P. Vergili Maronis opera. The works of Virgil, with a comm. by J. Conington (H. Nettleship).


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Side 356 - Earth trembled from her entrails, as again In pangs, and Nature gave a second groan; Sky lowered, and, muttering thunder, some sad drops Wept at completing of the mortal sin Original...
Side 185 - Scylla capillo : quacumque illa levem fugiens secat aethera pennis, ecce inimicus atrox magno stridore per auras insequitur Nisus ; qua se fert Nisus ad auras, ilia levem fugiens raptim secat aethera pennis.
Side 303 - PROTINUS aerii mellis caelestia dona Exsequar. Hanc etiam, Maecenas, aspice partem. Admiranda tibi levium spectacula rerum, Magnanimosque duces totiusque ordine gentis Mores et studia et populos et proelia dicam.
Side 283 - ... snow melts Along the mazy current. Low the woods Bow their hoar head ; and ere the languid sun Faint from the west emits his evening ray, Earth's universal face, deep hid and chill, Is one wild dazzling waste, that buries wide The works of man.
Side 157 - Ante lovem nulli subigebant arva coloni; 125 ne signare quidem aut partiri limite campum fas erat: in medium quaerebant, ipsaque tellus omnia liberius nullo poscente ferebat.
Side 83 - Saepibus in nostris parvam te roscida mala — Dux ego vester eram — vidi cum matre legentem. Alter ab undecimo tum me iam acceperat annus ; Iam fragilis poteram ab terra contingere ramos. Ut vidi, ut perii ! ut me malus abstulit error ! Incipe Maenalios mecum, mea tibia, versus.
Side 59 - Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth ; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.
Side 253 - Aonio rediens deducam vertice Musas; primus Idumaeas referam tibi, Mantua, palmas, et viridi in campo templum de marmore ponam propter aquam, tardis ingens ubi flexibus errat Mincius et tenera praetexit harundine ripas.
Side 356 - Earth felt the wound, and Nature from her seat Sighing through all her Works gave signs of woe, That all was lost.
Side 65 - Namque canebat, uti magnum per inane coacta semina terrarumque animaeque marisque fuissent, et liquidi simul ignis ; ut his exordia primis omnia et ipse tener mundi concreverit orbis...

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