Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,... A Treatise on the Sabbath. By William Lewelyn - Side 70af William Lewelyn - 1783 - 247 siderFuld visning - Om denne bog
| Jeremiah Burroughs - 1651 - 200 sider
...flro'ig in the Lord, and not onely ftrong. But/lnng in the Lord, and ftrong in the might of the Lord , and in the power of his might; put on the whole Armour of God, thai you may bcabletoftandîthenagùnjnveif.ii. Wherefore tal¡ej! all the whole Armour of God , that... | |
| Sir William Dawes - 1707 - 520 sider
...have kept themfelves unjpotted from the world. Ephef.6. Wherefore, my Brethren, as the Apoftle fpeaks, be ftrong in the Lord-, "'and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able tojiand again/I the -wiles of the devil. And then , tho' we \i.,iureftle net againflflejh... | |
| Matthew Hole - 1716 - 540 sider
...Ltl. The EPISTLE for the One and Twentieth Sunday after Trinity,. Ephef. vi. 10——21* Mj Brethren, be ftrong in the Lord) and in the Power of his Might; put on the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to ft and. againft the Wiles of the Devil: for we wrejtle not again ft Fle/b and... | |
| Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - 1871 - 720 sider
...which was once delivered unto the saints' (Jude 3). ' Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,... | |
| Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sider
...Am. 6, J, * Eccl. ii. ». fi Theff, 3. s, «. . 55, I.«| ^ 1Pet- 5- *1 8 Put on the whole Armour of God ; that ye may be able to ftand againft the Wiles of the Devil. b Take care, left by any means, as the Serpent beguiled Eve, through his Subtilty, fo your Minds (hould... | |
| James Gardiner - 1720 - 448 sider
..., ftedfaft in the faith. And to the fame purpofe is that of St. Paul, f Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to ftand againft the wiles of the devil. For we wreftle not againft fteJh and blood, but againft principalities, againft powers, againft the rulers of the darknefs of... | |
| James Blair - 1740 - 564 sider
...Faith and Patience inherit the Pronrifes. And Eph. vi. 10. Finally, my Brethren, bejirong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might. Put on the whole Armour...may be able to ftand againft the Wiles of the Devil. fake unto you the, whole Armour cfGod, that ye may be able to withlland in the evil Day, and having... | |
| Francis Fox - 1748 - 598 sider
...brethren, °i. be( ftrong in the Lord, and in the f power of his might. \it Put on the whole q armour of God, that ye may- be able to ftand againft the •*' wiles, of the deviL 1-2. For we wcefii* . * * ' • fv 2 Cor. 7. 1 5>. See on Phil; or of my mM-fervant,- wfien tfief r.... | |
| Samuel Blyth (of Bolton.) - 1754 - 38 sider St. Paul's Epiftle to the Saints at Ef befus, Chap. vi. Ver. ю — 17. " Finally, my Brethren, be ftrong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might....againft the Wiles of the Devil. For we wreftle not againit • Fleih and Blood, but againft Principalities, againil Powers, againft the Rulers of the... | |
| Hugh Latimer (bp. of Worcester.) - 1758 - 568 sider
...for the twenty firit Sunday after Trinity. EPHESIANS vi. 10, £Jr. My brethren, befirong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able toftand again/} the wiles of the devil. For we wrejlle not againft fiejh and blood,... | |
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