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shall plead ignorance of the law for any crime he may commit. This journal shall be submitted to the inspection of those captains of British men-of-war, which occasionally touch at the island.

"N. B. Every person, from the age of fifteen and upward, shall pay a fine similar to masters of families.


"There must be a school kept, to which all parents shall be obliged to send their children, who must previously be able to repeat the alphabet, and be of the age of from six to sixteen. Mr. Nobbs shall be placed at the head of the school, assisted by such persons as shall be named by the chief-magistrate. The school-hours shall be from seven o'clock in the morning until noon, on all days, excepting Saturdays and Sundays; casualties and sickness excepted. One shilling, or an equivalent, as marked below, shall be paid for each child per month, by the parents, whether the child attend school or not. In case Mr. Nobbs does not attend, the assistant

appointed by the chief-magistrate shall receive the salary in proportion to the time Mr. Nobbs is absent.

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The chief-magistraté is to see the labour well performed; and goods which may be given for money, shall be delivered, either at the market-place, or at the house of Mr. Nobbs, as he may direct.”


"On the 1st of January, after the magistrate is elected, he shall assemble all those who should be deemed necessary; and with them he is to visit all landmarks that are upon the island, and replace those that are lost. Should any thing occur to prevent its accomplishment in the time

* Four shillings of English money are about equal to one dollar.

specified, (the 1st of January,) the magistrate is bound to see it done the first opportunity.


"No person or persons shall be allowed to get spirits of any sort, from any vessel, or sell it to strangers, or any person upon the island. Any one found guilty of so doing shall be punished by fine, or such other punishment as a jury shall determine on. No intoxicating liquor whatever shall be allowed to be taken on shore, unless it be for medicinal purposes. Any person found guilty of transgressing this law shall be severely punished by a jury. No females are allowed to go on board a foreign vessel of any size or description, without the permission of the magistrate; and in case the magistrate does not go on board himself, he is to appoint four men to look after the females.


"Any person taking the public anvil and public sledge-hammer from the black

smith's shop, is to take it back after he has done with it; and in case the anvil and sledge-hammer should get lost by his neglecting to take it back, he is to get another anvil and sledge-hammer, and pay a fine of four shillings."

With regard to the laws as to cats, fowls, &c., the Rev. G. H. Nobbs stated as follows:

"If a CAT is killed without being positively detected in killing fowls, however strong the suspicion may be, the person killing such cat is obliged, as a penalty, to destroy 300 rats, whose tails must be submitted for the inspection of the magistrate, by way of proof that the penalty has been paid.

"If a fowl is found destroying the yams or potatoes, the owner of the plantation, after giving due warning, may shoot the fowl, and retain it for his use, and may demand of the owner of such fowl the amount of powder and shot so expended, as well as the fowl. The fowls are all toe-marked

Goats, and other quadrupeds are earmarked.

"If a pig gets loose from its sty and commits any depredation, the owner is obliged to make good the damage, according to the decision of the magistrate, whose duty it is to survey the injury alleged to be done, and from whose decision a reference, if necessary, may be made to a jury; but the final appeal is to the captain of the next man-of-war touching at the island."

A bank was set on foot a few years since at Pitcairn. The dollars, which were not very numerous, were allowed to accumulate for a time, partly with the object of purchasing a vessel. But the plan did not answer; and the several deposits were returned.

THE REGISTER OF PITCAIRN'S ISLAND, from 1790 to 1850, is a very interesting document, and will probably be of great value hereafter, as a record of names and events connected with that little world. A few extracts will be given.

The first entry occurs January 23, 1790: "H. M. S. Bounty burned. Fasto, wife of

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