Poems, with illustrative remarks [ed. by W.C. Oulton]. To which is prefixed a sketch of the author's life, Bind 2 |
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Side 8
... thee Calls back the lovely April of her prime : So thou thro ' windows of thine age shalt see , Despite of wrinkles , this thy golden time . But if thou live , remember not to be ; Die single , and thine image dies with thee . YOUTHFUL ...
... thee Calls back the lovely April of her prime : So thou thro ' windows of thine age shalt see , Despite of wrinkles , this thy golden time . But if thou live , remember not to be ; Die single , and thine image dies with thee . YOUTHFUL ...
Side 12
... thee to give ? Profitless usurer , why dost thou use So great a sum or sums , yet canst not live ? For having traffic with thyself alone , Thou of thyself thy sweet self dost deceive ; Then how when nature calls thee to begone , What ...
... thee to give ? Profitless usurer , why dost thou use So great a sum or sums , yet canst not live ? For having traffic with thyself alone , Thou of thyself thy sweet self dost deceive ; Then how when nature calls thee to begone , What ...
Side 14
... thee , thou single wilt prove none . Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye , That thou consum'st thyself in single life ? Ah ! if thou issueless shalt hap to die , The world will wail thee like a makeless wife : The world will be thy ...
... thee , thou single wilt prove none . Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye , That thou consum'st thyself in single life ? Ah ! if thou issueless shalt hap to die , The world will wail thee like a makeless wife : The world will be thy ...
Side 15
... thee another self , for love of me , That beauty still may live in thine or thee . As fast as thou shalt wane , so fast thou grow'st In one of thine , from that which thou departest ; And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st ...
... thee another self , for love of me , That beauty still may live in thine or thee . As fast as thou shalt wane , so fast thou grow'st In one of thine , from that which thou departest ; And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st ...
Side 16
... thee hence . FALSE BELIEF . WHEN my love swears that she is made of truth , I do believe her , ( tho ' I know she lies ) That she might think me some untutor❜d youth , Unskilful in the world's false forgeries . Thus vainly thinking ...
... thee hence . FALSE BELIEF . WHEN my love swears that she is made of truth , I do believe her , ( tho ' I know she lies ) That she might think me some untutor❜d youth , Unskilful in the world's false forgeries . Thus vainly thinking ...
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AMOROUS EPISTLE bear beauteous beauty's behold breast breath CEPHALUS cheek dead dear death delight dost thou doth earth EDITOR EPISTLE OF PARIS face fair false fame fear feasts of love fire flame flowers gainst give grace hast hate hath heart heaven HELEN TO PARIS Jove kiss Lest live look lov'st love's Love's Labour's Lost LOVER'S COMPLAINT MALONE may'st means MENELAUS mind MINOTAUR modern edition muse night PARIS TO HELEN Passionate Pilgrim pity pleasure poet poor praise PRIAM PROCRIS quarto queen rhyme rich Richard Barnefield Samuel Lysons Shakespeare shalt shame shew sighs sight sing sonnets sorrow soul STEEVENS swear tears thee THESEUS thine eye thing thou art thou dost thoughts thro thy love thy sweet thyself time's tongue Trojan true truth unto VENUS verse weep Whilst William Jaggard word worth youth
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Side 55 - No longer mourn for me when I am dead Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell : Nay, if you read this line, remember not The hand that writ it; for I love you so That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot If thinking on me then should make you woe.
Side 4 - What is your substance, whereof are you made, That millions of strange shadows on you tend ? Since every one hath, every one, one shade, And you, but one, can every shadow lend. Describe Adonis, and the counterfeit Is poorly imitated after you ; On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set, And you in Grecian tires are painted new...
Side 5 - Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you, Nor think the bitterness of absence sour When you have bid your servant once adieu ; Nor dare I question with my jealous thought Where you may be, or your affairs suppose, But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought Save, where you are how happy you make those. So true a fool is love that in your will, Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill.
Side 25 - When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste...
Side 58 - Your name from hence immortal life shall have, Though I, once gone, to all the world must die : The earth can yield me but a common grave, "When you entombed in men's eyes shall lie. Your monument shall be my gentle verse, Which eyes not yet created shall o'er-read ; And tongues to be your being shall rehearse, When all the breathers of this world are dead ; You still shall live (such virtue hath my pen,) Where breath most breathes, even in the mouths of men.
Side 85 - Past reason hated, as a swallowed bait, On purpose laid to make the taker mad; Mad in pursuit, and in possession so, Had, having, and...
Side 7 - FROM fairest creatures we desire increase, That thereby beauty's rose might never die, But as the riper should by time decease, His tender heir might bear his memory: But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes, Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel Making a famine where abundance lies, Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel. Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament And only herald to the gaudy spring, Within thine own bud buriest thy content And, tender churl, makest waste...
Side 62 - Farewell ! thou art too dear for my possessing, And like enough thou know'st thy estimate: The charter of thy worth gives thee releasing; My bonds in thee are all determinate. For how do I hold thee but by thy granting? And for that riches where is my deserving? The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting, And so my patent back again is swerving.
Side 53 - Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall out-live this powerful rhyme ; But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmear'd with sluttish time. When wasteful war shall statues overturn, And broils root out the work of masonry, Nor Mars his sword, nor war's quick fire shall burn The living record of your memory. 'Gainst death and all-oblivious enmity Shall you pace forth : your praise shall still find room Even in the eyes of all posterity, That wear this...
Side 23 - Desiring this man's art and that man's scope, With what I most enjoy contented least; Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state, Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings.