.

Zuniga, his opinion as to the origin
of the people of South Sea Islands,



Printed by Oliver & Boyd,
Tweeddale Court, High Street, Edinburgh.

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