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Solubility of Medicines in Water, Alcohol, Ether, Glycerine, etc.-Continued.


Cold water.

Boiling water.



Potassii ferrocyanidum

Soluble in 3 or 4 times Soluble in Insoluble.

its weight.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Soluble in 4 or 5 times Soluble in Sparingly soluble Almost in

its in rectified spirit; soluble.

100 parts of glycerine dissolve 40 parts.

[ocr errors][merged small]

its weight.

of weight.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

insoluble in absolute alcohol.

Slowly soluble in 9 times its weight.

Soluble in an equal

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Soluble in glycerine.


Soluble in glycerine.

[blocks in formation]

Quiniæ sulphas


30 parts.

parts, sp. 0.835.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

own Soluble in Nearly insoluble.

half its


Soluble in 400 parts. Soluble in Soluble.

250 parts.


Soluble in 740 parts at Soluble in Soluble in 60 Almost in

gr. soluble.

Soluble in 6 parts Soluble.

Soluble in fixed and volatile oils. 100 parts of glycerine dissolve part. Slightly soluble in cold glycerine; freely so in hot.

of cold alcohol,

and in an equal

[blocks in formation]

Solubility of Medicines in Water, Alcohol, Ether, Glycerine, etc.—Continued.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Slowly soluble in 6 Slowly sol- Slightly soluble. Insoluble.


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also in boiling di-soluble. lute alcohol.

[blocks in formation]

Soluble in 12 times its Soluble in Nearly insoluble.

[blocks in formation]

100 parts of glycerine dissolve 50 parts.

100 parts of glycerine dissolve 8 parts.

100 parts of glycerine dissolve 60 parts.

[blocks in formation]
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[ocr errors]

its weight.


Soluble in 6667 parts Soluble in Soluble in 387 Soluble in Soluble in chloroform and at 50°.

2000 parts. parts officinal al-682 parts.

sp. gr.
0.835; more solu-
ble in boiling al-

cohol; soluble in
179 parts of abso-

lute alcohol.

Sparingly soluble. Insoluble.

volatile oils. 100 parts
of olive oil dissolve 1
part. 100 parts of
glycerine dissolve 0.25

100 parts of glycerine dissolve 22.5 parts.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Solubility of Medicines in Water, Alcohol, Ether, Glycerine, etc.-Continued.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

parts of glycerine dissolve 0.10 part.

Soluble in 60 parts of glycerine.

Soluble in Soluble in 11 parts Soluble in 100 parts of olive cil dis1000 parts. of alcohol, sp. gr. 6 parts.

Moderately solu-

ble in rectified

solve 1.78 parts. 100 parts of glycerine dissolve 1 part.

Sulphuris iodidum.


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