I pene TREATISE ΟΝ ΤΗΕ SABBATH. N: By WILLIAM LEWELYN. LEOMINSTER: Printed by P. DAVIS And fold by T. EVANS, Pater-nofter Row, London. M,DCC,LXXXIII. 101. f. 153. A TREATISE ON THE SABBATH. HE divifion of our time into feven equal THE parts, and fetting afide one out of the seven, for a general and facred reft, is in itself confidered, ftrictly moral. That is, a rule in its own nature neceffary for the benefit, and even existence of fociety; and confequently ftrictly enjoined and commanded of God. And unless this can be proved and made evident, I know not how any gofpel minifter, can take upon him to command his people, every seventh day, to leave off their ordinary employments, and keep the day as facred and holy. Before obedience can be required, the precept must be made unquestionable; and before promifes or threatenings can have any force B |