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WHISTLE contains no adulterants and can be prescribed by Physicians ad libitum.

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The Canada Lancet



National Hygiene

Incorporating The Dominion Medical Monthly



Extension of Human Life

No. 3

A periodical study of expectation of life tables
helps us to arrive at the solution of problems look-
ing to the extension of human life. The statisti-
cians inform us that in the United States in 1910
the expectation of life at birth for the entire popu-
lation was 51.5 years. The following table shews,
for that year, the complete expectation of life at
specified ages-males and females and both sexes
in such states as have registration statistics:

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In the expectation of life at birth in various countries, we have the following table:

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Dublin, who reports these figures in The Nation's Health, commenting on the subject, says the maximum expectation occurs in the third year when it is 7.72; this is because the child of three has already overcome the heavy initial mortality in the first two years of life. Even at ten, the expectation is greater than at birth and for the same reason. It appears also that the mortality of women is less than that of men, so their expectation of life, therefore, is greater.

The second table shows how the varieties of health standards vary in different countries.

Dublin's third table shows that there has occurred in the last century a substantial increase in life expectation, as shewn herewith:

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It will be seen that in England and Wales there has been a gain in the interval of seven decades of twelve and a half years. Sweden has had a gain of fourteen and a quarter years in eight decades. Massachusetts shews a gain of eleven years in half a century; or fifteen in sixty-five years.

Another and perhaps better way to see how great has been the improvement in the life span in the last century or so: That is, to observe the age at which the original number of the American -life table population per 100,000 is reduced onequarter, one-half, and three-quarters.

The most encouraging results have been obtained among insured lives, where a definite effort has been made to extend the life span. Dublin points out that the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company began an active campaign of health education

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