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to give an unfeigned zeal for the honour of his gospel, and an overflowing love to the souls of men, he will smile on the attempts which proceed from such a principle, and will teach his servants a language, which good men will generally understand, and the force of which they will feel.

Besides this, as almost every writer has a number of select friends, who read his works, and perhaps love them, because they are his; so I must always acknowledge the divine goodness to me, in giving me a share in the very indulgent regards of many most valuable persons, in distant parts of our land, whose kind acceptance of my poor attempts of service I have found far beyond my expectation, and whose friendship I consider as my greatest earthly treasure. The number has greatly increased since the first edition of these sermons was published; and as this second, and (through the continued care of my good brother Mr. Godwin), much more correct edition, comes out at their earnest request, I doubt not but they will, as in other instances, do their part towards giving it such a spread as may, by the divine blessing, answer the end of rendering it as extensively useful as possible.

Growing experience convinces me, that I have no reason to fear, lest candid and judicious readers should be offended with me, for having given way to some warmth of devout affection, in the greatest part of these discourses, and in others, which I have mentioned above: The subjects are of a nature, not only to excuse, but to require it. And while I have any reverence for scripture, or any knowledge of human nature, I shall never affect to speak of the glories of Christ, and the eternal interest of men, as coldly as if I were reading a lecture of mathematics, or relating an experiment of natural philosophy. I hope I shall always remember, how unworthy the character of a man and a christian it is, to endeavour to transport men's passions, while the understanding is left uninformed, or the judgment unconvinced : But so far as is consistent with a proper regard to these leading powers of our nature, I heartily pray, that I, and all other gospel ministers, may so feel the energy of divine truths on our own souls, as to preach and write concerning them with an holy fervency and ardour; nor can I imagine, it would bode well to the interest of religion in general, to endeavour to lay all those passions asleep, which surely were implanted in our hearts by God, to subserve the religious, as well as civil life, and which after all will probably be employed to some very excellent, or very pernicious purposes.

I would hope, that these sermons, and those on regeneration, will be of some service to religious families, especially on the evenings of the Lord's-day. We are happy in a great number of excellent discourses suitable to such an occasion, and perhaps in none more suitable, than in the two volumes of sermons at Berry-street; of which I can with great cheerfulness repeat what I said, when making my acknowledgments to the founder, immediately after their publication; "that I cannot recollect where I have seen a set of important thoughts on such various and weighty subjects more judiciously selected, more accurately digested, more closely compacted, more naturally expressed, or in so few words more powerfully inforced, than I have generally found in those sermons: On account of which, I doubt not but the thanksgivings of many are often abounding to the glory of God."

I esteem it my great felicity, to be engaged with those worthy authors in the same great design, of assisting to form men's minds to a scriptural religion and a christian temper; and though many provinces may appear much more splendid in the eyes of the learned and the polite world, I trust ours will be at least as favourably remembered in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming; and I would have no standard of honour, wisdom and happiness, which will not stand the test of that important day.

Northampton, June 9, 1741.


The Ability of Christ to save to the uttermost.

Heb. vii. 25.-Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost, that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them.

A VARIETY of trifles in life are daily breaking in upon us,

and hurrying us away into a forgetfulness of God, and ourselves. But how much soever we may be Careful and cumbered, agitated and distracted, about many things, one thing is needful*, viz. the approach of the soul to God, that it may see and enjoy his salvation. The most important question is that of the awakened and trembling jailor, What shall I do to be saved? And the only pertinent answer to that question, is that which the apostle gave, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved+.

And have these later days, these ages, as we are ready fondly to imagine them, of greater refinement and reason, discovered any new method of salvation? God forbid, there should ever be any pretence to it! When we see a person, like our Lord, appearing in an opposite cause, with an equal pomp of miracles, with equal demonstration and power of the spirit, we may perhaps let go that Anchor of our souls, which we now esteem as sure and stedfast; but till then, we will, by divine grace, strenuously retain that gospel, which is recorded by those, who first Preached it, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heavens And If an angel was to appear, in robes of the purest light, and with all the charms of a celestial eloquence, to establish any other foundation, far from yielding to the evidence of such a single wonder, in opposition to so many greater, we would hold that angel accursed; as we might certainly conclude, that he wore a deceitful form, and was a messenger from the father of lies.

If the gospel be indeed of divine original, and we are not following Cunningly devised fables, it is most certain that those doctrines, which are peculiar to it, are not only true but infinitely important. And shall we, who are Stewards of the mysteries of God**, decline insisting upon them, because they

Luke x. 41, 42. † Acts xvi. 30, 31.
2 Pet. i. 16.

Gal. i. 8.


Heb. vi. 19. § 1 Pet. i. 12. ** 1 Cor. iv. 1.

D d

are such common topics, and because we must in effect, be obliged to say the same things again and again? As well might we despise bread, because it is an old-fashioned diet, on which our ancestors have fed for a long succession of ages, and on which the lowest of our species are subsisted. As reasonably, and much more safely, might the physician decline the use of all the most celebrated medicines, recommended by the experience of many hundred years, and pride himself in trying only such, as had hitherto been entirely unknown: Nay he might much better do it; for it is possible, that there may yet lie hid, amongst the secrets of nature, some plant or drug of unknown virtues, some richer cordial, and more sovereign antidote, than has ever yet been discovered: But we are as sure, as we can be of any thing in the revelation we profess to believe, that There is salvation in no other, neither is there any other name under heaven given among men, but that of Jesus*, whereby they can obtain righteousness and life.

