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and the loom; they soon became sharers with him of "like precious faith."

WORK IN THE SYNAGOGUE.-V. 4-6. Paul was feeble in health and desponding in spirit, see 1 Cor. ii. 3; 2 Cor. xii. 7-9. Help and comfort were brought to him by his old fellowlabourers who? ver. 5. Where had Timothy been since Paul left Berea ? Acts xvii. 14. He afterwards joined his master at Athens, and was by him sent to Thessalonica, (1 Thess. iii. 2,) whence he returns to Corinth. Paul was in absolute need, and these brethren brought loving help from the Macedonian churches, 2 Cor. xi. 9; Phil. iv. 15. Paul dictated a letter to the Church at Thessalonica, and sent it off by some special_messenger, 1 Thess. i. 1. The three Evangelists renewed their toil. Whenever the missionaries got up to speak of Jesus, the Jews opposed with blasphemies. Perseverance was useless. With a significant gesture Paul walked out of the synagogue, and severed his connection with his countrymen, ver. 6.

PERSECUTION; SUCCESS; CONSOLATION.-V. 7-11. Where must Paul carry on his work now? A good man who had been a proselyte to the Jewish faith, and had become a Christian, lived close to the synagogue. In his house, Paul obtains a preaching-room. Two sources of encouragement were opened to Paul during the anxiety of danger ever near; first, from his God; secondly, from his work. For the first, see ver. 9, 10. As to the second, one man of note is mentioned here, (ver. 8,) and his conversion was deemed of sufficient importance to lead Paul to make an exception to his ordinary rule-he baptized him himself, 1 Cor. i. 14. Two others shared the same honour, Gaius and Stephanas, 1 Cor. i. 14-16; xvi. 15. Generally the rite of baptism was administered by his helpers. Note that in each case the household received the faith together with its head. These men were wealthy; but there were not many such. The mass of converts were from the humbler walks of life, 1 Cor. i. 26, 27. Thus cheered, the Apostle persevered in his work. How long?

DANGER AND DELIVERANCE.-V. 12 -17. During that eighteen months, a second letter was sent to the Thessalonians; the persecuting Jews con

tinued their plots, (2 Thess. iii. 1, 2;) churches were planted in the country around Corinth, 1 Cor. i. 2; 2 Cor. ii. 1; Rom. xvi. 1-16. Paul's ministry was further sealed by the Apostolic power of miracles, 2 Cor. xii. 12. The advent of a new Governor gave the Jews the opportunity for which they had long waited. Who was he? He is described by Roman historians as a man of great ability, good temper and kindly manners. With such a man the Jews hoped to succeed; first, because of his easefulness; then, because of his ignorance of Jewish matters. A riot and a rush brought Paul before Gallio, ver. 12. Courteous Gallio hears the accusation; sagacious Gallio knows more than the accusers thought; Paul is not even called upon for his defence; the judgment is at once given, ver. 14, 15. The Jews could not take such a judgment; will try again; re-commence their argument; the officers of the court are called in, and the pertinacious persecutors expelled from the front of the magisterial bench into the outer crowd, ver. 16. The feelings of the Greeks, deeply engaged in sympathy with Paul, broke out in excitement. They made an assault upon Sosthenes, who had succeeded Crispus as ruler of the synagogue, and Gallio, not sorry to see the persecutor caught in his own snare, would not interfere, ver. 17.

REFLECTIONS.-1. Learn a lesson on the sanctity and dignity of labour.-See the Apostle at his loom, ver. 3.

Personal piety has power over all times and circumstances.-Consider Paul in the workshop, synagogue, preaching-room, court.

3. Christian godliness becomes all classes. Some wise, mighty, noble, were called; the "many Corinthians" were poor and despised when converted.

4. Note the example of household piety, -how sad when a son or daughter, unconverted, renders incomplete the circle of family piety!

QUESTIONS.-Where did Paul go, on leaving Athens? What sort of a place was Corinth? With whom did St. Paul stay? why? Who joined him? What was the effect of his ministry among the Jews? Mention the names of some of the principal converts. Of what class were the rest? What threatened to arrest his work? How did this affair terminate?



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-DAVID IN DANGER.—1 Samuel xix. 4—18.

AUGUST 9. INTRODUCTION. Recall last Lesson. Ver. 1-3 belong to it. Thus this Lesson begins with Jonathan's pleading. We have here a fuller account of David's danger, and so many proofs that his confidence in Jehovah was not misplaced.

