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2. Simonides, one of the most celebrated elegiac and lyric poets of Greece, was born at Iulis, in Ceos, B.C. 556.


11. zonas] The zona was a girdle worn by men to hold their money, “a money-belt." Cf. Hor. Ep. II. 2, 40: 'qui zonam perdidit:' "the man who has lost his purse."

12. curiosior] "rather inquisitive." See note on Fable II. 17.

15. qui plures] "those who were more," i. e. the majority.

22. sermone ab ipso cognitum] "recognised by his conversation alone."

23. familia] i. e. with attendance. 'Familia' often signifies "the household servants."

24. tabulam] a picture of the shipwreck, which they carried about to solicit alms. See Horace, Od. I. 5, 13. 27. perit] contracted for 'periit.'


THE MOUNTAIN BRINGING forth. This proverb is alluded to by Horace, A. P., in the well-known line, "Parturiunt montes: nascetur ridiculus mus."


OVID was born at Sulmo, a town about ninety miles from Rome, in the country of the Peligni, on the 21st of March, B.c. 43. Descended from an equestrian family, but possessed of only moderate wealth, he was designed by his father for the bar-a profession which his poetical predilections declined. After completing his education at Athens, he travelled with the poet Macer, in Asia and in Sicily. On his return to Italy, he married. But the union was not happy, and his affections, estranged from his wife, were devoted to Corinna. Corinna is by some supposed to have been only another name for Julia, the licentious daughter of Augustus: whose displeasure with the poet, apparently on account of an intrigue with some member of the Imperial family, caused his exile, A.D. 8, to Tomi, a town on the Euxine, near the mouths of the Danube, on the very verge of the Roman Empire. The miseries of this banishment, from which he was never recalled, are the theme of his elegies styled 'Tristia.' He died in the sixtieth year of his age and the tenth of his exile, A.D. 18, a year memorable for the death of that "prince of historic painters," Livy.

During his residence at Rome, he sought the friendship of the most eminent poets of the day; and lived on intimate terms with Macer and Propertius, Ponticus and Bassus. Horace was considerably his senior: yet he had often heard him recite his lyric odes. Virgil he only once saw; that poet died when Ovid was only twenty-four; and the life of Tibullus was not sufficiently prolonged to allow him to cultivate his friendship.

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4. indocili]=indocto, "untaught." | sacrifice was offered to the Dii Manes vernat] comes with the spring." (avitæ umbræ): see Fasti, II. 533. 5. The sense is this: the swallow Februa was the old word for a purifycherishes her young in order to lose ing sacrifice, as Ovid says: "Februa the imputation of being a bad mother. Romani dixere piamina patres," Fast. The poet alludes to the fable of Procne, II. 19. who killed her son Itys, and served him up at a banquet to his father Tereus, in revenge for an insult offered by him to her sister Philomela. Procne was metamorphosed into a swallow.


1. conditor]i.e. Romulus. ' Urbs' means Rome, κατ' ἐξοχήν.

2. quinque bis] The Romans ascribed their year of ten months to Romulus; their improved year of twelve months to Numa.

5. Veneris] Venus was said to have risen from the sea in the month of April, which was therefore her month. Cf. Hor. Od. IV. 11, 15: "Mensem Veneris marinæ...Aprilem."

6. generis princeps] Venus was the mother of Æneas.

ipsius... pater] Mars was the father of Romulus.

7. senibus; juvenum] Fulvius Nobilior, in his Fasti, says that Romulus, after dividing his people into 'majores,' ' elders,' and 'juniores,' 'younger members,' called one month Maius, another Junius, in honour of either class. Burmann.

8. numero] i. e. the other months were named according to their order of succession: the fifth month was called Quintilis; the sixth, Sextilis; the seventh, September, &c. Quintilis and Sextilis were afterwards altered into Julius and Augustus, in memory of the two first Cæsars.

turba] Compare the Greek use of oxλos, when things or persons of secondary importance are spoken of collectively. Paley.

