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print of respectable publishing houses, has borne its part, and the detestable 'sociological' conferences, attended by the young and old of both sexes, have done more than the worst plays to break down the barriers of restraint and destroy good manners."

The field of preventive medicine is indeed vast, constantly widening, and most fruitful; in it, through thirty years past,

the DIETETIC AND HYGIENIC GAZETTE has worked, mostly as a gleaner. It is a most congenial field; and we look forward with the utmost gratification to continue working in it; to be as useful as we can in it; and with the hope that when our mantle must, in the course of inexorable nature, be transferred to others' shoulders, we shall not be deemed to have worn it unworthily.


THE General Education Board has, by its gift of $1,500,000 to the Johns Hopkins University Medical School, enabled that institution to work a now long cherished reform in the organization and teaching of the main clinical branches in this institution. The fund is to be named the William H. Welch Endowment for Clinical Education and Research in honor of its professor of pathology; and the trustees of that University are unrestricted in the application of the income. Hopkins will now be able to reorganize its departments of medicine, surgery and pediatrics so that the professors and their chief assistants will receive adequate salaries and will be relieved of the necessity of practicing privately; they will give their whole time to education and research. Should the plan work well it will be extended to the departments of physiology, anatomy, pharmacology and pathology. And here, surely, regarding the latter subjects, were a consummation devoutly to be wished; for the work in them is peculiarly con amore, work to which private practice is not likely to be so adjuvant as in the departments of medicine, surgery and pediatrics.

There have heretofore been very few "full time professors" in medical education. The pediatrics department, of which the head is Dr. John Howland, will be the first to be effected. Next will probably come surgery, under Dr. William S. Halstead; and then medicine, under Dr. Lewellys F.

Barker. It has not yet become fully known whether these physicians will feel themselves able to go on a full term basis. It is thought the salaries will be between ten and fifteen thousand dollars. But that is not now considered the main point. Dr. Welch is reported as saying: "We don't want men who are thinking of salaries only; we want men who will be willing to make sacrifices for research." Of course the services of such men as Dr. John Miller Turpin Finney, Dr. Howard A. Kelly and Dr. Joseph C. Bloodgood will in any event be retained; they will continue with the Medical School as at present. They may be eventually offered positions under this plan; but, if they should not accept, other men in their departments will be made full time assistants, and will devote themselves exclusively to the University. Of course, the full time professors will be unrestricted in seeing private patients, but their work will be done in the hospital; and professional fees for such services will go to the University to further teaching and research. For the present at least there will still be room and need in the Medical School and Hospital for teachers and physicians who are partly engaged in private practice. The teaching of the specialties is not affected by the new plan. The influence of the full time system as applied to the other departments, however, cannot fail to be beneficial upon the whole Medical School and its organization."


THE Rockefeller Institute for Medical agencies)-Noguchi discovered the germ Research has, in its brief existence of scarce responsible for the development of rabies a decade, and from its beginning under the or hydrophobia, by which discovery this Directorship of Dr. Simon Flexner, given dreadful disease will henceforth without to the world work extraordinarily fruitful. peradventure be recognized and by which a Within its walls has Dr. Flexner perfected curative agency may be evolved. (The Pasa serum curative of cerebrospinal meningi- teur inoculations against rabies are a most tis, one of the most dreadful and fatal of effective immunizing agent, but they are diseases affecting humankind, especially powerless when the disease is once establittle children. Dr. Meltzer, among much lished; how earnestly is then a cure to be else that is superb, has developed the intra- hoped for, since hydrophobia, the sufferings tracheal insufflation by which are resusci- from which are exceeded in no other distated those seemingly dead for hours, from ease, has when once established in the sysdrowning or from noxious fumes. Dr. Car- tem, a mortality of one hundred per cent.) rel, (a Nobel prize winner) has not only And now, a month after the announcements maintained life in vital tissues (as the heart of Carrel and Noguchi, comes another epoand the kidney) many months after its re- chal one, that of Flexner and Noguchi's moval from the body; but in September last demonstration of the essential germ of inhe published his demonstration of cellular fantile paralysis (epidemic poliomyelitis), growth and multiplication apart from its the acute infection from which children if organism, a work pregnant with possibili- they do not die, are nevertheless like to grow ties for the repair of tissues and organs by to maturity with groups of muscles irreparsurgical procedures. At the same time Dr. ably flaccid or with entire limbs wasted or Hideyo Noguchi (to whose credit is much functionless; by this discovery again, will other notable work-as the assistance he infantile paralysis be diagnosed beyond ergave Dr. Ehrlich in the preparation of sal- ror, and a curative serum confidently hoped varsan, one of the several surest of curative for.

WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN COTTON MILLS. DR. ARTHUR H. PERRY studied the Causes of Death Among Women and Child Cotton Mill Operatives, and gave his results in Vol. 14 of Senate Document No. 645 of the Second Session of the Sixty-first Congress. In his investigation he employed the "death rate method": and he formed a comparison of the mortality of employees in the three great cotton mill centres of the East (Fall River, Mass., Manchester, N. H., and Pawtucket, R. I.) with the mortality prevailing in similar age and sex conditions outside that industry. He chose the age period 15-44 years, because it represents full industrial activity when the death rate would normally be low; represents one-half the entire population, thus giving a very wide range of study; and comprises 85 per cent. of the

entire operative population-whilst within its limits are 76 per cent. of the entire number of tuberculosis deaths from ten years of age on, 73 per cent. of the whole operative mortality from all causes, and 91 per cent. of the entire operative mortality from tuberculosis. Cotton mill work, studied because it engages more women and children than any other industry, exhibits a deplorably high female death rate, and, more frequently perhaps than any other industry, compels its workers to inhale irritant vegetable dust-which is peculiarly conducive, in the overworked and the underfed, to tuberculosis. And tuberculosis (consumption) was selected for study because it is the most prevalent ultimate or immediate cause of death within the 15-44 age period. Dr.

Perry's job was a pretty thorough one, all explained in a most interesting volume of 430 pages; and humanitarians, sanitarians and some real statesmen are thinking hard over certain points this doctor has pretty well clinched, as: The death rates of male non-operatives exceeds those of female nonoperatives by 22 per cent.; but the death rates of female operatives exceeds those of male operatives by 33 per cent., despite the former averaging younger. Again: Female operatives have a death rate of more than twice that of non-operatives of their own sex, in some age and race groups many times as high, in the years from 35 to 44 five times as high. And Dr. Perry's conclusion is that operative work is prejudicial to the health of females; that the combination of operative work with matrimony is especially harmful; and that, whilst the general hazard of the female operative is greater than that of the non-operative, the former is in most danger

from tuberculosis. The further conclusion looks as if it were justified, that whilst there has long been a suspicion that a cotton mill is hardly the health resort some mill owners would claim it to be, Dr. Perry's Report demonstrates such working places might more justly be called death resorts. And this Report all the more abundantly justifies satisfaction in the coming reduction of our tariff, an institution fulsomely held through so many dreary years to exist fundamentally for the fostering of the physical and material welfare of the working people; but which, by increasing enormously the cost of the things which the poor must buy, whilst pari passu building up vast individual fortunes, has become in New England, as in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, where protection has so conspicuously demonstrated its blessings, an instrument conducive in reality to human distress and undoing, and to death long before the term natural to humankind.


IN the Life Table for New York City recently issued by its Department of Health, it was shown that, whilst life expectancy for infancy and childhood has greatly increased, that for after forty has diminished, as compared with the calculations issued by Dr. Billings in 1883. This has

moved the "knocker" to observe that we now save our young people from tuberculosis in order that they may die after forty from the degenerative diseases; furthermore, that the humanitarian is mistaken in his now eminently successful efforts to prolong the lives of human weaklings beyond infancy, because the latter's below-par bodies will later become unable to resist the pathological processes that begin to manifest themselves after two score the terminal diseases resulting from the failure of important organs (especially in those thus predisposed) to maintain their efficiency. The answer to this survival of the fittest claim is, obviously enough, that if there is to be no tender solicitude for the afflicted child we must logically go back to

savagery as the ideal human state, and that the wille zum guten, altruism, Christianity itself have been and are colossal errors. But who are the fit, anyway? Only those physically so? Is the spiritual in existence to be ignored? Such were indeed a wofully lopsided philosophy. Many a useful man (the biographical dictionaries teem with the names of them) has been unhealthily born and has had his infant life hanging many days by a thread, until the scale has turned existenceward, with results vastly profitable and beneficial to his kind. The life expectancy of such an one may not have been worth any "practical man" taking a flyer in him. He may never have seen anywhere near forty. But in his brief span he has ineffably and most comfortingly impressed himself upon his day and generation. Hundreds of the world's geniuses and compellers have died before thirty-five of the one disease, tuberculosis. For us certainly it was good that they lived at least the half of three score and ten. Manifestly, length of days is not as important as how they have been lived.


A GREAT Sculptor once had his soul so saturated with a wonderful sunset-its softness, its calm, its quiescent and gradual change of coloring and its peace-suffusing quality—that he wanted to portray it; but he was no painter. So instead he wrought in marble a little child asleep; and this he did so successfully that people contemplating the equanimity and trustfulness in its infant countenance, the stone that seemed almost to be respiring, declared that it put them in mind of a sunset and were bettered accordingly. So also Harper's Weekly relates how "fifty years ago a boat builder (this is imagined for the facts are not known nor do they in the least matter, since they 'have nothing at all to do with the case') was profoundly moved by a queenly, a soul compelling, and a good-diffusing woman; but he was no poet and could not manifest his devotion in rhyme and rhythm. Yet his imperative ambition was to interpret his inspiration into something that might in turn benefit the world. So he built a poem: he designed a most beautiful white vessel with exquisitely graceful lines; and he named her the Mary Powell. And so transcendently delightful was that vessel, when outlined

against the loveliest scenery in the world, so swift and sure her course along her noblest river, dashing the rainbowed spray from her bow, so benignant her existence, that these fifty years past people have never tired admiring her, 'many an eye has danced to see' her flag in the breeze; many a heart has throbbed at her passing, and from first to last men have called her, perfectly comprehending her designer's inspiration, The Queen of the Hudson. So from the beginning of the race have superb women moved men to glorious works; and never has such admiration been more justified than when translated into utilitarian achievements. The Mary Powell is going to the scrap heap! That is what it really amounts to, though her owners are trying to break it gently to the many thousands who love her and cherish memories of those with whom they spent hours on their runs. 'She will make occasion trips.' This, any discerning person can see, is but softening the blow. Soon she will pass away along with such gray heads as began their wedding trips on the sympathetic decks. But that is the appointed course for beautiful women and devoted men, and wonderfashioned vessels, as well as for all and everything else in the cosmos."


