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274 All moneys refunded by students on account of loans shall be included in the regular annual income of the Society.

VII. Division of Income.


275. The Treasurer of each Annual Conference shall, immediately at the close of his Conference, or not later than the fifteenth of July following, transmit to the General Secretary and to the Secretary of the Board of Management an audited statement of his accounts for the year. shall also remit to the General Treasurer, three-fourths of the amount available, viz. :' the net amount raised by his Conference and loans repaid by students, retaining the other fourth to be disbursed under the direction of the Committee of his Conference. This portion of one-fourth shall be disbursed by said Committee as a loan fund in loans, without interest, and secured by notes, payable within ten years to the Treasurer of the Annual Conference Committee, and to defray expenses of Conference examinations, and in payment of fees of twenty dollars to each student, which fees shall be a grant and not a loan. The General Treasurer shall disburse the funds received by him, First, for the payment of expenses authorized by the Board of Management; Secondly, for aiding the institutions in which our ministry are educated, in the following proportions :--Victoria University, including Albert College, fifty per cent.; Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal, eighteen per cent.; the University of Mount Allison College, fourteen per cent.; Wesley College, Winnipeg, eighteen per cent.

VIII. Annual Conference Committee.

276. Each Annual Conference Committee shall meet at the time and place of the meeting of its Conference for the following purposes:

1. To consider the cases of all candidates recommended by District Meetings to attend College, and report to Conference the amount of loan, if any, to be granted to each, and the College he shall attend.

2. To examine and order payment of the approved accounts of expenses of examinations within the bounds of its Conference.

3. Undergraduates of Victoria or Toronto University shall be appointed to Victoria; those of McGill, to Wesleyan Theological College. Other students in the central Conferences shall be equally divided between Victoria and Wesleyan Theological Colleges. The students of the Western Conferences may be appointed to Wesley College, and those of the Eastern Conferences, to Mount Allison University.

4. The Treasurer of each Annual Conference shall keep a book, in which shall be entered the amounts of notes given by students, and the time when they fall due.

IX. Duties of the General Secretary.

277. It shall be the duty of the General Secretary to publish the Annual Report of the Society; and to take all measures possible in harmony with the other officers and boards of our Church to increase the income of the Society, and to promote the interests of our Educational work

throughout the Dominion.

All expenditures of the funds of the Society must be made by resolution of the Board of Management, unless ordered by Discipline or by special direction of the General Conference.

X. Duties of the General Treasurer.

278. It shall be the duty of the General Treasurer to receive and account for the funds of the Society, and to disburse the same as ordered by the General Conference, or by the Board of Management through the Secretary, and to present an audited account of the same to each General Conference. All notes given by students for loans shall be held in trust by the General Treasurer, and when they mature, they shall be forwarded to the local Treasurer for collection.




279. For the thorough organization and government of the Sabbath-schools of the Methodist Church the following directions are given :—

1. It shall be the duty of every Superintendent minister to see that, so far as possible, there shall be a Sabbathschool in connection with each congregation under his charge; such school to be kept open, if at all practicable, during the whole year.

2. In organizing a new school, the Superintendent of the Circuit shall appoint, with the concurrence of the Quarterly

Official Board, a suitable person to superintend the same, and the person so appointed shall, with the concurrence of the Superintendent of the Circuit, appoint the necessary officers and teachers, and proceed to organize the school in harmony with the following Constitution:

I. Name.


280. This School shall be known as theSabbath-school, and shall be under the supervision of the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit or Mission.

II. Management.

281. The management of the School shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the minister or ministers in charge on the Circuit, the officers and teachers of the School, and not less than three, nor more than seven, other persons, members of the Church, nominated by the Superintendent of the Circuit at the Second Meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, and elected by said Board. The persons so elected shall enter upon the duties of their office at the next ensuing meeting of the Committee of Management.

III. Instruction.

282. The instruction given in the School shall be the doctrines of the Word of God as expounded in the recog nized standards of the Methodist Church. The Methodist Catechisms shall be taught in each School.

IV. Officers.

253. The officers of the School shall be a Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian. If necessary, assis

tants or associates in any of the above offices may be appointed. The Superintendent and his assistant must be members of the Methodist Church.

V. Elections.

284. The Committee of Management shall annually elect all the officers and teachers at its regular meeting nearest to the first of May. 1. The Superintendent of the Circuit shall nominate for the office of Superintendent of the School two or more persons, and the Committee of Management shall elect by ballot. 2. The Superintendent of the School, after his election, shall nominate the rest of the officers and teachers, and from time to time shall fill such vacancy as may occur in the list of officers and teachers, subject to the approval of the ensuing meeting of the Comnittee of Management.

VI. Meetings.

285. Meetings of the Committee of Management shall be held quarterly, or as much oftener as the Committee shall, by resolution, decide, a report from which meeting concerning the state of the School, shall be presented at the next ensuing meeting of the Quarterly Official Board. 1. Where practicable, there shall be a meeting of the teachers for the study of the lesson. 2. Special meetings of the Committee of Management may be called at any time by the Secretary, at the request of the Superintendent of the Circuit or the Superintendent of the School. Due notice of

the nature of the business to be transacted, together with the time and place of meeting, shall be given to each mem

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