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But ye have not so learned Christ; if so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus....Eph. iv. 20, 21.

JESUS, the great prophet of his church, speaks to the hearts of his members. This is his superior excellence to all other prophets, for they can only speak to the ear. To attend a preached gospel is our constant duty. But all our profit and happiness arise from hearing the Saviour's voice to our souls. Under the outward ministry, inwardly to listen to the teachings of his Lord, should be every christian's concern! Many cry, O what an excellent preacher! what a charming sermon? But why? Didst thou hear Jesus speak? did he teach? hast thou heard somewhat from him? Thou knowest, disciple, though a Paul plants, though an Apollos waters, yet it is the Saviour's presence and power that give the increase of faith, love, peace, and joy....It is.

So the Saviour is pleased to teach; so disciples love to learn. Then is it well with the soul; for it refuseth to act and walk after the course of this present evil world; for he says, the Saviour hath taught me better. Why does he take pains to teach me the love of his cross? Why hath he instructed me in the truths of his salvation? Why hath he made known to my poor heart the unsearchable riches of his grace, redemption in his blood, forgiveness of sins, acceptance with God, and peace and love from him? And do I possess "a good hope through grace," that as verily as I have learned Christ, heard him, been taught by him, and know the truth as in him, I shall soon. be with him. After all this, can I walk in the vanity of my mind? can I turn aside from the free-grace truths of the gospel, to have my teeth set on edge with the sour grapes of corrupt human systems? Or canst thou ever think, disciple, that the liberty of the Spirit tends to licentiousness of the flesh, or that grace makes sin less hateful; or that a holy walk, and obedient life, doth not flow from the doctrines and teachings of our Saviour? Surely, thou must know, that as the work of Jesus' life and death was to justify sinners, so the teaching of his Spirit is to sanctify them. And verily if this is done inwardly on thy soul, it will be evidenced outwardly on thy life, in separating thyself as a holy vessel, meet for the master's use, from all sensuality and uncleanness; in "putting off the old man with his deeds," and in serving our God and Saviour "in newness of the Spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.".... Rom. vii. 6.

Order my footsteps by thy word,
And make my heart sincere;
Let sin have no dominion, Lord,
But keep my conscience clear.


A holy fellowship, with thee,
My Lord, may I enjoy:
Thus I may ever learn to be,
Dead to all sinful joy.


God's free-grace declarations and absolute promises revive the hearts of contrite ones. Man's ifs, suppositions, and peradventures, tend to counteract God's SHALLS and WILLS, his gracious purposes and loving determinations. Where the word of a king is, there is power: "And who may say unto him, what dost thou?".... Eccles. viii. 4. In the word of Jehovah there is almighty power: "He doth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What dost thou?" ....Dan. iv. 35.

God's I WILL and YOU SHALL, are the stay, the strength, the food of faith. It is the joy of believing hearts to set their seal to God's free promises, and say, Amen, so be it. The arm of the Lord, the strength of Jehovah, which hath done wonders of old, is not shortened that it cannot save; that is our mercy. It is, it ever will be stretched forth in power; that is our comfort. Every redeemed soul "SHALL return to mount Sion, to the general assembly of the church of the first-born, which are enrolled in heaven; and to God, the Judge of all; and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling."....Heb. xii. 23.

All the objects of the Father's love are the subjects of the Son's redemption, and shall be partakers of the Spirit's power and consolation. In returning to Jesus they shall find rest, and peace, and joy. By the sprinkling of his blood, sorrow and mourning flee away from their consciences. Then how sweetly, how joyfully do we sing the song of Moses?.... Exod. xv. 1...." The Lord is my strength and my song: he is become....what? even MY SALVATION," &c. How comfortably do our souls join the triumphant song of the victorious Lamb.... Rev. i. 5...." Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, and his Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." What strong consolation! what full assurance is proclaimed from the mouth of the Lord! Every sentence contains a SHALL; not it may be, but it shall be. Sinners feel the power of grace, which melts hearts of stone into flesh; saints feel the comfort of love, which turns mournful penitents into joyful souls. "All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ."....2 Cor. v. 18.


life and conversation. There are no holy unbelievers, nor unh believers. Gospel-exhortations are suited to the spiritual state regenerate souls. They are subjects of the Prince of Peace; at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. As agreeable their character, to the will of God, and to the peace of their o minds, they are ever to study and endeavor to follow peace wi all men, consistent with faith and a good conscience. So of holines being holy members of the holy Jesus, beloved children of a ho God, subjects of a holy Spirit, called by a holy gospel, partakers a holy faith, heirs of a holy kingdom; therefore all the way of the journey, thither they are to follow holiness. Partaking of the root holiness, by union with Jesus, all the fruits of holiness spring Christ is the way wherein we are to walk: conformity to his imag is the delight of new-born souls; but we are subjects of a natur which is averse to this. Still we know that holiness and happines are ever inseparable. Holiness is our vocation, our business, an is ever to be our constant aim; though not to recommend us to Go to procure his favor, or as a condition of our acceptance in hi sight, but that we may GLORIFY him "who hath made us accepted in the beloved."

