Faith, passive, 485 the gift of God, 465, 475, 541 Family duties, their importance, 259 Fanatics, of what sort their charity, 659 Fast-day, sermon on, 159 Fatal disease, Mrs. Hawkes's, 212, 232, 511 Fathers, of the church, message of one of the, 604 Favours, special, only transient, 608 Fault of an unprofitable hearer, what, 528 Faults of Christians, mentioned in Scripture as beacons, 413 Fearon, Mrs. her death, 408 Fell, Rev. H. F., quotation from his sermon, 512 Fenelon, quotation from, 350 Fever, Mrs. Hawkes suffers from, 317, 361, 380 Fickleness, the character of man, 534 Fire, preservation from, 64 Flavel, quotation from, 517 Fletcher, Mrs. of Madely, visit to her, 107 Fletcher Christian, 634 Flights of fancy, and imagination, to be kept down, 498, 500 Footsteps of Christ, 154-of the flock, 162 Fool, meaning of the term in Scripture, 613 Foreboding trouble, a sinful infirmity, 337, 541-cure of, 222, 38 Foretastes of heaven, 332 Forgetfulness, a cause of chastisement, 103 Forgiveness of injuries, 62, 378-Divine forgiveness, 290 Form, substituted for the spirit of true religion, 554 Forster, Mr. and Mrs., lost in the Rothsay Castle steamer, 498 Fortitude, a feature in the character of Mrs. Hawkes, 517 Foster, Rev. Henry, his remark, 368 Foundling, chapel at the, 18 Frames, variable, 81 France, Miss A. detained there,-news concerning, 327 Freedom of Divine grace, 282, 406, 408, (see sovereign and grace) Friends, real only among the godly, and best when unsought, 260 Friendship, hasty, 26-Christian, 54, 177, 304, 467 Friendly intercourse, unattended by profit, 406 Frown of God, the greatest evil, 165 F, Mrs., letters to, 362, 370, 405 Funeral sermon, preached for Mrs. Hawkes, 512 Fugitive, Jonah a, 546 G Gaiety, of Mrs. Hawkes in her younger years, 4, 24 General requests, in prayer, 164 Gill, quotation from, 71 Gilbert, Rev. Nathaniel, his death, 285 Gilpin, his remark, 552 Gleanings, of remarks made by Mr. Cecil, 207-see also appendix, 632 Gloomy depression, 165-not chargeable on religion, 444 Glory of God, the Christian's object to promote, 42, 364, 374, 477 Glories of heaven, 393, 406 Glorious vision, longing for the, 423 God, a father, 475, 485, 487-love, 122-light, 150-Creator, 543—a strong tower, Godly sorrow, defined, 170 Godliness the best security, sermon, 611 Good, all things to God's people, 223, 535 Good Friday, meditations on, 252 Gospel, an occasion of animosity, sermon, 584 Gossips, religious, 16 Gourd, every creature comfort is a, 604 Grace, free and sovereign, 4, 282, 406, 408, 431, 452, 636 — miracle of, 541 INDEX. Gratitude, of Mrs. Hawkes, 192, 228 Great work, of a Christian, 362 Grief, Mrs. Hawkes highly susceptible of, 516-one cause of, 524 Habits, importance of, 205 H Hampstead, memorandum written at, 298, 418 Halyburton, quotation from, 152 Hall, Bishop, remark of, 544 Happiness, secret of, 64 Harmony between Mrs. Hawkes's natural and moral character, 517 Harp, hung on the willows, 301-vibrating inwardly, 433 the Christian taught to touch his harp on earth, 608 Hatchard, Mr., application to, 401 Haven, peaceful, 312, 381 Hawkes, Mr., takes a house at Holloway, 36-goes to Birmingham accompanied Hawkes, Mrs., her birth, 2-her marriage, 5-is taken by Mrs. Jones to hear the Heavenly savour, of the correspondence between Mrs. Hawkes and Mrs. Jones, Heart, Lydia's opened, sermon, 136 Hebrews, Mr. Cecil's comment on chap. iv. 139 Henry, Matthew, remark of, 71, 307 Herbert, George, quotations from, 283, 293, 447 Hesse, John of, Luther's letter to him, 529 Hiding place, Christ, sermon, 603 Highgate, memorandums made at, 433-Mrs. Hawkes passes the summer at, 456 Hill's sermon, reference to, 167 Hints, dropped in Mrs. Hawkes's dying hours, 509 to the young, 523 Historical parts of Scripture, advantage