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MERCURY.-Soluble preparations are alone used.

Corrosive sublimate is administered in the proportion of a grain to the ounce of distilled water, of which solution, m x = gr. a's, a safe and usually sufficient dose. Or, according to Liégeois :'—

B. Hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi, gr. iij;
Morphiæ sulphatis, gr. iss;

Aquæ destillatæ, fžiij.—M.

Of this solution, m xv = gr. 3'2, an appropriate quantity for a single injection.

It may also be given in an unirritating albuminous solution of corrosive sublimate in alkaline chlorides:B. Hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi,

Ammonii chloridi, āā gr. viij;

Sodii chloridi, gr. xxx;

Aquæ destillatæ, f3ss.-M.

Filter and add to a solution of the white of one egg in water sufficient to make f3iv. Of this solution, mv contain gr. of the corrosive chloride of mercury.

Lewin employs in the treatment of syphilis three different strengths of solutions, gr. ij, iv, and vj to f3j of distilled water; the one of medium strength being that usually resorted to. Morphia, gr. -, may be added to relieve the pain attending the application. The smallest subcutaneous dose of corrosive sublimate used by him in these cases is gr., the largest gr. 3.

The iodide of mercury and sodium is also used where a mercurial is indicated. in the proportion of gr. viij to

Bulletin Général de Thérapeutique, Aug. 30, 1869.

2 Treatment of Syphilis with Subcutaneous Sublimate Injections; Philada., 1873.


f3j, of which 10 minims, usually a sufficient dose, are equal to gr..

MORPHIA. The acetate may be dissolved with a minimum of acetic acid, in hot distilled water, in the propor tion of gr. v to f3j, of which mj= gr. In severe pain, mij may be administered.1


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Muriate of morphia may be administered in the strength of gr. iv to 13j, or gr. x to f3ij; according to Lawson, a solid preparation requiring heat to dissolve it. Two minims are equivalent to gr. 3. The British Pharmacopoeia has a formula for its subcutaneous injection, the strength being gr. v to f3j, of which mj = gr. j'1⁄2.

Sulphate of morphia is preferable in the proportion of gr. ij to f3j; the subcutaneous dose being gr. 1-1, the smaller dose being the best to commence with. The dose for children, in whom it is seldom employed hypodermically, is gr. 3' to 'o

When morphia and atropia are combined, a larger quantity of the former is borne without inconvenience. A solution may be made, in which mv gr. of morphia and gr. ' of atropia. Morphia gr. may be safely injected with gr. or of atropia, on account of their

mutual antagonism.



NICOTIA. This may be prescribed in a solution of gr. to f3j of water, of which m iv subcutaneous dose.


gr. ao, the proper

PHYSOSTIGMA.-The extract is given in the proportion of gr. ij to f3j, of which m x = gr. 3, the proper dose with which to commence its employment hypodermically.

Anstie, Practitioner, July, 1868, p. 37.

2 Sciatica, Lumbago, and Brachialgia, their Nature and Treatment; London, 1872.

QUINIA. The sulphate may be administered as follows:

B. Quiniæ sulphatis, 3j;

Acidi sulphurici diluti, m xl;

Aquæ destillatæ, f3j.-M.

Of this solution m xv-xxx is the dose.

A solution of the sulphate of quinia, gr. viij in ether f3j, has also been proposed, but this soon decomposes by evaporation of the ether.

STRYCHNIA. The sulphate is used in the proportion of gr. ij to f3j, of which m v = gr. ; or gr. ij to f3ij, of which mj gr. . The maximum dose is gr. a', but a smaller dose, as gr. go to, is safer, and therefore preferable.


Doses of Atomized Fluids for Inhalation.

In the treatment of certain diseases of the throat and respiratory organs, the introduction of atomized or pulverized fluids-in other words, of solutions of various. medicinal substances in the form of spray-has been highly extolled. It would doubtless be employed more frequently as a remedial process if the practitioner was more generally informed as to the appropriate strength of the solution, which is to be thrown as spray upon the morbid surface. Supposing that he is already in posses sion of the proper spray-apparatus, the following table will give an idea of the doses in which the remedies may be resorted to:

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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


saccharatus, fzj-iv.

ferri subsulphatis, gtt. x-xx.
iodinii compositus, mij-xv.
picis, f5j-ij.

potassii arsenitis, m iij-xv.

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iodidum, gr. ij-x.

permanganas, gr. ij-iv.

Quiniæ sulphas, gr. 1-ij.
Soda chlorinata, 3ss-j.
Sodii boras, gr. v-xx.


chloridum, gr. v-xl.

Tinctura cannabis Indicæ, mv-x. ferri perchloridi, mv-xxx. iodinii, miij-xv.

composita, mx


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opii, miij


sodæ chlorinatæ, mxxx-lx. Zinci sulphas, gr. iij-x.

Doses of Medicines in the form of Gargles.

The following list furnishes the practitioner a conve nient guide to the selection of appropriate local applica tions in affections of the mouth and throat, in which they are indicated, and suggests the desirable strength of each. No rules are here deemed necessary, as he is supposed to be already familiar with the therapeutic virtues of the remedies to be employed.

The quantity specified for each article is for a pint of water, in direct solution, or decoction, etc., according to the degree of solubility :

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Many of the above-mentioned solutions may also be appropriately employed as mouth washes in various pathological conditions of that cavity. It may be desirable, in order to render them more agreeable for such local application, to incorporate with them additional flavoring materials, such as mel boracis, etc., or to combine several ingredients in the same prescription.

Doses of Medicines for Collyria or Eye-washes.

In ophthalmic medication much greater delicacy is of course required in the selection of the appropriate agents and their doses. The following list will facilitate the practitioner in the choice of a remedy and also indicate to him the usual dose in which it is to be prescribed.

The solution is in distilled water, preferably rose-water, in a fluidounce of which the quantity specified is to be dissolved, unless otherwise stated:

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