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Abasement of soul, 148, 324, 478, 486

Abstract theorems, truths of Scripture considered as, 377
Accident, Mrs. Hawkes meets with an, 310

Acts of faith, public benefits, 172

Achan, his wrong association of ideas, 612

Aching void, none to the Christian, 376

Adoration, 149, 388, 406, 426, 449

Adoption, Spirit of, 466, 468, 485, 496

Adam's, Rev. T., Private Thoughts, reference to, 79, 274

Advent, reference to, 590

Adventurers in religion, 567

Advice, of Mr. Cecil to Miss A., 43

Advancement in grace, 250-How manifested, 610

Afflictions, three sources of, 2

supported by Christian hope, 633

aspect of judgments, 128

blessings in disguise, 497

medicinals, 247, 529

Affliction, the post of honour, 129

design of, process of, 193, 529

purifying and sanctifying effects of, 245, 368, 370, 343

Afflicted Christian, address to the, 528

Allied armies, their entrance into Paris, 327

Alienation of heart from God, the greatest evil, 528

Allegorising Scripture, caution concerning, 48

Amanuensis, Mrs. Hawkes writes by an, 499, 508

Amusements, Rules concerning, 14-idle, 154

Animosity, occasioned by the Gospel, sermon, 584

Answer, made by one of the Fathers, 604

Antinomianism, the real christian in no danger of, 452
Ann, Mrs. Hawkes's old servant, 454

Apollyon, Christian's fight with, 11

Apostolical authority, Socinians object to the doctrine, 561

Approach of Christ, sometimes alarming, 130

Arbour of rest, in the Christian journey, 309

Arduous work, requires a fixed and single eye, 130

Arithmeticians, in a figurative sense, 376

Ark, used figuratively for Christ, 504, 599

Assurance, 17, 367, 373, 430, 452, 486, 488, 642

Assaults of Satan, 52-3, 139, 513, 551

Associations, holy, 609-right and wrong, 612

Asylum, chapel at the, 18

Attacks of Satan, 164, 497, 510, 548, succession of, 550, 553

Atoms, government of, 542-abuse of the doctrine, 545

Atheists, benevolence of, what, 659

Atheism, of the heart, 282

Atmosphere, of the world, hurtful, 84, 522

Atonement, resting on the, 470

Attainments, in religion, have humbling appendages, 609

[blocks in formation]

Baptism of the heathen, 561

Barrel of meal wasted not, sermon, 540

Bates, Mrs. Ely, her letters to Mrs. Hawkes, 68, 187

Battersea Rise, Mrs. Hawkes goes to, 187

Beatific vision, anticipations of, 390, 423, 495

Beauty, resulting from a combination of excellences, 56, 515

Beggars, used figuratively for sinners, 159

Belle-vue-house, Mr. Cecil's last residence, 298

B--tt, Mrs., letter to, 349

Berridge, Rev. John, his letter to Mrs. Wilberforce, 476
Bethel, Covenant renewed at, Sermon, 606

Better days, how considered of, 262, 386

Betchworth, Mrs. Hawkes's removal to, 303

Behmen, Jacob, 340

Beulah, land of, 367

Beveridge, Bishop, his remark, 249, 307

Bible without notes, 38-a directory, 629-a standard, 642
right way of reading the, 375

present of a, 82

Bigots, complexion of their charity, 659

Birth of Moses, sermon on, 537

Birth of Mrs. Hawkes, 2

Birth-place, spiritual, St. John's chapel, 225, 439

Birthday, memorandums on her, 384, 399, 429, 445, 457, 468
Birmingham, Church of St. Mary's, 7, 30, 32, 141

Mrs. Hawkes goes to, 30, 31, 47, 107, 131, 141, 198, 221, 224

Bligh, Captain, 634

Blindness, judicial, 59

Blind leading the blind, sermon, 554

Boarding school, Mrs. H. has thoughts of opening a, 200, 259, 276

Bounty, his Majesty's armed vessel the, 633

Bradford, John, letter of to Mr. Traves, 76

Bridal chamber, tomb compared to the, 514
Bridge of time, 260

B--- Mr., kindness of, 453

letters to, 454, 455, 460, 493, 505

Broad Marston, Mrs. Hawkes's native place, 2, 24, 30, 46, 104
Buckinghamshire, Mrs. H. invited by friends to reside in, 432, 447

Buonaparte, reference to, 265, 327

Burn, Rev. Edward, his advice to Mrs. Jones, 7

[blocks in formation]

