1810.] Journal of Dr. Vanderkemp.... Letter of Mr. Eliot. 377 ed, however, that every one who reads the foregoing passages, will embrace the earliest opportuni. ty of perusing the whole. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. FOREIGN. Extract from the Journal of Dr. Vanderkemp, &c for the year 1808. A 'As to the state of religion, we have so much more reason to praise and glorify the holy name of God, as eternal blessings outweigh those of this world. The word of life is by no means lifeless amongus; and, though we cannot well estimate the number of those whom we have reason to believe are favored with a saving knowledge of Christ, on account of their concealing, in great part, the inward disposition of their hearts, yet, from what we accidentally hear from others, we believe it to be considerable. There are, however, not a few in whom the work of converting grace is more evident among us. mong these, we number two slaves and a Hottentot, working at the Drostdij, who frequently come over on Sundays to hear the word of God, and three Kaffra women, one of whom, named Lentje, was remarkable for integrity of life, and no less for assiduity and fervor in prayer. She was taken ill at a farm in our neighborhood, and desired to see Brother Vanderkemp, who fetched her home in a waggon, and took her into his house. Here she spent almost night and day in prayer and close communion with Christ. One morning she sent for Brother Van. derkemp, requesting him to give her love to all the people of God, and desiring to be placed in the open air, When he and his servant carried her out of doors, she said, 'Now I will go to my God;' and, while Brother Vanderkemp, who expected that her disease (being an Empyema, terminating in a consumption) would be very lingering, placed a mat about her, to shelter her from the rays of the sun, he observed that she turned herself on her side, and reclined her VoL. II. New Series, head upon her arm, as if going to sleep; but, looking more attentive, ly at her, was surprised to find that her last enemy was destroyed, before any symptom of conflict could be perceived, through him who loved her exceedingly. She walked with God, and was not, for God took her. The 27th of July was the day of her tri. umph. Evan. Mag. TOBAGO. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Eliot, dated March 25, 1809. As to the mission, almost every thing is in an encouraging and pros. perous state. Though there cannot be so good an attendance in croptime as might be wished, and I have sometimes my ride for nothing, yet doors are opening for preaching the gospel; so that nothing seems to be wanting, but laborers and pecuniary aid. I have reason to be truly thank. ful, both to God and man, for the favors I have lately received. When I was ill, it was thought necessary that I should go to the wind ward part of the island for change of air, which I did and was there treated with great respect and kindness. I was requested not only to attend the negroes, but to preach to the white people also: but having to preach at more estates already than I can well attend, I could only promise, that if another Missionary should come to assist me, which I hope will soon be the case, I would comply with their request. The harvest is indeed great; but the laborers are very few. I do not see penitential tears flow so freely, nop hear the cry, What shall I do to be saved?'-so frequently as I could wish; yet I rejoice to perceive such a change in the conduct of several 27 Extract of a Letter from Demerara, dated Feb. 27, 1809. HUNDREDS around us say, 'Come over and teach us the way to Heaven,' &c. Yea, thousands say to the Directors, Use all your influence with government, and with our mas ters in England, that the gospel may be preached to us, that our souls may live.' They also have a word to the good people of England, and in particular to the Ladies: 'You have long been partakers of our sugar, coffee, cotton, &c. -give some of your gold and silver to send us the gospel in return; and should any of you be inclined to come and teach us, we will gladly receive instruction from you; and for your encouragement we tell you, That they who turn many to righteousness, shall shine in the realms of glory as the stars for ever and ever! We want the best thing that you have in England, even the glorious gospel of the blessed God! For the temporal things we have sent you, O send us some of your spiritual blessings, for you have enough, and some to spare for poor negroes! Have pity upon us, have pity upon us, O ye our friends, for we are sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death; Come over, come over to Demerara and help us! -come and teach us the way of heav. en! Listen, ye friends of Jesus, to the cries of the Heathen! Ibid. WEST INDIES. It will afford our readers great satisfaction to learn, that a check has lately been put that intolerant and persecuting spirit which has prevailed for several years past in some of the West India Islands. The Legislature of Jamaica had, a second time, silenced the Missionaries of different religious societies, who had been laboring with the happiest success among the negroes and others in that island. In contempt of the express disallowance by his Majesty of their first persecuting act, they had passed another of the same principle, but with restrictions still more comprehensive; and which, in effect, precluded all teachers, except the clergy of the established church, from attempting to instruct the negroes, &c. The consequence was, that these oppressed fellow creatures, composing nine-tenths of the community were left destitute of all instruction and religious worship; because the few resident clergymen of the established church neither do nor can extend their pastoral labors beyond the white inhabitants. The insular legislature, knowing that this measure would be disapproved by his Majesty, resorted to the trick of engrafting it upon an act to continue the general system of the slave laws, which had been consolidated into a temporary act then just expiring. With a view perhaps to some such expedient, they had before substituted this temporary act for a permament one, which it repealed. Their agent was consequently led to represent, that, if the act of continuation were disallowed, the island would be destitute of all slave law, and that dreadful confusion would ensue: but the Committee of the Privy Council for matters of Trade and Plantations, after full discussion, found a way to frustrate this shame. ful artifice, by disallowing, as they have lately advised his Majesty to do, both the act in question and the act of repeal, which had never expressly received his Majesty's approbation, though several years in force. The general slave laws thereby become re-established, and the persecuting clauses only of the act object. ed to are in effect annulled. But the Jamaica legislature, pending this discussion, and by the previous stratagem of delaying to trans. mit the act for the royal assent, while it had its operation in the island under that of the govenor, had, during more than a year, suspended the progress of the missions, and all religious worship and teaching, by means of them, to the obvious, and perhaps fatal, discouragement of those pious undertakings, as well as to the great prejudice of the numerous con . 1810.] Letter to Rev. Mr. Steinhopff... Death of Mr. Cran. 379 verts who had been recently made, and who were in danger of relapsing again into Pagan darkness and vice. To prevent, therefore, a repetition of such shameful proceedings in that or other islands, his Majesty has graciously issued a general order to the West Indian governors, requiring and commanding that they should not, on any pretence whatever, give their sanction to any law passed concerning religion, until they shall have first transmitted the draught of the bill to his Majesty, and shall have received his pleasure respecting it, unless they take care, in the passing such a law, that clause be inserted, suspending its execution until the pleasure of his Majesty shall have been signified upon it. Ibid. a Extract of a Letter from Mr. Spittler, Secretary to the Religious Society at Basle, dated Oct. 18, 1808, addressed to the Rev. C. F. A. Steinkopff. OUR Society still subsists. In the midst of all the political convulsions of the Continent, it has not decreased, but rather increased. The demand for our periodical publication becomes greater every year. We had the peculiar satisfaction of receiving from you a very interesting account of the last General Meeting of the Bible, Missionary, and Tract Societies: which was immediately printed, and read with the utmost pleasure. You cannot conceive how acceptable such intelligence is to our numerous readers. It is, therefore, our particular request, that you may continue the same. We have lately received several most interesting letters from Roman Catholic Clergymen, who, we doubt not, are truly enlightened by the Spirit of God. They meet with much opposition, but their letters evince a spirit of resolution which cannot but fill our minds with admiration ! DEATH OF MR. CRAN. Ibid. LETTERS have just been received by the directors from Mr. Loveless, at Madras and from Mr. Des Granges, at Vizigapatam, dated Jan. 20, and Feb. 27, 1809. By these letters they have received the very afflicting information of the death of a most worthy and valuable missionary, Mr. GEORGE CRAN. Concerning this mournful event, his colleague, Mr. Des Granges thus writes :- Our dear brother was severely attacked by a bilious fever in November last, which in a few days reduced him to a very weak and low state of body. By the advice of the physician, he undertook a tour to the northward, in comany with Major-General Gowdie, &c. He appeared for a time, to have gained strength, but became much worse, when, at a town called Chicacole, about 74 miles from VizigapaDr. Fleming perceiving his danger, wrote to Mr. Des Granges, who immediately set off to visit him, but did not arrive till six hours after he had breathed his last. On Mr. D. devolved the painful office of committing his remains to the grave. He closed a holy and useful life on Friday, Jan. 6. This,' says Mr. D. 'was a severe stroke to me. I had great difficulty to bear up under it; but God strengthened me! He assuaged my grief for the moment, and forced me to say, Thy will be done ! Still, my heart is heavy, and reflection on my loss makes me lament over the mountains of India, as David lamented over the mountains of Gilboa, on the loss of his beloved Jonathan.' tam. Mr. D. has sent extracts of letters from Mr. Cran, written to him during his journey, which shew the pious state of his mind, and the earnest desire he retained to the last to be useful. He had acquired the Telinga language, and preached in it but a few days before his death. In a letter, dated Chatterpore, Dec. 17, he says, 'I have spent many pleasant hours with the natives, and found many very desirous to know more of the gospel. Travelling among them, and proclaiming the good news of salvation, is certainly delightful work.' Mr. Loveless expresses himself, in relation to this distressing circumstance, thus : 'It has pleased the all wise Disposer of events to take to himself our dearly beloved brother, George Cran. He fell asleep in Je. sus on the 6th instant, at Chicacole, whilst on a journey with Major-General Gowdie for the benefit of his health, which also afforded him an excellent opportunity of preaching the gospel to the natives; in which blessed work he was employed till within a few days of his death. Brother Des Granges had the pain. ful office of interring his dearly beloved colleague at a distance from home, and among strangers, having also been deprived of the painful pleasure of receiving his dying com. mands, and hearing from his lips those professions of faith in the glorious gospel, which