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327 to 335 PEARL STREET,





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DEACON'S LAMENT, THE OLD.-See "Old Deacon's Lament".


DOLLY, ABOUT (with One Illustration)..





..M. G. V. R. 915 ....John Esten Cooke 227 Moncure D. Conway 206 225

Helen S. Conant 424 ..Rose Terry Cooke 557

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Murin 1724.63


UNITED STATES.-Congress: Opening of the Second Session of Forty-fourth Congress, 476; S. J. Randall Speaker of the House, 476; Colorado, 476, 627, 779; Appropriation Bills, 476, 627, 779, 931; President's Salary, 476; Silver Coinage, 476, 627; Inquiries into the Election in the South, 476; President Grant and the Report of the Louisiana Committee, 476; Electoral Bills, 476, 626, 779; Passage of the Joint Commission Electoral Bill, and Appointment of the Commissioners, 779; Meeting of the Joint Convention to count the Vote, 779; Hayes and Wheeler declared elected, 931; President Grant's last Annual Message, and Reports of Departments, 476; Declaration of the Louisiana Returning Board, 476; Electoral Vote cast, 476; South Carolina's rival Governors and Legislatures, 476; Extradition with Great Britain, 627; Election of Senators Blaine, Windom, Ferry, Garland, Saunders, Hoar, and Bailey, 627; David Davis and Benjamin H. Hill, 779; Message on Specie Payments, 779; Senator Sherman's Specie Payments Bill, 779; Resumption Bill laid over, 931; National Museum Bill passed, 779; Adjournment of Forty-fourth Congress, 931. Hayes and Wheeler inaugurated, 931. Special Session of the United States Senate, 931. Cabinet Appointments, 931. Adjournment of the Senate, 931. President Hayes's Inaugural Address, 931. Elections: Ohio, 156; Indiana, 156; West Virginia, 156; Colorado, 156; Georgia, 156; New Hampshire, 931; Election of Senators Cameron and Matthews, 931; Presidential Election, 315; New York, 315. President Grant's Louisiana Orders, 315. New Hampshire Nominations for Governor, 627. President Grant's Proclamation and the South Carolina Rifle Clubs, 156. Seward Statue, Unveiling of, 156. Centennial Exhibition closed, 315.

EUROPE, MEXICO, AND AFRICA.-France: Defeat of the Amnesty Bill, and Resignation of the Minis try, 476; Destruction of Vine Culture, 931. Great Britain: Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India, 627; Opening of Parliament, 779. Germany: Count von Arnim's Trial and Sentence, 156; ElecEDITOR'S LITERARY RECORD.

tions, 315; Opening of the Reichstag, 779. Holland: Opening of the Grand Ship-Canal, 315. Turkey, the War in: Russian Ultimatum, 156; Warlike Preparations, 315; Rejection of the Proposals of the European Powers, 627; Peace with Servia, 779, 931. Spain: Cuban Insurrection, 156; Basque Provinces, 315; Electoral Law, 315. Mexico: Re-election of President Lerdo de Tejada, 315; Revolution, and Flight of Lerdo, 476; General Diaz elected President, 931. Abyssinian War, horrible Massacres, 156. Colonel Gordon and the Soudan, 931. The Indian Famine, 627.

DISASTERS: 156, 315, 476, 627, 779, 931-Fire on Bark Europa, 156; Nail Mill Explosion, Pittsburg, 156; Arctic Whaling Ships lost, 156; Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Accident, 315; Chinese Theatre, San Francisco, Panic, 315; Cyclone in Eastern Bengal, 315; New Orleans Fire, 476; Brooklyn Theatre burned, 476; Burning of Convent, Quebec, 627; Railroad Accident, Ashtabula, Ohio, 627; Sinking of Steamer Montgomery, 627; Loss of the Glouces ter Fishing Fleet, 627; Steamer George Washington lost, 779; Loss of Steamer George Cromwell, 779; Fire in Bolton Colliery, 779; Colliery Explosion in France, 779; Burning of the Waltham Building, New York, 931; Panic in St. Francis Xavier Church, 931.