derived from, 660 Hodson, Mr. George, editor of Mr. Vaughan's life, 346, 455 Holy calling of a Christian, 148-of a minister, 480 Holy joy, antidote to melancholy, 165 Holy Spirit's influences, 378, 466 Holloway, Mrs. Hawkes goes to reside at,36-sale of house at, 181 Home, Mrs. Hawkes without a, 181-delight in, 191, 194, 216, 455 remarks upon, see appendix, 532 Horne, Rev. Melville, his voyage to the new settlements, 108 Hopkins, Bishop, quotation from, 321-his observation, 542 Humility, 149, 324, 351, 352, 378, 382, 403-proper criterion of, 378 Hypocrisy, what, 554 Hypocrites in the church in all ages, 640, 659-unmasked, 584 Idleness, opposed to religion, 655 I Idolatry, more sorts than one, 141, 559 Imagination, a faculty little under controul, 339 Impatience, compared to a worm, 214 Impenitence, often warned, an awful state, 613 Improvements, in religion, not possible, 567 Income of Mrs. Hawkes, how supplied, 262 Inconsistency of conduct, 522, 638 Independence of mind, a strong feature in Mrs. Hawkes's character, 178 Indiscretions, small, of serious consequence, 49, 50 Industry, Mrs. Hawkes a pattern of, 273 Indwelling sin, 327, 334, 457 Inflammation of the eyes, Mrs. Hawkes suffers from, 310, 314, 337 Infidelity, practical, 283, 370 Infirmities, bodily, how to gain improvement by them, 128 Influence, of the world, how lessened, 163 Ingenuousness, a trait of Mrs. Hawkes's character, 413, 517 Inscription, on Mrs. Hawkes's tombstone, 512 Instruction, derived from the life of Mrs. Hawkes, 525 sermon on, 580 Intercourse with worldly persons to be avoided, 439 with select Christian friends, a sweet cordial, 444 Inventory of the believer, 224 Isle of Wight, 195, 208, 216, 324, 437, 479 Israel's last testimony, sermon, 610 Ithuriel's spear, faith compared to, 359 Jacob, his depression, sermon, 535 J thigh must halt-cure of presumption, 129 Jesse, Rev. William, his remarks, 140 Joy, ornament of the Christian profession, 166 of the Holy Ghost, 53, 66, 84, 107, 371, 373 Joyfulness, under affliction, 368 Jones, Mr. Thomas, brother in law to Mrs. Hawkes, 7-his death, 406 Jones, Master Charles, his death, 47 Jones, Mr. E. T. Mrs. Hawkes's letters to him, 397, 406, 409, 470, 490, 491, 504 Justification, clear views concerning, 256, 486 Judicial hardness of heart, 528 Legacy, of Christ, 309 Legal, slavish fear, a state of torment, 353, 466, 475, 485, 487 Leighton, Archbishop, quotation from, 200 Lent, season of, 409 Lessons, taught by affliction, 457, 478-by a sick-bed, 208 Letter, on Mr. Cecil's paralytic affection, 294 on the estimate formed by near views of eternity, 257 on domestic trials, 93 on the danger of indulging melancholy, 319 on indwelling sin, 330 Retrospective view of thirty years' christian walk, 331 on giving loose to a roving imagination, 338 INDEX. Letter, on the right manner of jndging of affliction, 341 - on the duty of abounding in passive graces, 402 on the death of Mrs. Mynors, 409 on studying the Scriptures with appropriating faith, 409 on nervous disease, as distinguished from a morbid turn of mind, 416 on the joy derived to a Christian parent by a child's conversion, 421 on adoring contemplations of God, as connected with deep contrition, 449 to a young relative, on the subject of entering the sacred ministry, 483 on ejaculatory prayer, 503 Liberty, of the children of God, 475 Licentiousness, objection against the gospel as leading to, 329 Life, importance of, to an enlightened mind, 323 Light of reason, an improper phrase, 658 Lingering, painful to the Christian, 171 Lily of the valley, sweetness of the, 369 Litany, reference to the, 491 Lodgings, continual change of, 218-anxiety about, 455 Loiterers, Christians are, 97 Longing to depart, 58, 389, 392 306, 399, 405, 429, 436, 448, 458, 488, 