Buffalo Medical Journal and Monthly Review of Medical and Surgical Science, Bind 54


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Side 680 - Medicine. A Quarterly Digest of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare, MD, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia.
Side 203 - Manual of Chemistry. A Guide to Lectures and Laboratory work for Beginners in Chemistry. A Text-book, specially adapted for Students of Pharmacy and Medicine.
Side 936 - SANMETTO FOR GENITO-URINARY DISEASES. A Scientific Blending of True Santal and Saw Palmetto In a Pleasant Aromatic Vehicle. A Vitalizing Tonic to the Reproductive System. SPECIALLY VALUABLE IN PROSTATIC TROUBLES OF OLD MEN-IRRITABLE BLADDER CYSTITIS-URETHRITIS-PRE-SENILITY.
Side 598 - No envelope will be opened except that which accompanies the successful essay. The Committee will return the unsuccessful essays if reclaimed by their respective writers, or their agents, within one year. The Committee reserves the right not to make an award if no essay submitted is considered worthy of the prize.
Side 906 - Vecki's Sexual Impotence The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Impotence. By VICTOR G. VECKI, MD From the Second Revised and Enlarged German Edition.
Side 517 - A Yearly Digest of Scientific Progress and Authoritative Opinion in all branches of Medicine and Surgery, drawn from journals, monographs, and text-books of the leading American and Foreign authors and investigators. Arranged with critical editorial comments, by eminent American specialists, under the editorial charge of GEORGE M. GOULD, MD Year-Book of 1901 in two volumes—Vol. I. including General Medicine; Vol.
Side 909 - A TEXT-BOOK OF PRACTICAL THERAPEUTICS. With especial Reference to the Application of Remedial Measures to Disease and their Employment upon a Rational Basis. By Hobart Amory Hare, MD, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia.
Side 675 - A Quarterly Digest of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare, MD, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Octavo, handsomely bound in cloth, 440 pages, 28 illustrations. Per volume, $2.50, by express prepaid to any address. Per annum, in four cloth-bound volumes, $10.00. Lea Brothers & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia and New York.
Side 595 - Containing the pronunciation and definition of the principal words used in medicine and kindred sciences, with 64 extensive tables.
Side 824 - American Text-Book of Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Edited by GE DE SCHWEINITZ, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology in the University of Pennsylvania ; and B.

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