DR. GORGAS, who has transformed the Isthmus of Panama from one of the most pestilent regions in the world, to one of the most salubrious, now vying with Palm Beach as a health resort, is on his way to The Rand with the consent and approval of our War Department. The management of the Rand gold mines have asked him to deal with the diseases, especially pneumonia and grippe, that are gravely affecting their employees. Pneumonia has during the last few years caused great mortality among these men, epidemics quickly succeeding one another. Dr. Gorgas expects to find out the causes of the epidemics and then to lay plans for stamping them out.

Probably many of these cases of pneumonia are preceded by grippe, one of the most contagious of known diseases, in itself not serious, seldom fatal, but having oftentimes grave sequelae. The mine workers. whose sufferings Gorgas hopes to--and certainly will-relieve are negroes, native Kaffirs, a race very susceptible to grippe and pneumonia.

In Panama Gorgas had, in the beginning of his work, a very similar problem to deal with. Deaths from pneumonia ran up to 15 in the thousand of population annually. Here again the initial disease was influenza, pneumonia being the sequel. The negroes

who were employed as laborers were fetched by thousands from Jamaica and other West India Islands, and had theretofore never known grippe nor been exposed to it; in the natural history of infection they were thus extraordinarily subject to its contagion -they had a low relative immunity to it. On the Isthmus they met sufferers from the United States or elsewhere, and thus epidemics quickly took place. Besides, ninety per cent. were then quartered in barracks (now but ten per cent are thus housed); thus grippe spread rapidly. Later the negroes took up quarters outside barracks, had their families come from their native is lands, and thus provided a fresh stock of non-immunes to invite further mischief.

The Canal Zone folk have, however, since become more or less, by acquired immunity, influenza-proof, and suffer now not much. worse than in any American community. Possibly the state of affairs in the Witwatersrand, which Gorgas will visit, is akin to that which formerly existed in Panama. If the labor supply has been maintained by recruiting fresh batches of Kaffirs from various tribes that have not been previously exposed to grippe, the disease would spring rapidly among them, with pneumonia as a sequel in many cases. The remedy would lie in avoiding in the future, as far as possible, such practices. Gorgas will make a general sanitary survey of the mine districts. It is an elevated region, probably not malarious to any degree. Presumably there is more or less typhoid, as anywhere else in the world. Our great sanitarian will certainly get established a regular organiza

tion such as has been accomplished so much in the Canal Zone.

The Kaffirs, it seems, live in compounds quadrangles of buildings, resembling somewhat city blocks and surrounded each by a courtyard, such as in tropical America would be called a "patio." The buildings on the four sides of the courtyards are barracks, used for sleeping and other living purposes; the cooking is done outdoors on the ground, beneath slanting shed-like roofs, that project from the walls of the buildings on their inward sides. Here then, are conditions practically akin to those which formerly obtained in our Canal Zone, and very inviting to grippe and pneumonia epidemics; if at frequent intervals fresh supplies of immunes are introduced from various tribes, a situation is created accounting fully for the pneumonia death rate which has occasioned such consternation in the Witwatersrand.

Influenza is now no more troublesome in Panama than anywhere else, as has been stated; nor has there been yellow fever in that region since 1906; there is some malaria left, but not much. Grippe could be abolished entirely in the Canal Zone, as elsewhere if people could only be convinced that it is worth while to take the necessary trouble; simply by isolating the grippe sufferers, as is done with smallpox cases and as ought to be done with measles cases. With the possible exception of dengue there is no disease in the tropics which attacks so many people as grippe; Gorgas will assuredly reduce the latter's incidence and, if he is properly "backed up," banish it from the Rand, with its so often fatal sequel, pneumonia.


IN our present and several succeeding issues appears and will appear, by official arrangement, the transactions of the recent meetings of the Association for the promotion of Hygiene and Public Baths. It is wholly fitting that the authoritative deliberations of the workers in these important fields, of hygiene and balneology, should be co-ordinated in THE GAZETTE, which has through three decades occupied them. Indeed, Dr. Simon Baruch, the Association's President and a laborer for many years in behalf of hydrotherapy, gave to THE

GAZETTE the first paper on A Public Bath, with plans, published in this country.

We are confident our readers will find the Association's proceedings interesting and most profitable. They will certainly be to all not suffering from an incurable aquaphobia; even that individual may see a light who, in overweening pride, boasted he bathed regularly, every Fourth of July, "whether he needed it or not." May these transactions serve to hasten the day when the public bath will be as essential to American civilization as it was to that of Rome or of Greece.

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