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liquid in what part of the world are there at prefent communities of men that refrain from animal food?" why? what is meant by the term metempfychofis? who inculcated this doctrine? what did he prohibit? where was he born? when? what Jewish fect abftained from the eating of flesh in gentile countries? why ? how many cows fupply London and its environs with milk? how many quarts does each cow produce daily on an average? how do the retail dealers deteriorate milk and cream ?—564. What is flannel where is it manufactured in the greatest perfection? what eminent phyficians recommend the afe of it? what inftances do they adduce of its utility ?-565. Why are Chelfea and Greenwich celebrated in what elegant poem are they noticed? who firft projected Chelsea-hofpital?-566. For what purpose were Bethlem and St. Luke's hofpitals built? when? who erected the Foundlinghofpital? why ? where was he interred? what other illuftrious friends of humanity are mentioned in this number?-567. What is beef? what is the most popular joint? by whom was it knighted? what is a baron of beef? what is faid of Burke's hofpitality? what poet places the firloin at the head of his autumnal feaft? what does Prior fay make Britons fight?-568. What is mutton? which of our kings had a predilection for this wholefome aliment? what flesh was eaten in the early ages? what was the common facrifice of the old law? how do fome of the Eaftern fhepherds preferve the tails of their fheep? what does the name sheep often imply in the fcripture? what auguft perfon is frequently called a fhepherd? when, according to Bacon, is mutton the fweeteft? hence what places afford the best ?-569. What is commiffion ?—571. ̧ What is brokerage -572. What is infurance ?-573. What is ftock P-577. What is discount ?--582. What is barter? what is ftarch? what are currants? whence their name? which of cur queens boxed a man's ears and beat her maid? which of her domeftics did Cleopatra kick about the room? whence are currants brought to us? where is Zante fituated? when did it furrender to the British arms? who was king of Ithaca what was his character? who was his fon? what was the fituation of Ithaca ?what does The Rule of Three Inverfe teach ?— 586. What is fhalloon ?. whence its name 589. What

is camelot ?-590. What is crape? where was it invented?-591. What is lawn ?-592. What is grogram? 593. What is muflin? where is the best made ?-594What is a carpet? where are the best made? which of the prophets mention them? how many years before the Chriftian era in what century was it deemed a luxury in England to have the floors covered with clean straw? when was the carpet manufacture introduced into France ? into England? by whom was it firft encouraged here? where are our chief manufactories for carpets ?-595. What is an umbrella? in what Pfalm is it referred to? in what country is it appropriated folely to the princes of the blood? who firft ufed one in the streets of London ? when did he die?-596. How is vinegar ufually made? who drank it in their marches? who provided it for his reapers? what amiable female was invited to share it with them? what beautiful ftory, in a popular poem, is taken from this portion of fcripture? to what great perfonage was this liquid offered in a season of diftrefs? where was Bethlehem fituated? to what king did it give birth? to what does it owe its celebrity? what did the Algerines allow Pitts to mix with his vinegar? what book did he publish ́on his return home? when was the third edition printed where is there a large vinegar manufactory-What does The Double Rule of Three, or Rule of Five, teach? of how many terms, or numbers, is it compofed?--597• what are dates? whence are they brought ? which are the beft?-598. Where was the Leverian Mufeuin originally exhibited? whence its name? where was he born? what rendered his family feat famous ? what is a museum? what is the defign of the Royal and London Inftitutions? where are they fituated? what does Mr. Edgeworth obferve concerning them? what building does the Surrey Inftitution Occupy? where is the Liverpool Museum exhibited? whence its name? by whom was it formed? at what expense of how many articles does it confift? what is the price of admiffion? what is the price of a perpetual ticket?-599. What is water? what defcription does Dr. Armstrong give of it? what is inferred from its great plenty? why is it a good beverage? what are its qualities as a medicine? what eminent characters have been water drinkers from what vice, according to Shakspeare, does