Cæsar, loyalty to 555, 595


Cancer, Mrs. Cooper's 30-Mrs. Hawkes's 511

Calculus, nature of Mrs. Hawkes's complaint, 511

Calcutta, Rev. Daniel Wilson, Bishop of, reference to, 324, 491, 503, 511

Camperdown, battle of, 210

Calamities of war 159-from loss of ordinances, 204

Calling, effectual. of a Christian, 480

Calvin, his remark, note 378

Cares of a family, should not hinder prayer 259-rolled on Christ, 326

Carnal heart, offended at the gospel, 554

Carrion crow, a comparison, 660

Catalogue of sins, 160, 385, 449

Caviller, trifles at the door of Christianity, 599

Cavilling spirit, sermon on, 554

Caution against attending the theatre, 19

Cecil, Rev. Rich. Mrs. Hawkes goes to hear, 7

conversations of, 11, 32, 38, 47, 58, 65, 72, 83, 128, 139, 164, 195

letters of, 8, 114, 166, 172, 183, 202, 230, 238, 264, 274

illness of, 207, 286, 292

death of, 296

character of, as described by Mrs. Hawkes, 276, 297
reference to 246, 272, 304, 324, 451, 452, 481, 521, 522

Cecil, Mrs. her dangerous illness, 113

letters of, 117, 198, 243

Cecil, Mrs. death of, 479, 485

character described 177

Cecil, Israel, Mr. illness and death of, 291

Cecil, Rev. William 479-funeral service for Mrs. Hawkes performed by, 512
Censure, changed to compassion, 261-how cured, 290

Chamber of death, solemn, 207

Change in Mrs. Hawkes's character, 8, 18

death, compared to a 157

Character made manifest by time, 534-false character detected, 556, 622

Charging God foolishly, sin of, 544

Charity, false application of, 555

Chastisement, form of, unimportant, 165-use of, 536

Children, how hidden from mischief, 538-of God, favoured in their education, 540
feelings of Mrs. Hawkes concerning, 44

spirit of, 561

Chobham, Mrs. Hawkes goes to, 228

Choosing, happy to be kept from, 196

Christ, present with his church, sermon, 589

a shelter, sermon, 600

a hiding-place, sermon, 603

covenant head of all blessings, 300-Friend and high priest, 152
His estimate of suffering, 530-His intercession, 579

Christianity, evidence of, 545-peculiarities of, 585

Christianity invites to examination, 611

of some, cold, though clear, 566
medicine of the soul, 587

Christmas-day, memorandums on, 155, 388
Christians, eminent, have a special discipline, 529
Primitive, 165

Christian biography, when useful, 34

communion, 51-with departed spirits, 71
courage, in what it consists, 39

cheerfulness, 151, 371, 447

experience, 32, 83, 108, 189, 367, 369, 383-Remarks on, 638
friends, a sweet cordial, 444-reunion with in heaven, 397
friendship, 54, 177, 303, 467

happiness, what constitutes, 467

hope, 300, 632

minister, holy calling of a, 480, 483

obedience, 66

paradox, 372

patience, nature of, 648

steadfastness, sermon,


secret, 161, 385, 526

soldier, 157, 162

temperance, what, 99

traveller, 134-sermon, 627

virtues, a chain, 185

walk, solitary, 433, 439

Church of England, former state of, Note,

God never unmindful of his, 538

of St. Mary's Birmingham, 7

of St. Mary's Islington, 512
primitive, lines used by the, 507


Church-partial views of its ordinances, 661

Clapham, Mrs. Hawkes visits, 187, 361

Closet duties, their importance, 489

Close of correspondence between Mrs. Hawkes and Mrs. Jones, 395
Cloud, used figuratively, 188, 514

Collyer, Mr. Mrs. Hawkes removes to the house of, 240

Mrs. niece of Mrs. Hawkes, 311, 454

Comfort, too much sought after by hearers of the gospel, 47, 412

Comfortless state, 50, 77, 79

Commerce with the world, how to be conducted, 13, 439

Commission given to the disciples, 542, 558

Common place book, Mrs. H. resumes the use of her, 190

Communion with God 464-resulting from divine discipline, 343

Communion with departed spirits, 471, 662

Companion, death of Mrs. Hawkes's, 31

Company, uncongeniality of worldly, 95-bad, to be shunned, 553


-tt, Mrs., letters to, 301, 305, 307, 315, 327, 328, 356, 363, 378, 393, 407, 423,

