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we, if we hold faft the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. Wherefore as the Holy Ghost faith, To-day if ye will hear his voice. Publick worship carried on with confidence, boafting and glorifying in God, as represented above, is the house of God where he dwells with delight; wherefore SEMERON the new fabbath is necessary.

It is plain by these passages, that we ought to be diligent and attentive to get the true idea and doctrine of the house of God. And if we are, we shall find that this house is mankind collected together for publick worship. That is, this forms a house, wherein he resides with fingular delight. This is the real tabernacle and temple, and the true bethel; the house of God and gate of heaven.

In this house is to be carried on the work of the temple and tabernacle. That is, to offer up Ipiritual facrifices which are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. It is not walls and works of stone and wood, or gold and filver, can make a house for God. It must be a living, intellectual, human house; made up of mankind,


met together as above. Such a house in the habitable parts of the earth, is the feat and object of his delight.

And fuch a house is necessary for us. For here we must come and by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving our requests may be made known unto God, that being careful for nothing, the peace of God may keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Here we must be washed from guilt and ignorance by the frequent preaching of the word. Here also, the spirit of all wisdom and goodness is dispensed, to enlighten our mind and dispose our wills and inclinations aright; teaching and helping us to cease to do evil and learn to do well.

He therefore who keeps the christian fabbath and carries on its worship, is honorably employed. He builds a house for God to dwell in among the sons of men, where his heart is; does the work which Mofes, Befaleel and Aholiab did; the very fame that David, Soloman and Hyram accomplished; and much nobler. He is engaged more honorably than the Jewish high priest himself, who officiated only in the fymbols and shadows of the services of the gofpel gospel church. Hereby also we have the honor of dwelling in the same house with God, where we must be found at death if ever we mean to possess celestial happiness. Our heaven must begin here and in this manner.

He then that will not keep the fabbath nor frequent the worshipping assembly, is as great an offender as he who would venture to tear off one of the curious curtains or boards of the tabernacle of Mofes; or one of the beams or stones in the temple, and a much greater offender. For he takes out of God's house a human living and rational stone, bought with the blood of God. Yea, he refuses God a house on earth, does what he can to banish him from among men, and to turn him out of his own creation.

He therefore who keeps the fabbath begins his heaven, is in his introductory glorification, and enters upon that fociety and conversation with God, which will never come to an end. Then whatever others do, for my own part I will fay with the pfalmist, One thing have I defired of the Lord, and that I will feek after, that I may dwell in


the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. Here let us live, here let us learn the mind of God, here let us die, and from hence be removed in due time to eternal manfions of glory.


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