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can often be relieved and overcome by


when all other measures have been "tried and found wanting."

Prunoids act by stimulating natural functions, and in consequence, are notably free from the drawbacks of usual cathartics.

Samples on request.

DIRECTIONS-One or two at bedtime.

SULTAN DRUG CO., St. Louis, Mo.

When you write to advertisers, please mention The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette

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for Whooping Cough, Spasmodic Croup, Bronchitis, Broncho Pneumonia, Asthma, Sore Throat, and the bronchial complications incident to Scarlet Fever and Measles.

Vaporized Cresolene is destructive to Diphtheria bacilli and may be
advantageously used in connection with the treatment of this disease.
Cresolene has twice the germicidal value of carbolic acid, and is less
toxic. The vapor is harmless to the youngest child. The accompany-
ing vaporizer offers a means of easy and prolonged treatment.

Let us send you our descriptive and test booklet which gives liberal sample offer.
62 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK

THE VAPO-CRESOLENE CO., Leeming-Miles Building, Montreal, Canada


While You Sleep






Every now and then one is forcibly reminded of the fact that the pharmaceutical market of to-day contains many so-called therapeutic agents of doubtful medicinal value-agents of indefinite and varying potency. The point was well brought out, not so very long ago, by a certain chemist who purchased in the open market ten samples of tincture of opium in which the content of morphine varied from 2.7 to 22.8 per cent. Of three tinctures of aconite which he examined, one was found to contain 9 per cent. more of aconite than the standard required, and another 20 per cent. less. Two specimens of fluid extract of the same drug contained 18.5 per cent. and 25.5 per cent. more, respectively, of the alkaloid than is officially required. Samples of belladonna showed 11.5 per cent. less of mydriatic alkaloids in the fluid extract of the root, and 17 per cent. more in the tincture of the leaves. Some tinctures and fluid extracts of nux vomica revealed an excess of strychnine-in one case of 19 per cent.

The foregoing facts are called to mind. by an announcement which is appearing in medical journals over the signature of Parke, Davis & Co., bearing the title, "Fluid Extracts and Tinctures of Definite Potency," and opening with this significant

therapeutic result that you hope for and expect?"

It is well known that Parke, Davis & Co. are authoritative upon the subject of standardization, chemical and physiological, and it may be confidently asserted that the practitioner of medicine who reads and ponders what is said in the announcement re

ferred to will find that his time has been well expended. The physician's obligation to his patient, it should be remembered, does not cease with the writing of a prescription. There remains the further duty to assure himself that trustworthy products are used in compounding that prescription. When he prescribes a fluid extract or tincture the physician owes it to his patient to specify the brand-the brand of a reliable manufacturer.




Sample and formula mailed to physicians upon request.

question: "When writing a prescription for BRISTOL-MYERS CO.,

a fluid extract or tincture, what assurance
have you that the product dispensed will be
medicinally efficient?-that it will be active,
yet not too active?-that it will produce the

277-281 Greene Avenue,


When you write to advertisers, please mention The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette

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VASO-MOTOR DERANGEMENTS. The part played by the vaso-motor system in countless diseases is at last thoroughly recognized. As a consequence, circulatory disorders are among the most common functional ailments that the modern physician is called upon to correct. Various heart tonics and stimulants are usually employed, but the effect of these is rarely more than temporary. To re-establish a circulatory equilibrium that offers real and substantial relief from the distressing symptoms that call most insistently for treatment requires a systematic building up of the whole body. Experience has shown that no remedy at the command of the profession is


more serviceable in this direction than Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp.

For nearly 20 years this standard tonic has filled an important place in the armamentarium of the country's leading physicians. Its therapeutic efficiency in restoring systemic vitality and thus overcoming functional disorders of the vaso-motor or circulatory system is not the least of the qualities that account for its widespread use. The results, however, that can be accomplished in many cases of cardiac weakness have led many physicians to employ it almost as a routine remedy at the first sign of an embarrassed or flagging circulation.

By a Special Arrangement with the publisher of


by James Oppenheim, we are enabled to offer that popular novel on the
White Plague" with a year's subscription (new or renewal) for $1.75.