Correspondence between Mrs. Hawkes and Mrs. Jones preserved, 19

of Mrs. Hawkes, a means of usefulness 255, 312, 322

compared to tracing the windings of a river, 323

Corrections, of God's children, various 165

Corruptions, how to be destroyed, 328

Country, Mrs. Hawkes's fondness for the, 180

Covenant renewed at Bethel, sermon, 606

everlasting, 149, 479, 467, 537

Cowes, Mrs. Hawkes goes to, 202, 209, 217-refers to, 437

Curiosity, vain, 153

Cursory chit-chat, not the whole design of friendly intercourse, 443

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

fears of, 389, 393, 394

approach of, 280

-, an earnest of 129

a friend, 152, 397-a dark valley, 615

-, sudden, 265

-, peaceful waiting for, 405

Death-bed, no dissembling on a, 257-why awful, 281

Dead calm in Christian experience, 52

Deadening waters, vagrant thoughts compared to, 405

Decay, spiritual, 141

Deceitful bow, a comparison, 622

Deep waters, of trouble, 215, 419

Dedication of Mrs. Hawkes at her birth, 385-of her house at Holloway, 38

Dependence, a state of, painful, 253

reflections upon, 262

-, upon God, a fruit of grace, 185, 344, 382, 393


Dependence, Mrs. Hawkes reduced to, 181

Depravity of the heart, 406

Depression, sermon on, 80

-, occasioned by paralysis, 292-by solitude, 305-by death of Mrs.
Jones, 398-of Mrs. Cecil, 488

Depressing dispensations, their design, 590

Despair, the last extinguisher of faith, 316, 636

Despondency, from misinterpretation of Providence, 535, 537

Design, of Christianity, 526

Device of Satan to sink the spirits, 589

Devotions, early morning, 50, 338, 490

Diary, Mrs. Hawkes begins to keep a, 10-inserts notes of sermons in her, 56--

discontinues the use of, 267-resumes, 190

Difficulties, pecuniary, 262, 264

Discontent, sin of, 250, 414

Discouragement, nature of, 87

Dispensation, design of every, 473

Dispute concerning Providence, 542

Disquietude from Satan's artifices, 513

Distrust, watch against, 547

Divine character, acquaintance with, 258, 374, 375

breath, influences of the Spirit, 86

Doctrine of the Cross, obstructions to the, 620

Doctrines of Christianity, Mrs. Hawkes's soundness in the, 155

Domestic trials, reference to, 60, 92, 130, 369, 383

Dover, Mrs. H. goes to, 174-letter to a friend at, 402

Dreams, how far to be regarded, 110

Dress, of a Christian, 13

Drowned, Mrs. Hawkes, in danger of being, 182

Drowsiness, a Christian has no time for, 328-an infirmity, 383

Drunkard, a, can tell of his "Experience," 638

Dudley, Mrs. Hawkes visits, 25-Mr. C. preaches at, 135

Duels, occasions of, 657

Dutch Fleet, surrender of, 210-Dutch Settlements, 634

Dwarf in the Christian life, 14

Dying friend, uncomfortable state of mind of, 276


Eagles, Christians illustrated by, 140, 593

Early rising, Mrs. Hawkes in the habit of 180

Easter Sunday, memorandum on, 327

Eden, Mr.Thomas, father to Mrs. Hawkes-estate left by-Christian character of, 2
Eden, Mrs. letter of, 3-example of, 22-prayers of, 25-contemplated as in
Heaven, 46-dedicates Mrs. Hawkes to God at her birth, 385

Eden, Mr. Henry, brother to Mrs. Hawkes, 24-his death, 46

Eden, Mr. Thomas, nephew to Mrs. Hawkes, 510

Ejaculatory prayer, letter on 502-see also, 259, 505

Elevation, of Mrs. Hawkes's mind, 71, 517

Elijah fed by the widow, sermon on, 540

Enemy, Satan, 163, 164, 165, 548, 579, 581, 604
death, 158, 396

the world, 162, 163

melancholy, 166, 320

Enemies, duty of loving, 62

Engagement to dine out, why declined, 75

Enthusiast, term of reproach, 585, 638-hope of an, fancy, 632

Enumeration of mercies, 260, 278

Error, danger of, 73, 258-query innocent? 564, 588

Errors, of sense corrected by faith, 536

Evidence, what, 17-in favour of religion, 525, 620

Exemplar of true piety, Mrs. Hawkes, 527

Experience, see Christian.

Faculties, loss of, 129


Failures, watch against, but despond not under, 12

Faith, removes mountains, 121-subdues corruption, 151
simplicity of, 336, 430

the Christian's sheet anchor, 450

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