495, 500 Look of health, Mrs. H. always retained the, 447 Lord's supper, comfort of the, 32 Lothbury, early worship at, 21, 98 Love to God, 106-to enemies, 62 Love of Christ an inexhaustible theme, 425, 430 comfort derived from, 353, 438, 449 Luther, his letter to John of Hesse, 529-remark, 550, 566 Madeley, Mrs. Hawkes's visit to, 107 M. Mammon, worshipper of, proud and selfish, 63 Mantle, of divine compassion, 221 Mariner's needle, a comparison, 189 Marriage, of Mrs. Hawkes, 5, 522 Marolles, reference to, 635 Martyrs, endured suspense, 179 patience of the, 186-support of, 250, 635 Means of grace, use of, 155, 235, 458, 491, 521, 538 Measuring rod, the Christian's, 611 Melancholy, a phantom of the imagination, 168 a mischievous worm, 166-unscriptural, 166, 643 abstractions, 202-danger of indulging, 319-a defect, 182 digression on, 168 Memoirs, spiritual, 132 Memoranda, of conversation, 129 Memory, failure of, 321 Memorable day, 240 Mercies, enumerated, 213, 260, 278, 386, 433, 468 Mercy, no cause of wonder, 325 Metaphysicians, their disputes, 636 Milner, Rev. Joseph, his letter on resignation, 476 Milton, quotation from, 169, 202 Milward, George, Esq. Mrs. Hawkes laid in his family vault, 511 Miss Mary, the late, 203, 437, 441 the Misses, letters to. 437, 439, 441, 443, 458, 459, 467, 489, 493 Minister of the Gospel, qualifications for a, 483 Miscellaneous remarks, 657-662 Money, offered to a drowning person, mockery, 135 Morning devotion, 50, 338, 490, 661 Moral character considered, 517 Moral eye, importance of, 612 Morality, never to be spoken lightly of, 518 Moses, birth of, Sermon, 537, 539 Motto, the Christian's, what, 653 Mountains, removed by faith, 121-of action, or difficulty, 171 Music, Mrs. Hawkes's fondness for, 5, 17 Murmuring, sin of, 250 Mutiny, on board a ship, 634 Mutual prayer and benevolence, a duty, 566 Mystics, error of the, 100, 340, 374 Mynors, Mr., Brother in law to Mrs. Hawkes, 201 Mynors, Mrs., Sister to Mrs. Hawkes, 226-her death, 409, 415 Nehemiah, his difficulties, 634 Nelson's victory, 205 N Nervous fever, Mrs. Hawkes suffers from, 361, 416 Nervous diseases, the most trying to the mind, 416, 421, 425 Nephews, Mrs. Hawkes's, reference to, 226, 415, 261 Neutrality in religion, sermon, 619 New discoveries in religion, 563, 567 New year's Sermons, 90, 145, 157 -reflections upon a, 145, 156, 315, 355, 389, 407, 121, 435, 470 Newton, Rev. John, his letter to Mrs. Hawkes, 246-she attends his ministry at his remarks, 79, 138, 197, 198, 216, 411, 642 Niton, address to the Misses Milward before going to, 437 Night of affliction, a season of self-knowledge, 463 Noah, his obedience, 599 Oare, the Rev. Dr. Fearon's removal to, 310 Objections against the Gospel, 329-real nature of, 554 Occasions, improved, 55-of wavering in religion, 625 of Mrs. Hawkes, premature, 321, 382, 405 Operation of the Holy Ghost, needful, 163 Opportunities of reflection, 133, 163 Order of Providence, a Sanctuary. 649 Ordinances, public, 49, 56, 62, 236, 270, 371, 383, 396, 427, 454, 491 Owen, Dr. reference to, 54, 64, 300, 377 P Pain, Mrs. Hawkes's severe, 212, 236, 252, 265, 492, 495 Parents, of Moses, their faith, 538 Partial repentance, sermon on, 621 Path of duty, uncertainty respecting, 206, 219-safety in the, 652 of a believer, to follow Christ, 154, 528 Patience, see Christian Palm tree, Mrs. H. compared to a, 151 Parsonage house, vacant at Betchworth, 303 Park street, Mrs. H. goes to reside in, 504 Passive faith, 485 Patience, nature of, 648-sermon on, 184-of God towards us, 27 Peace, in believing, 373, 376 Pearce, Mr. reference to, 235 Pebworth, church at, 2 Penitence, true, in what consists, 574 Pensive depression, Mrs. Hawkes inclined to, 44 Melancholy, defined, 168 Penton Place, Mrs. Hawkes settles in, 312 |