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The success of Brieux's play, "Damaged Goods," was anticipated in this country by "Wild Oats," which was published before a translation of the great French drama appeared

"Wild Oats" has the approval and endorsement of the leaders in the movement to encourage the study of sex hygiene, for they have appreciated the wholesome directness and scientific accuracy of the author, who however, sacrifices none of the fictional interest in the narrative.

EDWARD BOK, Editor of The Ladies' Home Journal, writes a Foreword to "WILD OATS.”’ In it he says: "It may be that the work of arousing the public conscience on the great evils that threaten the very foundations of our social structure, is in the bands of the fictionist. This has unquestionably been true in the past. If it be true of the present evil, may this story speak its great vibrant message in clarion tones.

The GAZETTE and the book may be sent to different addresses if desired. The subscription may be a new one or your present subscription may be extended one year. Send $1.75, together with the names to which you wish the paper and the book sent, to

Subscription Department, The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette,

87 Nassau Street, New York



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FOOD is more important than medicine. This
is also the case with all who are troubled
with Uric Acid, Obesity, Rheumatism,
Kidney Trouble and Starch Indiges-
tion. Strength giving foods are important.
Something must be given to build up the waste
tissues and take the place of the foods that
have been eliminated from the diet of such

Practically the only food from which this
can be obtained is genuine gluten, which is ob-
tained only in one way-by washing it out of
the wheat, the process used only in a wheat
starch factory.

Hoyt's Gum Gluten Products are made in the wheat starch factory of the Arthur S. Hoyt Co. They are carefully prepared and are put up in various forms as Flour, Breakfast Food, Biscuit Crisps, etc. These have been found palatable and acceptable to the patients affording a greater variety than has heretofore been accessible.


Hoyt's Gum Gluten Products guaranteed in every case to fully meet the requirements of the United States Government Standard for gluten.

Physicians who want to be sure of results, should in every case carefully and explicitly prescribe only Hoyt's Gum Gluten and see that it is used instead of the many so called gluten products that are not reliable.

Send for nearest agent's name and address, diet-list and samples.

The Pure Gluten Food Co.

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In specific diseases advised by leading physicians and hospitals in America. It also gives explicit directions for preparing the different foods and appropriate diet for the different ages and conditions.

THIS BOOK has been revised to meet the growing tendency of the physician to

prescribe the exact food value of a diet. The energy values of recipes have been given, also a table showing the food value of foodstuffs in the small quantities generally used in cookery for the sick.

This will be useful to the physician or nurse in computing other food combinations, and in calculating the amount of protein, fat or carbohydrate in any dietary without the tedious mathematical processes usually involved in such operations.

It is the only work on the market containing this very useful data in practical form, and it will prove invaluable for anyone interested in the subject of diet.

Seventh Edition, Revised and Enlarged, 12mo, 550 pages. Price, $1.50 Post Paid.
Special price quoted on quantity to schools and hospitals.

A. E. PATTEE, Publisher and Bookseller, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.

When you write to advertisers, please mention The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette

No Advance in the Price of FELLOWS' SYRUP

as a Result of the War

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Kumyss is the best obtainable milk, fermented with a little necessary cane sugar, and replaces to the greatest advantage unchanged milk whenever the latter does not agree.

Kumyss is both a food and a refreshing beverage; it is highly acceptable to the fevered patient and will alone sustain life until the full diet is resumed.

Containing 0.55% of the lactic ferment, it tends to ascepticise the bowel and so prevent autointoxication. It is absorbed with promptness and ease, creates no curds, and will not constipate. It solves every problem of the invalid's diet, including the sick child's.

For chronic invalids nothing is superior to Kumyss; in direct inflammations of the gastric mucosa it is often the only agent that will be retained.

It has been the sole beverage for over seven centuries of one of the healthiest races of men-the Kirghis of Russia.

Genuine Kumyss is sold only in bottles, stoppered with crown caps, bearing the well known trademark and the words "Dr. Brush's Kumyss." Be careful to prescribe the genuine, for it never disagrees.

E. F. BRUSH, M.D.,

Mount Vernon, N. Y.

The Schoen Printing Co., 13-15 Vandewater Street, N. Y.

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