he was so desirous of making known to the perish ing millions of Hindoostan, and which brother D. would have communicated for the comfort of his friends and fellow laborers, and the edification of the church at large.' How mysterious,' he justly adds, are the ways of Providence, in thus removing a young man, in the prime of life, who had just attained the knowledge of the language, by which he was enabled to make known to the poor heathen 'the unsearchable riches of Christ!" In this we are called 'to be still, and know that he is God; and, though mysterious, his ways are neither unwise, unjust, nor unkind, as we shall see hereafter. O that this may have a due influence on me, to make me more zealous and devoted in the work of the Lord, and to incline many to offer themselves as Missionaries in this country, where millions are crying, over and help us." Come To these pious reflections no addition is necessary. The residue of the Spirit is with the Lord, who, we trust, will strengthen the Mission by the speedy arrival of the brethren Gordon and Lee, who sailed from America in May last, to join the brethren at Vizigapatam. Ibid. OTAHEITE. THE following pleasing event was mentioned at the last Annual Meet. ing of the Missionary Society: A seaman, on board a trading vessel, called at Otaheite, and, through the blessing of God on the preaching of the missionaries there, was called to the knowledge of the truth. Afterwards he was removed to a man of war, and became the happy instru. ment, by his conversation and example, of bringing thirteen or fourteen of his companions to a sense of their lost state, and their need of salvation by Jesus Christ. Their conduct for a considerable time past has been such as to afford much hope, that they also have been called by the grace of God. A spelling book and catechism, in the Otaheitan tongue, are now print ing by the society, in order to facili tate the instruction of the natives by the missionaries. INDIAN JUBILEE. THE year 1806 being the hundredth year (or the second fiftieth) since the gospel first visited the peninsula of India, a Jubilee was celebrated by the Hindoo churches, on the ninth of July, in commemoration of the arrival of the first two protestant mission. aries, in 1706. The happy occasion had been long anticipated, and was marked with demonstrations of joy and gladness. The people as we are informed, walked in procession to the churches, carrying palms in their hands, and singing the 98th Psalm; and after offering up praises and thanksgivings to the Most High, they heard a sermon suitable to the day :-" Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound." LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. THE translation of the Scriptures into the Persian language, so long in preparation, and by many thought to be abandoned, has been for some time in the press at Newcastle upon Tyne, and is expected to be published in the course of this year. The History of the Dissenters, by Rev. Messrs. Bogue and Bennett, is in such forwardness, that the first volume may be expected shortly. The Rev. John Robinson of Ravenstonedale, is engaged in a Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Dictionary; intended to comprise whatever is known concerning the Antiquities of the Hebrews, and to form a body of Scripture history, geography, chronology, divinity, and ecclesiastical opinions. ORIGINAL. Bartlett professor of PulpitEloquence in the Divinity College at Andover. Boston, Lincoln & Edmands, 1810. A Sermon preached in Swanzy, N.H. Nov. 23d, and in Orange, Mass. Nov. 30, on the Annual Thanksgivings in those States, 1809. By Clark Brown, A.M. Keene, J. Prentiss, 1810. Sermons by Rev. George Buist, D.D. Minister of the Presbyterian Church, and President of the College of Charleston, S. C. in 2 vols. N. York, E. Sargent, 1809. Dr. Ramsay's History of South Carolina, 2 vols. The Trial of David Lyme, Jabez Meigs, Elijah Barton, Prince Kein, Nathaniel Cynn, Ansel Meigs, and Adam Pitts, for the murder of Paul Chadwick, at Malta (Maine) on the th of Sept. 1809, before the Supreme Judicial Court, held at Augusta, on the 16th of Nov. Taken in short hand LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. by John Mirick, Esq. It contains a full statement of all the evidence offered on the part of Government, as well as that in defence of the prisoners; together with all the arguments of the Counsel and the opinion of the Court at full length. E. Goodale, Hallowell, 1809. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Common wealth of Massachusetts, vol. 4. containing the cases for the year 1808. By Dudley Atkyns Tyng, Esq. Counsellor at Law. Newburyport, E. Little & Co. 1807. Thoughts on the Study of Political Economy, as connected with the population, industry, and paper currency of the United States. By L. Baldwin, Esq. Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf, 1809. A Letter on the Genius and Disposition of the French Government; including a view of the taxation of the French Empire. Addressed to a friend by an American lately returned from Europe. Philadelphia, Hopkins & Earle; and Farrand, Mallory, & Co. Boston, 1809. A Sermon delivered at the Dedication of the church in Park Street, Boston. By Edward D. Griffin, D.D. stated Preacher in said Church, and NEW EDITIONS. The Remedy for Duelling, a Sermon delivered before the Presbytery of Long Island at the opening of their session at Aguebogue, April 16,1806. By Lyman Beecher, A. M. Pastor of the Church in East Hampton. Republished by Williams and Whiting, N. York, 1809. First volume of A New Literal Translation from the original Greek of all the Apostolical Epistles with a Commentary, and Notes Philological, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, to which is added, A History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. By James Macknight, D.D. author of a Harmony of the Gospels, &c. in six volumes, to which is prefixed An Ac |