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Marigolds and Poppies says, "I will soothe your grief." It is especially by the like modifications that the Language of Flowers becomes the interpreter of our sentiments.


CYPRESS is the emblem of Death; the Marygold of Chagrin and Pain; together, the two plants are the emblem of Despair.

MARSH MALLOW (Althæa officinalis).—BENEFICENCE.

EMBLEM of Beneficence, the Marsh Mallow is the friend of the poor. It grows naturally by the stream which quenches their thirst, and near the cottages which they dwell in; but it yields to cultivation, and we sometimes see its unassuming stalks mingling with our garden flowers. It is free from bitterness, and its appearance is agreeable; its flesh-coloured flowers harmonize with its leaves and stems, and the whole plant is covered with a silken silvery down. It is pleasant alike to the eye, and to the hand which touches it. Its flowers, stems, leaves, and roots, are equally useful. Syrups and lozenges are made with its juices, and are as agreeable to the palate, as they are beneficial to health. The traveller in his wanderings sometimes finds the root a healthy and substantial food. We need only to look about our feet to find all nature full of love and foresight; but this gentle mother has often hidden, in plants as well as in man, the greatest virtues under the most unpretending aspect.


MARVEL OF PERU (Mirabilis Falapa).—TIMIDITY.

THIS is one of the most fragrant of flowers. It is highly ornamental. In a state of cultivation it sports into many varieties. Our continental neighbours call it Belle-de-nuit, because its flowers spread their beauty to the night. Hence it is regarded as the emblem of Timidity,-here are the first four lines of an address to this flower by Constant Dubois, referring to its supposed timidity in shunning the brilliancy of day, and preferring the subdued light of evening.

"Solitaire amante des nuits,

Pourquoi ces timides alarmes,

Quand ma muse au jour que tu fuis
S'apprête à révéler tes charmes?"

MEADOW ANEMONE (Anemone pratensis).—Sickness. THE inhabitants of some districts are of opinion that this ornamental field flower exhales from its dark purple blossom a pernicious odour, which so poisons the air that they who breathe it are subject to the most frightful maladies.


TOWARDS the last days of summer there may be seen, shining upon the green sward of moist meadows, a flower like the Spring Crocus. That flower is the Autumnal Crocus. Far from inspiring us with joy and hope, as the former does, this proclaims the departure of the bright days of summer.


Lilac,(purple & white). Marvel of Peru


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