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boo to the Marquesas, with the view of planting missionaries in those islands. On the 5th June, the ship anchored in Resolution Bay, and next morning Captain Wilson received a visit from Tenae, a chief, who went on board prepared to exchange presents with the stranger. When the subject of settling two teachers in the country was mentioned, he seemed highly delighted, and declared that they should have a house, and a share of all he had. When the two brethren, Harris and Crook, landed, he conducted them to one of his best residences, intimating that it was at their service, and that they might occupy it as soon as they pleased. It was twentyfive feet long, six wide, ten feet high in the back part, and four in the front. At the corners, four stout stakes were driven into the earth, on which were laid horizontal pieces of wood, and from these last to the ground bamboos were neatly ranged in perpendicular order at a distance of about half an inch from each other, and in front of them were hung long blinds made of leaves. The furniture consisted of a mat stretched on the floor, several large calabashes, fishing-tackle, and a few spears.

Mr Crook was not discouraged by this appearance of things, which certainly did not promise much comfort; but his colleague, Harris, did not conceal his disappointment, nor his reluctance to enter upon his professional labour among such uncouth barbarians. It was manifest that he had become paralysed by fear, his ardour quenched, and his firmness shaken. He agreed, nevertheless, to make a trial; the captain assuring him that if he thought it unsafe to stay, and could show satisfactory reasons, he might return on board. After a week's deliberation, during which his courage seemed to gain no strength, he was 66 set on shore with all his things." A short experience convinced him that neither his bodily nor mental energies were equal to the task upon which he had entered. He expressed a deep disgust with the food and other matters; and one morning, a fisherman swam from the shore at break of day, to inform the captain that the frightened missionary had been on the beach all night,

after being robbed of the greater part of his property. Mr Falconer, the third mate, who went to bring him off, found him in a most lamentable condition, and almost deprived of intellect.

The reasons which he gave for deserting in this pusillanimous manner the duty assigned to him, illustrate some of the features of society as it then existed at the Marquesas; but the particulars are so utterly void of delicacy that we cannot enter upon the recital, though given at length in the missionary narratives. At all events, Harris determined to leave a country the inhabitants of which were so utterly abandoned; while Crook, in the face of all difficulties, determined to remain, and make an attempt at least, by elevating their views, to improve their manners. His deportment on this occasion afforded much delight to every one on board the Duff, who anticipated the happiest results from the labours of a man who counted not his life dear to him, provided he could realize in any degree the benevolent object on which he had been sent. In the evening, he came on board with the chief to take leave, as the ship was to sail next morning; accordingly, after several articles were put into the canoe, all his countrymen affectionately bade him farewell. Even at this solemn parting, his manly feeling and christian resolution did not forsake him; tears glistened in his eyes, but none fell; nor did he betray the least sign of fear or reluctance to enter upon the perilous work unaided and alone.*

After persevering about twelve months without success, this zealous servant of the Society found it expedient to remove from the Marquesas. In 1821, a renewed attempt was contemplated; but the missionaries, two natives of Huaheine, who had been appointed to those islands, accompanied Mr Ellis to the Sandwich group, where they were ultimately detained. Accordingly, it was not till the beginning of 1825 that Mr Crook conducted thither three teachers from Otaheite, when

* Missionary Voyage, p. 128-143.

several of the inhabitants, who had known him during his former residence, welcomed his return. The greater number, however, were still exceedingly vicious and disorderly in their conduct. After remaining about a month, and holding various conferences with the priests and other influential persons, he left the brethren, themselves natives of the Georgian Isles, to commence their arduous undertaking. Their prospects of success were at first rather encouraging in Santa Christina; but the wickedness of the people proved so atrocious, and their behaviour so offensive even to the Otaheitans, accustomed as they were to the immoral practice of savages, that they returned home in despair. They were succeeded by others, who were likewise obliged to leave in 1828. Next year, two Europeans proceeded to the same quarter, to ascertain the real condition of those unimprovable tribes, and the practicability of re-establishing a mission among them. After a careful examination of their social state and character, viewed in connexion with the scanty means supplied to them by the chiefs, they were obliged to conclude that the time for converting the barbarians of Ohittahoo had not yet arrived.