OBITUARY: 156, 315, 476, 627, 779, 931-Braxton F. Bragg, 156; James Lick, 156; Rev. John P. Durbin, D.D., 156; Francis P. Blair, Sen., 156; George Alfred Lawrence, 156; Joseph Ernst von Bandel, 156; Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli, 315; General James A. Hardie, 476; General James W. Nyc, 627; Cornelius Vanderbilt, 627; Sir Titus Salt, 627; Alexander Bain, 627; Antonio Blitz, 779; Rear Admirals Alden, Wilkes, Bailey, Davis, and Goldsborough, 779; Professor H. B. Smith, 779; Sir William Fergusson, 779; General Nicholas Changarnier, 779; Joel T. Hart, 931; Chief Justice Moses, of South Carolina, 931; Dr. Gurdon Buck, 931; Matilda A. Heron, 931; Madame Octavia Walton Le Vert, 931; Ex-Governor Emory Washburn, 931; Charles Cowden Clarke, 931.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 148. Stanley's 618. My Little Love, 618. Jan of the Windmill, 618. History of the Jewish Church, 148. Mrs. Lamb's His- Is That All? 618. Hale's Philip Nolan's Friends, 618. tory of the City of New York, 149. Mercy Phil- The Barton Experiment, 618. The Jericho Road, brick's Choice, 149. Roe's Near to Nature's Heart, 618. Mrs. Prentiss's The Home at Greylock, 619. 149. Collins's The Two Destinies, 149. The Pilot Mrs. Preston's Troubadours and Trouvères, 619. and His Wife, 150. Mrs. Oliphant's Phoebe, Junior, Bruce's The Century: its Fruits and its Festival, 150. Miscellaneous, 150. Longfellow's Poems of 619. Bryant's New Library of Poetry and Song, 619. Places, 304. Poetical Works of Alice and Phoebe Loring's The Farm-yard Club of Jotham, 619. The Cary, 305. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, Coinages of the World, 620. Barrett's The Carlyle 305. The Skeleton in Armor, 305. The Mistress of Anthology, 620. M'Adam's The Alphabet in Finance, the Manse, 305. The Village School, 305. Sir Rae, 620. Hutton's Essays in Literary Criticism, 620. 305. Poems of William Cullen Bryant, 305. Wal- Brown's Races of Mankind, 620. Busk's Roman Lelace's The Geographical Distribution of Animals, 305. gends, 620. Dodge's The Plains of the Great West, Coffin's The Boys of '76, 306. Italy from the Alps to 768. Chambers's Mad World, 769. Tennyson's HarMount Etna, 306. Manning's American Pictures old, 769. Fridthjof's Saga, 770. Service's Salvation drawn with Pen and Pencil, 306. The Arctic World Here and Hereafter, 770." Taylor's Peter the Apostle, Illustrated, 306. Devout Classics, 306. Stothert's 770. Chambers's The Psalter a Witness to the DiFrench and Spanish Painters, 306. Wild Flowers of vine Origin of the Bible, 770. Patten's The JudgAmerica, 307. Hayden's The Yellowstone National ment of Jerusalem, 770. Weeks's Jehovah-Jesus, Park, etc., 307. Berjold's Theory of Color, 307. 770. Albérdi's Life and Industrial Labors of William Gems of the Dresden Gallery, 307. The Gallery of Wheelwright in South America, 771. Black's MadGreat Artists, 307. Gems of the Gray Collection, cap Violet, 771. Miss Braddon's Joshua Haggard's 307. The Titian Gallery, 307. The Ancient Mariner, Daughter, 771. From Dreams to Waking, 771. Kisillustrated by Doré, 307. The Wisdom Series, 307. met, 771. Sidonie, 771. Verne's Michael Strogoff, Juvenile, 307. Schuyler's Turkistan, 467. Auten- 772. Hamerton's Wenderholme, 772. Selections reith's Homeric Dictionary, 468. Freeman's History from the Writings of Lord Macaulay, 772. Burnaby's of the Norman Conquest of England, Vol. V., 469. Ride to Khiva, 772. Arnold's Through Persia by Bancroft's History of the United States, Vol. VI., Caravan, 772. Minot's The Land Birds and Game 469. Freeman's History and Conquests of the Sara- Birds of New England, 772. Thompson's Papacy cens, 469. Epochs of History, 469. Blaserna's The- and the Civil Power, 920. Carnochan's Contribuory of Sound, 469. Tyndall's Lessons in Electricity, tions to Operative Surgery and Surgical Pathology, 469. Packard's Half Hours with Insects, 469. Van 921. Macdonald's Life and Writings of St. John, Laun's History of French Literature, 469. Deirdre, 921. Perowne's Commentary on the Book of Psalms, 469. Morley's Shorter English Poems, 470. L'Art and the Portfolio, 470. Smith's Student's Classical Dictionary, 470. Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. IV., 470. A Long Time Ago, 470. Mrs. Mulock-Craik's The Laurel Bush, 470. Noblesse Oblige, 470. Ellis Gray's Long Ago, 470. Warner's In the Levant, 617. Field's From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn, 617. Mrs. Stowe's Footsteps of the Master, 617. Mrs. Henderson's Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving, 617. Recent Volumes of Poems, 617. Miss Nancy's Pilgrimage, 618. The Arundel Motto, EDITOR'S SCIENTIFIC RECORD.

Agriculture, 155, 314, 475, 625, 929. Anthropology, 153, 312, 474, 776, 927. Astronomy, 151, 308, 471, 621, 773, 924. Botany, 313, 475, 625, 778. Chemistry, 312, 472, 623, 775, 926. Engineering, 155, 314, 626, 778, 929.

922. Chambers's Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 922. Squier's Peru, 922. Horton's Silver and Gold, and their relation to the Problem of Resumption, 922. Carrington's Battles of the American Revolution, 923. Dr. Verdi's Mothers and Daughters, 923. Student Life at Harvard, 923. Buchanan's Shadow of the Sword, 923. The Golden Butterfly, 923. Anne Gaskell's Widow of Windsor, 924. Farjeon's Duchess of Rosemary Lane, 924. The Great Match, 924. The Long-look House, 924.

Geography, 473. Meteorology, 152, 309, 472, 621, 778. Microscopy, 474, 775, 927. Physics, 310, 472, 622, 774, 925. Zoology, 154, 312, 475, 624, 777, 928.

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