I hope therefore, it will not, as, I am sure, it should not, be disagreeable to you to hear, that, after the many sacred hours we have spent together in meditations on such subjects as these, I am again to resume the theme, and to discourse to you from it for some succeeding sabbaths. I do it at the desire of a friend+, who has recommended the subject to me with a peculiar regard to the rising generation, for whose use these discourses are to be made yet more public. And I would hope, they will not be the less agreeable to my younger friends or any of my other hearers, because they are equally the concern of all; and such a concern, as to be the very life of our souls, and, as I have largely shewn elsewhere, the only foundation of our eternal hopes.

The holy apostle Paul had, as he elsewhere very emphatically expresses it, a continual, most tender and zealous affection for his Brethren of the jewish nation, his kinsmen according to the flesh; and this epistle is a remarkable monument of it. It was indeed directed to the believing Hebrews, and its most evident design is, to animate them to adhere resolutely to the christian faith, whatever dangers or difficulties might attend that resolution. But the mind of this excellent man was very capacious and continually filled with a variety of schemes for the

Acts iv. 12.

These sermons were first preached and published at the desire of William Coward, Esq.

See my Sermons to Young People, Ser. II.

advancement of the gospel, the glory of his Lord, and the salvation of souls: And as he could not but know, that it was highly probable, that this, rather than any of his other epistles, would fall into the hands of many, as yet, unconverted Jews, he not only conceals his name, against which he knew they were strongly prejudiced; but in a very wise and happy manner, makes use of such sentiments, and such language here, as might be very proper to awaken and convince the unconverted, as well as to assist the faith and the joy of them who had Believed in Christ, that they might be justified by him, and not by the works of the law*. And if any have not made this remark, I apprehend they have lost much of the strength and beauty of this excellent epistle.


In pursuit of these great and very harmonious designs, the sacred writer insists largely on the dignity of the person, and offices of our great Redeemer. He represents him, as far superior to the most exalted angels+, and therefore much more to the most excellent of the children of men; superior to Moses, that most honourable servant of the Lord, who was faithful in all his house; superior to Abraham, The friend of God, and father of the faithful§; superior to Aaron, the priest of the Lord, all the holy family descended from his loins. And it is on this branch of the argument that he is now insisting. He labours at large, by a chain of reasoning, which I have not time to trace, to shew that our Lord was made after the order of Melchizedec, in many glorious and important circumstances, in which the priesthood of Melchizedec was superior to that of Aaron, and his sons: And amongst other instances, this is one of the most considerable, that whereas in the family of Aaron there were successively many high-priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death, this illustrious person, the Lord Jesus Christ, because he continues ever, in immortal life and glory, hath an unchangeable priesthood¶, or, as the word ** most exactly signifies, a priesthood which does not pass from one successor to another. Now, from hence the apostle draws that important inference, in the words of my text, Wherefore he is able to save to the uttermost, completely and perpetually to save, all that, in the remotest ages and nations of the world, desire to come unto God by him, or to make use of his mediation, when they approach the throne of God as humble worshippers, seeing

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are such common topics, and because we must in effect, be obliged to say the same things again and again? As well might we despise bread, because it is an old-fashioned diet, on which our ancestors have fed for a long succession of ages, and on which the lowest of our species are subsisted. As reasonably, and much more safely, might the physician decline the use of all the most celebrated medicines, recommended by the experience of many hundred years, and pride himself in trying only such, as had hitherto been entirely unknown: Nay he might much better do it; for it is possible, that there may yet lie hid, amongst the secrets of nature, some plant or drug of unknown virtues, some richer cordial, and more sovereign antidote, than has ever yet been discovered: But we are as sure, as we can be of any thing in the revelation we profess to believe, that There is salvation in no other, neither is there any other name under heaven given among men, but that of Jesus*, whereby they can obtain righteousness and life.

I hope therefore, it will not, as, I am sure, it should not, be disagreeable to you to hear, that, after the many sacred hours we have spent together in meditations on such subjects as these, I am again to resume the theme, and to discourse to you from it for some succeeding sabbaths. I do it at the desire of a friend†, who has recommended the subject to me with a peculiar regard to the rising generation, for whose use these discourses are to be made yet more public. And I would hope, they will not be the less agreeable to my younger friends or any of my other hearers, because they are equally the concern of all; and such a concern, as to be the very life of our souls, and, as I have largely shewn elsewhere, the only foundation of our eternal hopes.

The holy apostle Paul had, as he elsewhere very emphatically expresses it, a continual, most tender and zealous affection for his Brethren of the jewish nation, his kinsmen according to the flesh; and this epistle is a remarkable monument of it. It was indeed directed to the believing Hebrews, and its most evident design is, to animate them to adhere resolutely to the christian faith, whatever dangers or difficulties might attend that resolution. But the mind of this excellent man was very capacious and continually filled with a variety of schemes for the

Acts iv. 12.

These sermons were first preached and published at the desire of William Coward, Esq.

See my Sermons to Young People, Ser. II.

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