SAUL'S OATH.-V. 4-7. Jonathan's remonstrance is as modest as it is faithful and skilful. He points out the sin of the King's intention, dwells upon David's innocence, and shows how serviceable he has been to Saul. Jonathan might have said more in David's praise than he did, but that would only have provoked Saul's jealousy; he mentions the one exploit at which the King himself had rejoiced. Moved by his son's arguments, Saul takes a solemn oath that he will not attempt David's life. Then David returns to court again from his hidingplace, ver. 2.

MICHAL'S STRATAGEM.-V. 8-18. The oath was not kept long. There was war again,-again David won a victory. The evil spirit of jealousy, passion, hatred comes upon Saul again. David plays upon his harp as before, but the King's malignity is not to be charmed away. In a fit of frensy he hurls his javelin at the harper, David adroitly moves aside; the weapon has been thrown with such force that it pierces the wall behind him, whereupon David hastens home. Not this time to the old home in Bethlehem. He is married now, and has a house of his own. His wife is Saul's daughter, Michal. Against his will, the King has been compelled to fulfil the promise made when Goliath challenged the host of Israel unanswered, ch. xvii. 25. Saul's revengeful temper did not exhaust itself in the attempt to kill his son-in-law. It was night when David reached home. Guards are posted at his door that he may not escape; the King has determined he shall die in the morning. Michal's guile defeats her father's force. David is let down from a window secretly. Then his wife dresses up an image to represent a sick man sleeping. A pillow of goats' hair

VOL. IX. NEW SERIES.-August, 1874.

for his bolster.-"We incline to think that the pillow was of goats' skin, with the hair outside, and that such a pillow was then regarded as having a sanative property in some diseases; whence to see such a pillow in a bed would strengthen the illusion that a sick man lay there."-Kitto. Doubtless the room was carefully darkened, so that the messengers sent to arrest David were really deceived. But Saul was not so easily satisfied. He commands, Bring him up to me in the bed, that I may slay him.-Eastern beds are little more than a single mattress and a covering. No more convenient method of carrying a sick man could be devised than to bear him on his bed. Give similar instances from the Gospels. The cheat is discovered, but David has gained time for flight. Saul's reproach of Michal indicates that she had pretended to be in league with him. The lie in her reply is" obvious. The sacred writer simply records what did actually take place; he does not justify Michal's conduct.

Though ver. 19-24 are not in the Lesson, the teacher may explain that David fled to Samuel, that three times Saul despatched soldiers to apprehend him, at last came himself. Each time David was miraculously preserved. Upon the prophesying, consult ch. x. 10-13. Thus it was made evident that the persecutors of David were fighting against God. "Naked" means without the upper garment. Similarly we use the phrase "undress."

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5. It is impossible to keep good resolutions, the solemnest vows, without the help of the Holy Spirit.

6. The protection God always affords to His servants.

QUESTIONS. - How came Jonathan to be pleading with Saul for David's life? Sketch

his argument. How did Saul answer? Did he keep his oath? Why not? How did his passion show itself? What did David do? Whither did he go? Whom had he married? Was he safe at home? why not? How did he escape? Describe Michal's device. How far did it succeed? What was her object? Whither did David flee? [N. B., Each of the Reflections should be turned into a question.]

AUGUST 16.- ——DAVID AND JONATHAN.-1 Samuel xx. 1, 2; 24—42.

THE AGREEMENT.-V. 1, 2. From Naioth in Ramah, whither he had gone to consult Samuel, David returns to the neighbourhood of the court, to see Jonathan. He asks in what he has offended the King; his question is a strong protestation of innocence. He speaks of his danger, Saul is seeking his life. Jonathan answers, God forbid -that David's life should be taken : promises to warn his friend of any plots against his life. Jonathan seems to intimate that his father was not really bent upon David's destruction. His rage against him had burst forth only when the evil spirit possessed him. The son cannot believe the father would act thus when sober and rational. A test is arranged, and a method of secretly communicating the result to David devised. Our next paragraph shows the scheme in operation.

THE TEST AND THE RESULT.-V.24-34. Every new moon the King gave a feast, which lasted two or three days. To it all the principal officers of his court were bidden. Of course, the King's son-in-law could not be absent without exciting remark. The first day passed quietly. Saul noticed David's absence, but thought some ceremonial uncleanness kept him away. The second day of the feast came, but no David! What could be the reason? ver. 28, 29 give Jonathan's answer. David had not gone to Bethlehem; he was waiting in the appointed hiding-place. The Bible simply narrates Jonathan's untruth, it does not justify it, any more than it justified Michal's. Saul perceives in a moment that the reply was a mere excuse; the true cause of David's absence is his fear of himself. Saul sees, too, that his son is in league with the man he hates. He reviles him in the foulest language, Thou son, etc.—Saul did not mean to speak ill of Ahinoam herself, but simply to annoy and grieve Jonathan. For as long, etc.-So he tries to excite his son's personal feeling

against David, then commands him to bring his friend and rival into the enraged monarch's presence immediately, avowing openly he shall surely die. Again Jonathan ventures to remonstrate, when the father actually attempts his son's life in the same manner as he had before endeavoured to kill David. No wonder that Jonathan left the table in fierce anger; yet he was more grieved than angry, grieved for himself, for his father, for his friend. He could no longer doubt the justice of David's fears and suspicions.