it exempt its votaries?-600. What are pilchards? where do they abound? where are the chief fisheries? what do the Cornish men fay of pilchards? how many were once enclosed at one shooting out of the net in St. Ives's bay ? -601. What is the falmon ftyled by Walton? where are the chief falmon fisheries? what is the annual value of that on the Tweed? how are falmons fent to London from Berwick where was a human habitation conftructed of ice? when? in what poem is this "imperial freak" delineated?-602. From what fea do herrings migrate about the middle of winter? what continent and iflands do they vifit? what poet reproaches our ftatesmen for not encouraging the herring fishery? what nation first began the herring fishery? when? who difcovered the fecret of curing and pickling herrings? what emperor and queen vifited his tomb where is Bier Uliet fituated? what is the proportion of herrings and water in Loch-Tyne? what number of herrings have been cured in one feason ?— 603. What is a mantua-maker? whence the name ?— 604. What is a milliner? whence the appellation? what does Mr. Southey fay of a man-milliner?-605. What are pins? of what are they made? where are the best fabricated? whence is pin-wire brought? how many per-. fons are employed upon each pin? when were they first made in England? what is pin-money? what would Addifon have pin-money termed ? what renders pin-making infalubrious?-606. What is embroidery? to whom is the invention afcribed? what people excelled in it? in what part of the fcriptures is it mentioned? which of our queens worked at it? where is there a specimen of needlework done by the unfortunate Mary of Scotland? where was it performed? who decorated an altar piece with needle-work at Welwyn? what eminent literary character was a great approver of needle work? who is the unri valled and inimitable artist of the prefent time in needlework? where is the Linwood Gallery exhibited? what is the price of admiffion ?-607. What is a needle? what fteel is deemed the best for making needles? in whose reign were they first made in England? who taught the art to the English ?-608. What are the different fizes of books? what were their fhapes among the Jews, Greeks, and Romans, for fome centuries after Chrift? in what form


are the copies of the Old Teftament in the Jewish synagogues? who invented the shape that obtains among us? who firft taught the manner of faftening the leaves together? what honour was fhewn to his memory?-bog. What is cinnamon? where does it chiefly grow? what other parts of the world are fuppofed to have produced it ? what are its qualities? where has it been lately cultivated? -610. What is a fteam-engine? by whom was it invented? when? to whom is it indebted for its present state of perfection? for what purpofes is it generally employed? what was the expenfe of one erected at Polgarth in Cornwall? where is Soho fituated? for what is it famous? in what books may a history of the fteam-engine be found? what may young perfons learn by attending lectures in Natural and Experimental Philofophy?-Page 424. What is Practice? what is an aliquot part of any number? -Page 428. What is Intereft ? what is the fum lent called ? what is the amount?-611. What does Dr. Young call the "Thief of Time?" what was the favourite apothegm of Alexander the Great? what poets have fome happy paffages on this topic? what lofs did Baxter lament? what ufe did he make of the misfortune? who has written an incomparable tale entitled "To-morrow?"-612. What is a Jacobus for what performance did Salmafius receive 100 Jacobuses? where and when did he die? what work is fuppofed to have haftened his death ?-613. In what dramatic compofitions did Crebillon, Racine, and Corneille excel? where was the first born?-614. For what was, Languet memorable? where was he born? when did he -die

what other. French divine was remarkable for boundlefs beneficence? when did he die?-615. What fum did an elegant female fharper and her peculating hufband fteal at court on his majefty's birth-day in 1795-616. What is a jewel? what people decorated themfelves extravagantly with jewels? who gave a fplendid entertainment at Peterfburgh in 1791? what was the value of the jewels worn by 48 young perfons who danced a ballet on that occafion? where is this feaft described ?-617. What is tapeftry? in what ancient writings is it mentioned? where was it invented?' when was the art of weaving tapestry introduced into England? into France? who eftablished a royal tapetry manufacture at Paris? what is its name? what room

is ornamented with tapestry which records our victory over
the armada? what is inferred from tapestry being fometimes
called arras?-618. What is painting? what poet has
happily expreffed the valuable purpose to which portrait-
painting may be applied? for what are we indebted to
landscape and hiftoric painters? what was Scipio's obfer-
vation concerning the pictures of his ancestors ?—619.
What does Solomon fay concerning the hand of the dili-
gent? to what do Shakspeare and Young afcribe a perfon's
fuccefs in life? what amiable citizen of London was an
illuftrious example of the truth of their observation ?—
Page 442. By whom were fcales, weights, and measures
invented? when? of what place was Phidon king ?


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