In 1831, Mr Darling, who sailed to the Marquesas in the Olive Branch, visited all the islands. Fatouiva or La Magdalena, being the most southern of the group, is usually the first seen by vessels approaching from the eastward. When the ship reached the north-western side of the island, a number of the natives came around her in canoes, from whom they learned that the inhabitants, who had been engaged in no war during two years, were still living in peace with one another. Encouraged by this account, they sent their boat on shore for supplies. Fanah, an individual who was born there, but had resided several years at Otaheite, and was believed to be a decided Christian, landed, in company with another Marquesan, to obtain more full intelligence as to the actual position of affairs, and the sentiments of the chiefs towards christian teachers. They soon returned on board taking with them the principal proprie

tor of that part of the coast on which the Olive Branch was anchored; who, being made acquainted with the object of their visit, had come to request that some of the missionaries might be stationed among his people. Finding that the inhabitants themselves concurred in this petition, promising to protect their instructors, to supply them with the means of support, and afford every facility in the prosecution of their good work, Mr Darling communicated this intelligence to the brethren, two of whom agreed at once to remain on the island. Towards the evening of the same day, after a suitable address, they were recommended to God in the presence of the chief and his followers, who had gone on board for the purpose of witnessing this ceremony; and having received from the presiding minister a testimonial, certifying that they were stationed there as christian teachers by the missionaries in Otaheite, they affectionately took leave, carrying with them a few articles of clothing, books, and tools. On the shore they found the people assembled waiting their arrival; to whom Fanah explained the object which their visiters had in view, and recommended them to their most favourable regards. Upon performing this duty, he himself returned on board, and the vessel proceeded to the other islands, where similar duties were to be performed.*

Mr Darling found that at Ouapoa or Trevennien's Island, where missionaries were stationed in the year 1828, little progress had been made; on which account, he removed the sole survivor, whose health and spirits had undergone an unfavourable change. The teachers

* Missionary Records, Tahiti, p. 296. In reference to the ferocity of the people, it is said by this author, "however reluctant we may have been to admit the cannibalism of any of the Polynesian tribes, the testimony of foreigners of every nation by whom the Marquesans have been visited, and of the native teachers from the Society Islands, who have resided long among them, forces upon us the belief, that they perpetrate this unnatural crime to as great an extent, and under circumstances as aggravating, as it has been met with among any portion of mankind."

left at Santa Christina, owing to the adverse circumstances already mentioned, have since retired, but those at La Magdalena resolved to remain; and though at times surrounded by war and exposed to many perils, they refused to leave their station, hoping ultimately to accomplish their important object. But the ferocity of the natives, their unsatiable desire of firearms and ammunition, their love of war, its sanguinary character, and the inhuman practice with which it is usually concluded; their inveterate attachment to a system which sanctions every vice and cruelty; and, above all, their abominable licentiousness and inconstancy of disposition, presented an almost insuperable bar to their success. Still it is a singular fact, that the chiefs of all the islands expressed a desire that white men should reside among them as religious instructors. The attention of the London Missionary Society has been repeatedly directed to the deplorable state of the whole Marquesan group. They were visited in 1833 by a deputation of Americans from the Sandwich Islands, who succeeded in establishing a mission in the northern cluster; but owing to obstructions of the same nature as those just mentioned, they were compelled to discontinue their labours the following year.

The latest accounts communicated to the public, relative to the isles of Mendana, are contained in a diary kept by Mr Bennett, surgeon of the Tuscan whaler, which completed a voyage round the world in the year 1836. The population of Santa Christina was then estimated at 1400 persons, whose appearance was robust and healthy, with handsome features. Each valley was under the dominion of a separate chief, who maintained a feudal independence. The natives, who had for some time enjoyed profound peace, are described as being generally honest and well-behaved, trading with the English officers on a very amicable footing. The author remarks, however, that vigilance is quite indispensable, as they are extremely capricious, and capable of the greatest outrages when least suspected.

Two missionaries conveyed by the Tuscan from Eng

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