DAVID AND JONATHAN PART. — V. 35-42. The pre-arranged sign was as follows: Jonathan should come into the field where David was concealed, and shoot three arrows at a mark. lad would be sent to recover them. If Jonathan called to the boy that he had run too far, David would know Saul was favourably disposed towards him: if Jonathan told the boy he had not run far enough, David would know he must flee for his life. No one, not in the secret, would guess that the King's son had any other object than to try his skill in archery. The signal is given: David understands that his worst apprehensions are realised. The boy is sent back with the artillery,— the bow and arrows. Jonathan and David are alone. Very humbly does David approach Jonathan, ver. 41; was not the one a prince and the other an outlaw? But distinctions of rank are soon forgotten, as they kiss each other, and weep upon each other's neck. David exceeded,-his emotion became uncontrollable. Eastern people are loud in their demonstration of grief. The friends part, after ratifying a covenant of eternal alliance between themselves and their descendants; see ver. 12-17.

REFLECTIONS.-1. About anger.-It manifested itself in abusive words, in wicked and violent deeds. See how


foolish it makes a man: first, Saul professes a desire that Jonathan should succeed to his crown; the next moment he tries to kill him! Never give way to bad temper; never use railing words, not even in reply to those who have cast them at you, 1 Peter iii. 9. How did Jesus behave when He was reviled ? Mark xv. 32; Matt. xxvii. 39; 1 Peter ii. 23.

2. About friendship.-See Morning Lesson for July 26th, 1874. Notice again Jonathan's constancy, helpfulness, unselfishness. Mark, too, his resignation to God's will. He did not murmur at being deprived of the kingdom.

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3. About courtesy. were friends, David treated Jonathan as a subject should treat a prince. Always be respectful to your superiors.

QUESTIONS.-Where did David go when he left Naioth? Whom did he see? What passed between the friends? How was Saul's feeling toward David to be tested? What happened at the feast? How did Saul try to inflame Jonathan against David? What command did he give? How did Jonathan answer? What followed? How did Jonathan feel? What was the sign between him and David? How was it given? Explain 66 artillery." What occurred when the friends were alone? Explain "David exceeded." What covenant did they make? Whither did each of them go?

AUGUST 23.--DAVID'S TRUST IN PROVIDENCE.-Psalm xxxiv. For repetition, verses 8, 9.

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INTRODUCTION. The title of this Psalm says that it was written by David "when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech, (Margin, Achish;) who drove him away, and he departed." The circumstances referred to did not happen till some time after David's flight from Saul. But we may fairly take it as expressing his feelings after the occurrences of the last Lesson. In tone and thought it is very similar to parts of Ps. ix. and xi., see Morning Lessons, July 19th and August 2nd. It manifests the same gratitude to, and strong confidence in God. Ver. 1-3 contain a call to praise; ver. 4-10 a record of personal experience; ver. 11-22 consist of instruction spoken by David as an inspired teacher.

I. A CALL TO PRAISE.-V. 1-3. See on Ps. ix. 1, etc. Notice the invitation to others to join in David's thanksgiving. Our love for each other should teach us to joy in their joy, and be grateful for their mercies.

II. A RECORD OF EXPERIENCE.-V. 4-10. The Psalmist tells how God has answered his prayer as an evidence of God's goodness, to encourage all who may hear to trust in Him likewise. This poor man is, of course, David himself. Blessings received from God should not be concealed. The Lord heard David's prayer, and delivered him completely, from all his fears, out of all his troubles. So God will hear and help us. Have any of you an experience like David's? Can you not remember one instance in which you have prayed and God has answered?

They who pray have joy: they are lightened, they cannot be downcast. They who pray have protection, ver. 7; the complete supply of all their wants, ver. 10. Where strength does not avail, prayer is powerful. The young lions, the strongest and fiercest beasts of the forest, want; but God's people never. You may not have everything you wish; are you sure it is a good thing good for you? O taste and see, etc.,-try Him for yourselves, know the truth by experience. There can be no doubt about the issue of the trial.