9. Janum] January was sacred to Janus.

avitas umbras] In February a

10. duos] i. e. January and February.


1. The belief, here alluded to, that sorcerers could draw down the moon, is illustrated by the passage of Horace, Epod. 17, 78, where the witch Canidia says: "Polo Deripere Lunam vocibus possim meis."

3. obliqua] "winding." Cf. Hor. Od. II. 3, 11: "Obliquo laborat Lympha fugax trepidare rivo."

4. viva] This word means natural, as opposed to artificial; hence, as applied to rocks, it means "rugged."

6. certa] Burmann prefers this reading to "curta," on the ground that only a certain class of bones were used in magic rites.

7. The Sorceress forms a waxen image of the person whom she devotes [devovet] to disease or death, and pricks the liver [jecur], the supposed seat of the passions, with needles, expecting that the original would suffer sympathetically with the image. Thus Canidia, in Horace, 1. c., professes "to give life to waxen images," movere cereas imagines.'




1. Cecropida] i. e. the Athenians: so called from Cecrops, the reputed founder of Athens.

Minoïa C. D.] Crete is so called from Minos, the ancient monarch of the island. The Cretans worshipped Dictynna, supposed to have been identical with the Greek Artemis, or the Roman Diana.

2. Hipsipylæ a] i. e. Lemnos, of which Hipsipyla was the Queen when

it was visited by the Argonants. Virgil, tress-being called "the horn of
En. VIII. 454, calls Vulcan "Pater Amalthea."
Lemnius." When he was flung out of
Olympus by Jupiter, he fell in Lemnos:
Hom. Il. I. 93.

3. Sparte] Sparta, Argos, and Mycenae were Juno's favourite cities: Hom. II. IV.51.-Mycenae is here styled 'Pelopeïas,' from Pelops, its ancient king.

4. Mænalis ora] a poetical phrase for Arcadia. Mænalis' is a fem. adj. from Mænalus, a mountain in Arcadia. Cf. "Ausonis ora," F. II. 14. 6. rem] "wealth:" as in Horace's line:

"Et genus et virtus, nisi cum re, viior algâ est."



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3. cui] the dative of the agent: as 6. THE GOAT WHICH NURSED JUPI- in Virgil, G. III. 6: "Cui non dictus Hylas ? by whom has Hylas not been sung ?" for which, in prose, 'a quo' would be more usual. See L. E. p. 39.

Ovid here represents Amalthea as having fed Jupiter with the milk of a goat. This goat having broken off one of her horns, Amalthea filled it with fresh herbs and fruit, and gave it to Jupiter, who transplanted it, together with the goat, amongst the stars.

1. Nais] for 'Nympha,' the species for the genus. Keightley. 3. Huic fuit] " she had" a shegoat, the mother of two kids.

4. Dictæos] Dicte was a mountain in Crete.

5. aeriis...recurvis] "lofty and curved backwards." Terga,' plural for singular.

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4. nempe tamen] "Yet, to be sure." Nempe' is ironical. Croesus, king of Lydia, was conquered by Cyrus, king of Persia, B.C. 546, who spared his life. Ovid therefore describes him as

having received his life from his foe [vitam tulit ab hoste].

5. The allusion is to Dionysius the younger, tyrant of Syracuse, who maintained himself after his fall by "the

humble profession" [humili arte] of

a schoolmaster at Corinth, B.C. 343.

6. Magno] i. e. Pompey, surnamed 'Magnus,' owing to his victories. After his decisive defeat at Pharsalia, he fled to Egypt, the throne of which was filled by Ptolemy, a minor, whose father owed in reference to which, Ovid calls the son the recovery of his crown to Pompey: Pompey's 'client.'

9-13. Ille implies celebrity: 'ille Marius'" the illustrious Marius." This general, who was seven times consul, captured Jugurtha, the Numidian sovereign, B.C. 106, and defeated the Cimbri and Teutones in a great battle, B.c. 101. At the age of 70, he was

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