Saints are not to indulge themselves on the bed of sloth, dream of heaven, big with hopes of a fool's paradise, and vainly wish to cast themselves out of Delilah's lap of worldly pleasures and sinful gratifications, into Abraham's bosom of heavenly joys: but we are studiously to avoid every thing which is contrary to the nature of true holiness, and ever to be diligent in the use of such means, which, through the power of the Holy Spirit, may increase our love of holiness, and cause us to abound in the practice of it.. True, we have innumerable enemies from within and without to oppose our progress in holiness. So much the more need of diligence and activity. We know that the delicious fruits of happiness grow only in the paths of holiness; and the Lord's strength which is for us, is greater than all that is against us. Ever remember a throne of grace is always open to us, and we are exhorted to draw nigh to God with boldness. Great and precious promises are given us. All are to encourage us "to serve God without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life."....Luke i. 74, 75.

If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love: even as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love....John xv. 10.


Do any reproach us concerning our hope of eternal life, that we do not expect it by free grace and promise only, but clogged with terms and conditions which we must fulfil? Do they say we are only dreaming legalists, under the legal yoke, and not Christ's freemen? We answer.... We not only talk of, but we enjoy Christ; we do not merely prate about faith, but we partake of its power; not only hear of love described, but we feel its influence; not barely look for salvation from sin, but we enjoy it by the faith of Jesus NOW; and we know that we shall partake of salvation with eternal glory. For he who never spoke one word in vain, hath pronounced of all his members, "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you. Continue ye in my love." And the loving heart of Jesus is so set upon our being always happy, that he directs us how to act, so as constantly to abide in the sweet sense of his love; that so we may enjoy still greater measures of it in our hearts. If ye keep my commandments, so shall it be with you.

Jesus ever abode in his Father's love; this he manifested by doing the Father's will, and keeping his commandments. In his work of obedience he received this testimony from the Father, "This is my well-beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." So Abraham had this blessed witness borne him by the Lord. "Now I know thou fearest God." And also a repetition of the grand promise given him upon the obedience of his faith....Gen. xxii. 15...18.

So also shall disciples find the testimony of the comforting Spirit, in the way of keeping the commandments of Jesus. Though not for, yet " in keeping thy commandments there is great reward.".... Psalm xix. 11. This David well knew by happy experience. So saints do experience.

Faith and love are the commandments of Jesus. To believe in, rely upon, confide and trust in the Lord Jesus from hour to hour, this is to honor him. To love God and one another as his children, is the true badge of the disciples of the loving Saviour; this is to obey him. The more loving faith, and faithful love to Jesus abide in our hearts, so much the more will peace, consolation, and joy be increased in our souls.

Do any deem this legality? May the God of grace fill our hearts with such legality day by day! so shall we be truly evangelized. "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him, rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."....Col. ii. 6, 7.

The King's daughter is all glorious within; her clothing is of wrought gold....Psalm xlv. 13.

THUS Jehovah, the sovereign Lord of all, who "calleth things that be not, as though they were," speaketh by his Spirit of his church. By the pen of the royal prophet, the Lord describes the beauty and glory of all his members. They are viewed by God the Father, from all eternity, in Christ Jesus the heavenly bridegroom. They are beloved and chosen in him...." saved in the Lord Jesus with an everlasting salvation."....Isa. xlv. 17. They are made all glorious within; without, they are most richly clothed.

What the church is viewed from eternity, that each member is destined to, and shall be made in time. For the establishing and comfort of our faith and hope, which is in God, here is a sweet, a near and dear relation spoken of, and which ever subsists: the church is the King of glory's daughter, "the Lamb's wife,".... Rev. xxi. 9.... according to the immutable law of love, which, like the laws of the Medes and Persians, changeth not. Therefore she shall possess and enjoy her portion and dowry, which is designed for her. Though in herself she is black and deformed, yet is she most gloriously arrayed with the perfect comeliness which Jesus puts upon her.... Ezek. xvi. 14. But she knows not of, nor glories in this outward clothing, till she is all glorious within. When the blessed Spirit hath quickened, enlightened, and possessed the soul, of the rich graces of faith and love, then in a holy triumph of heavenly joy and ecstacy she cries out, " I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in MY God; for he hath clothed ME with the garments of salvation, he hath covered ME with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels, &c."....Isa. lxi. 10.

• Thus the righteousness, the perfect righteousness of Jesus is our clothing; like gold for its value and purity; like wrought gold, being the work of the life of Jesus, to an exact conformity of the perfect law. Our inward glory lies in the graces of the Holy Spirit, in the hidden man of the heart. By the former, we have a title to glory; by the latter, we have evidence of interest in, and meetness for the kingdom. Thus faith's views are struck from the impression of the royal signet of God's word. Woe to licentious tongues, who would deprive the church of her INWARD glory and holiness. Woe to those sacrilegious hands of Pharisees, who would strip the church of her glorious robe of imputed righteousness. "For, saith the Lord, I will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of his eye."....Zech. ii. 5...8.

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