Tamarindus. Antimony aud potassium, tartrate of. Carbonates, alkaline. Lime-water. Potassium, salts of. Senna, infusion of. Sodium, salts of. Taraxacum.-Galls, infusion of. Iron, sulphates of. Lead, acetate of. Mercury, corrosive chloride of. Silver, nitrate of. Tinctura ferri chloridi.-Alkalies. Astringents. Carbonates, alkaline. Lime-water. Magnesia. Mucilage. Vegetable astringent infusions. Tinctura opii.-Ammonia, solution of. Potassa and carbonates. Salts, Vegetable astringent infusions metallic. Soda and carbonates. and decoctions. Tragacantha.-Alcohol. Copper, sulphate of. Iron, sulphate of. Lead, acetate of. Uva ursi.-Alkalies. Antimony and potassium, tartrate of. Gelatin. Infusion of cinchona. Ipecacuanha. Iron, salts of. Lead, salts of. Opium. Silver, nitrate of. Valeriana.-Cinchona, infusion of. Iron, salts of. Silver, nitrate of. Zinci oxidum.-Acids. Alkalies. Salts, acidulous. Zinci sulphas.-Alkalies. Carbonates, alkaline. Earths. Lime-water. Milk. Sulphydrates. Sulphurets. Mucilage. Vegetable astringent infusions. WHAT TO PRESCRIBE IN THE SOLID OR THE LIQUID FORM. As the practitioner is frequently at a loss to know in what shape he can place the remedy or remedies he wishes to give his patient, that they may be at once unobjectionable and effective, it is desirable that he should have rules to guide him. In rural districts this becomes especially necessary, as the physician is so often his own apothecary, mixing and dispensing medicines, and preparing them for use in his practice, often according to his own unassisted taste or knowledge. Medicines Adapted to the Liquid Form.' Under this head may be mentioned most of the soluble salts, light insoluble powders, extracts, gum resins, fixed and essential oils, and all the galenical solutions. 'From tables in Parrish's Pharmacy, Phila., 1874, pp. 802 and 829. INSOLUBLE SUBSTANCES. Mixing with Water, but not Forming Clear Solutions. Medicines Adapted to the Form of Powder. The substances best adapted to this form are insoluble mineral substances, vegetable products, and some soluble substances, all of which are included in the following syllabus: INSOLUBLE SUBSTANCES; TOO LARGE DOSES FOR PILLS. Medicines Adapted to the Pilular Form. These include powders given in less than gr. xv doses, gum resins, extracts, also oleoresins and oils in small proportion. THE MODERN TREATMENT OF DISEASES. A list of the principal remedial agents, arranged in conjunction with the diseases to which they are applicable, will supply to the practitioner a means of ready reference and useful therapeutic suggestions. No attempt will be made to indicate the doses, form of preparation, special adaptedness of the remedy, etc., and the reader must distinguish for himself those which must be used externally as washes, injections, atomized fluids, etc., and those which must be administered internally. Although such a commentary might be very desirable, its necessarily extended length would transcend all possible limits. Surgical treatment is not alluded to. The doses of the varions articles have already been mentioned (p. 79). Formule for the administration of many of these are given elsewhere (p. 181). For doses of gargles, injections, etc., see pages 95114. Dietetic hints and precepts, applicable to diseases, will be considered hereafter. |