III. INSTRUCTION FOR THE TEACHABLE.-V. 11-22. This paragraph is addressed to children, those who are

willing to be taught. Mark (1.) David's rules for a happy life, ver. 13, 14. Guard the lips. Watch the conduct; depart from evil, etc., in everything, great and little. Never swerve from this rule, whatever the apparent advantage. Set your heart on peace, with God, with men, see Philip. iv. 6, 7; 1 Thess. v. 23. (2.) The reason why the observance of these rules must bring happiness, ver. 15. The eyes,

etc., see on Ps. xi. 4. God has bound together sin and suffering, holiness and happiness. (3.) The characters God loves, (ver. 17, 18,) the righteous, them that are of a broken heart,..such as be of a contrite spirit.-Penitence and humility are pleasing in His sight, Ps. li. 17; Isai. lvii. 15; lxvi. 2. (4.) The afflictions and deliverances of the righteous, ver. 19, 20. "The afflictions

of the righteous" are "many; "it cannot be otherwise; the world he lives in is hostile to him, Satan ever tries to harm him; chastisement from his Lord is necessary to drive him from his sins, to test his graces, to teach him dependence upon God. But complete deliverance from all is certain. Yea, while he is in the midst of them, God is watching and caring for him; the strokes of the rod will pain and bruise his flesh, but no bones shall be broken-no serious harm shall be done him. So of temptation.

The fact that we suffer any temptation is positive proof that we are able to resist it. Thus there is no excuse for sin.

Illustrate: children are apt to think they cannot help giving way to passion, idleness, disobedience, etc., 1 Cor. x. 13. (5.) The contrasted doom of the righteous and of the wicked, ver. 21, 22. Desolate, rather, condemned. Compare John iii. 18, with Rom. viii. 1. Mark how God's guardianship extends to the soul of His servants! He relieves temporal distresses; He redeems the soul, rescues it from all danger. What do we now understand by "redemption?"

TO THE TEACHER.-To this Lesson further Reflections are unnecessary, would merely repeat what has been said before. The questions are arranged with a view to affording the teacher an opportunity of impressing the truths taught upon the scholars, and of personal appeal to them.

QUESTIONS.-When was this Psalm written? What are its great divisions? Was David content to praise God alone? What is our duty as to common praise? What was the ground of David's thankfulness and trust? Why did he not keep his experience to himself? Have you any experience of God's help? Has He heard your prayer? Do you take your troubles to Him? What benefits do praying people enjoy? What is the best way of Have you proving that the Lord is good? ever tried it? If not, why not? Give David's rules for a happy life. Explain them. Why will the keeping of these rules ensure happiness? What characters does God save? With whom will He dwell? Does He dwell within you? Have you felt that your heart has been broken before Him? Are the righteous What exempt from afflictions? why not? promise does God make them? Explain, "He keepeth all his bones," etc. What is said in this Psalm about the destiny of the wicked? of the righteous? What and whom does God redeem? Why are His servants free from condemnation? What is the condemnation of those who refuse to serve Him?

AUGUST 30.- --DAVID IN THE CAVE OF ADULLAM.-1 Samuel xxi. 10-15; xxii. 1, 2; 1 Chronicles xii. 8-18.

INTRODUCTION.-Sketch the history between David's parting from Jonathan and his appearance at the court of Achish. He fled to Nob, where the high-priest dwelt, obtained from him five loaves of the shew-bread, which, in ordinary cases, only the priests might eat; and the sword of Goliath, which had been in Ahimelech's keeping. This trophy of his first public victory would seem to him a pledge of future triumph.

DAVID FEIGNS MADNESS.-1 Sam. xxi. 10-15. Try to realise David's position and feelings. The King was seeking his life, resolutely and vindictively. His dearest friend, the King's own son, was exposed to similar danger for his sake. All that even Jonathan could do for him was to weep upon his neck, and bid him " go in peace." What course should he take? Where should he hide? He had no doubt that the God in Whom he trusted was able to deliver him, would deliver him eventually. But what could he do for the present?

The land of Israel was unsafe for him, he would seek refuge among the Philistines. Was David right? why not? The Philistines were his country's foes, had shown themselves the enemies of Jehovah, too. His flight to Achish manifested some unbelief, some despondency. Mark, the Bible does not conceal David's faults: it tells the whole truth about him. How seldom you see in uninspired biographies much mention of the subject's faults! Hence learn the perfect truthfulness of the Word of God. We may be sure it does not exaggerate a man's goodness. David was what it says he was. His mistakes prove that he was really human, like you and me. It is possible for us to attain his excellencies. He had a sinful nature to contend against. Now David is at the court of Achish. He thought they would welcome so renowned a warrior, with the intention of securing his services against their enemies. They reason, however, thus: Here is David, the foremost soldier of Israel,

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