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Tho Dilwdith,





English Tongue:


In Five PARTS.



II. A large and useful Table of
Words, that are the fame in
Sound, but different in Significa-
tion; very neceffary to prevent
the writing one Word for another
of the fame Sound.

I. Words, both common and proper,
from one to fix Syllables: The fe-
veral forts of Monosyllables in the
Words being diftinguish-
ed by Tables, into Words of two,
three, and four Letters, &c. with
fix short Lesions at the End of
each Table, not exceeding the or-
der of Syllables in the foregoing
Tables. The several forts of
Polysyllables alfo, being ranged in
proper Tables, have their Sylla-
bles divided, and Directions pla-
ced at the Head of each Table for
the Accent, to prevent falfe Pro-
nunciation; together with the
like Number of Leffons on the
foregoing Tables, placed at the
End of each Table, as far as to
Words of four Syllables, for the
eafier and more speedy Way of V. Forms of Prayer for Children,
teaching Children to Read.

III. A short, but comprehenfive
Grammar of the English Tongue,
delivered in the most familiar and
instructive Method of Question
and Answer; necessary for all fuch
Perfons as have the Advantage,
only of an English Education.
IV. An useful Collection of Sen-
tences in Profe and Verfe, Divine,
Moral, and Hiftorical; together
with a select Number of Fables,
adorn'd with proper Sculptures,
for the better Improvement of
the Young Beginners. And

on several Occafione.

The Whole, being recommended by feveral Clergymen and eminent Schoolmasters, as the most useful Performance for the Instruction of Youth, is designed for the Ufe of SCHOOLS in Great Britain, Ireland, and in the several English Colonies and Plantations abroad.

The Fifty-fourth Edition.



Printed and Sold by RICHARD and HENRY CAUSTON (Successors to the late Mr. HENRY KENT) at the Printing Office, No. 21, i Finch-Lane, near the Royal Exchange. M, DCC, XC.



HEREAS feveras Spuriou Earsons (and those very bad ones) of the New Gude to the English Tongue, have appeared in the World, which has tended to the Detriment of the fair Trader, and especially of us Richard and Henry Couston, the only Proprietors of the true and genuine New Guire to the Engalo Tongue: This is therefore, to intorm all Perfons, who ar defirous of uing the faid true and genuine New Guide to the English Tongue, that it may very eafily be known, by the Name of Richard and Henry (aufton being inferted at the Bottom of the Title Page, whereas the spurious Editions are deactive in that Particular; and fome of them in the Omlion Of Fthe Recommendatory Names, and other

Advertisements of the Author.

N B. This Edition is printed on new Types; and the Head-pieces of the Fables are also entirely new.

Just Published (Price 1s. 6d.) The SCHOOLMASTERS ASSISTANT:


Compendium of ARITHMETIC,


Pradical and Theoretical.

In Five PARTS.


I. Arithmetic in Whole Numbers, wherein all the common Rules, having each of them a fufficient Number of Questions, with their Answers, &c.

II. Vulgar Fractions, wherein several Things, not commonly met with, are there distinctly treated of, and laid down in the most plain and easy Manner.

III. Decimals, in which, among other Things, are confidered the Extraction of Roots, &c.

IV. A large Conection of Questions,
with their Answers, &c, toge.
ther with a few others, both
pleasant and diverting.

V. Duodecimals, commonly called
Cross Multiplication; wherein that
Sort of Authmetic is thoroughly
confidered, &c.

The Who'e being delivered in the most familiar Way of Question and Anfover, isrecommended by several eminent Mathematicians, Accomptants and Schoolmasters, as neceflary to be used in chouls.

The Twenty Fourth Er! Ivan.

By THOMAS DILWORTH, Author of this New Guide to the English Tongue, &c. inted and Sold by RICHARD & HENRY CAUSTON, the Printing Office, No. 21, in Finch-Lant, near the


Reverend and Worthy Promoters of the feverat Charity-Schools in Great-Britain and Ireland.



HE tender Regard, which You have always shew'd, and still continue, for the Salvation of Souls, is eminently discovered in Your Care for the Education of Children.

To You it is, that the poorer Sort of People owe their Obedience, and indeed these Kingdoms their Thankfulness, for Your endeavouring to refcue so many poor Creatures from the Slavery of Sin and Satan.

Thus, GENTLEMEN, it is Your Happiness, that You are, at the fame time, promoting the Glory of GOD, by Your careful Undertaking to fave these little Ones from utter Destruction.

Your Preference of the Pretestant Religion is herein gloriously discovered by those Principles of that best conftituted Church, as profoffed in the Church of England, which You cause to be taught, and ingrafted in the tender Age of Your Pupils. Therefore,

Go on, WORTHY SIRS, with Your wonted Zeal for the Glory of GOD, and the Public Good of these Nations, united in the true Faith of CHRIST: and that Your pious Endeavours may always obtain their defired Success, and Yourselves that Reward which is promised to those, who convert a Sinner from the Evil of his Way, is the earneft and hearty Prayer of,


Wapping-School, Your most obedient and bumble Senvant, June 14, 1740,


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