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lish a distinctness which impedes the practical enjoyment of its blessings, and is at variance with a connexion on which your happiness depends.'


Art. 52. The Mysterious Seal, a Romance. By W. C. Proby.
12mo. 3 vols.
75. sewed. Westley.

As some compensation for the violations of probability and nature in our old Romances, the imagination is often delighted by beautiful and glowing description, our best affections are excited by a representation of the most noble and sublime virtues, and even our understandings may be sometimes improved by moral and religious sentiment. Most modern authors, of compositions which may be arranged within this class, seem to fancy that they have attained their object if they can excite only astonishment and horror. Now folly and absurdity, if carried to a certain height, may occasion the former sensation, and the most wild and improbable stories will give rise to the latter. Whether this ductility of the imagination, in yielding credit to tales gloomy, sad, and frightful, proceeds from that fear which is interwoven in our nature; or whether there be a secret pleasure in indulging contemplations of that sort; certain it is that children are delighted with stories of ghosts and goblins :-but we might expect, in an age which calls itself enlightened, and among persons who have enjoyed the advantages of a polite and liberal education, a more correct if not a more refined taste.

Respecting the work before us, it would not be easy to give an analysis of the fable, which is wild, strange, and intricate. It contains no delineation of either character or manners; and, although the author disdains to be confined by the restraints of good sense, propriety, consistency, or probability, we meet with little variety of incident: but we are supplied with an abundant store of dark plots, wicked -contrivances, and scenes of horror, copied in part from "the Mysteries of Udolpho," and yet more from "the Castle Spectre."-Among the smaller faults of this work, may be noticed the inaccuracy of the language, of which we give the following short example: (vol. I. p. 107.)

In answer to your question, my Lord, me and my parents are indebted to the kindness and benevolence of your noble father for the asylum we here enjoy, and the benefits we partake of,' &c.

The hero and heroine, however, are virtuous characters; and we perceive nothing of an immoral tendency in the volumes.


Art. 53. The Female Advocate; or an Attempt to recover the Rights of Women from Male Usurpation; by Mary Anne Rad.. cliffe. Small 8vo. pp. 189. 35. Boards. Vernor and Hood." 1799.

This lady's zeal is doubtless exerted in a good cause: but, if she is warmly eloquent, as eloquence is prone to be, she is diffuse. She wishes to represent the case of those, who would be industrious if they might, but are held down by the most powerful influence of





custom and misrepresentation; and consequently are incapable, without the kind assistance of humanity, to find redress, or even again to tread the paths of virtue. But, alas! (she adds) finding herself so feeble an advocate, she can only hold the pen of truth, whilst reason and justice plead their cause.'-The mischief which she deplores, with indignation and grief, is of vast magnitude; not merely involving in wretchedness the pitiable female, but, in one way or another, entailing calamity on the other sex While she feelingly la ments it all, she directs her shafts against one principal source of the evil: Look to the shops of perfumers, toymen, and others of a similar occupation; and, above all, look to the haberdashery maga zine, where from ten to twenty fellows, six feet high, may be counted in each, to the utter exclusion of poor females, who could sell a toothpick or a few ribbons just as well.'-Thus she observes, in another place, the greatest part of this female distress is not through a vicious or depraved disposition, but absolute compulsion; through the encouragement given to a destructive custom, which permits men to enjoy a privilege that nature never assigned them; and they are thereby encouraging vice to predominate, and holding virtue in fetters.'


The second part of this volume is more directly intended to demonstrate that the frailty of female virtue more frequently origi nates from embarrassed circumstances, than from a depravity of disposition. In this part, as in the former, we find much feeling, together with some sensible and striking remarks; though, we think, too much of repetition. The whole is concluded by the story of Fidelia, for which we refer the reader to the 77th, 78th, and 79th numbers of that well known and esteemed work, Hawkesworth's Adventurer:-but it should be remembered that the distress there related was in a great measure to be ascribed to the arts of seduction practised by a young man, who, degrading his rank, manifested himself a villain.

Art. 54. Moral Reflections, suggested by a View of London from off the Monument; by John Evans, A.M. 12mo. 61. Crosby. The situation which this writer has chosen, while it presents an extensive and crowded prospect, awakens at the same time, in the contemplative mind, a great variety of entertaining and useful reflections: several of which, as suggested to himself on this occasion, Mr. Evans here consigns to public notice., His little work may, no doubt, be perused by numbers with advantage: moral and pious, it can hardly fail of some beneficial effect.-The short passage selected from the faithful account given by Vincent, who was himself a spectator of the aweful conflagration in the year 1666, might have been better expressed in the present writer's own language; rattle, rattle, rattle,-tumble, tumble, tumble, though natural and appropriate to Vincent's ideas at the time, are not suitable phrases now, and become rather ludicrous on such a subject.



Hi. Art. 55. The Indian Cottage, by James Henry Bernardin de St. Pierre,; translated by Edward Augustus Kendal. 12mo. 1s. 6d. Vernor and Hood.


This humorous and sarcastical, but at the same time beautiful, instructive, and benevolent tale, is too well known and esteemed, to require from us very particular notice. This is at the least its third appearance in an English dress. Its moral is excellent: but mistaken and unhappy will he be who should draw inferences from it to the disadvantage of revelation. The amiable philanthropist, St. Pierre, though he freely lashes priests, literati, &c. was not either infidel or atheist.He speaks honourably of the English nation, and endeavours to exculpate himself from any intention of directing his satire more pointedly to that than to other countries: as this translator properly remarks, the introduction of an Englishman into the story is merely incidental. So far as regards the purpose of the fable, the Englishman is to be understood as the representative of the learned world.' / Art. 56. The Rational Humourist: consisting of a Selection of Anecdotes, Bons Mots, &c. Elegant, Sentimental, and Mirthful. Vernor and Hood. 1799.

12mo. 28.

Young people, or others, may entertain themselves, and occasi onally the company into which they fall, from the generality of such collections as this now before us: but if this be their principal mental furniture, or they want judgment to manage itwith propriety, it is likely that they will find themselves unacceptable or neglected. We have not remarked in the present selection any thing prejudicial to virtue; and the mirth which it may excite is of an innocent kind. Some of the anecdotes are of little worth; some have been often circulated; others are less known, and may afford amusement; as may also the former, since what is not novel or is become even trite to one person is not always so to another. A lively story or anecdote, well and seasonably introduced, will occasionally prove pleasant: but it requires a degree of taste and judgment to succeed in this mode of entertainment. A man who forms the plan of recommending himself merg in such a line will often meet with disappointment and chagrin..

The few pieces of poetry at the end of this volnme might perhaps as well have been omitted.

Art. 57. Spare Minutes; or Resolved Meditations, and Premeditated.
Resolutions: written by Arthur Warwick. 12mo. Is. 8d.
Boards. Arch. 1799.

This title will materially apprize the reader what he is to expect. The age of quaintuess has nearly expired, and we cannot wish its revival: yet, acuteness with oddity may gain attention from some, on whom sober reasoning and accurate expression, though united with a degree of fervour and spirit, would have no effect. Of Arthur Warwick we know little: he appears to have been of the clerical profession in the last century; and this production of his pen had passed through a seventh edition as early as the year 1640; from which the present publication is printed, with some alterations in the orthography, and no farther deviation than what seemed necessary to ren der the sense clcar, and to divest it of such parts as were less likely to please, in an age of greater refinement.'-The two prints, as indeed some other parts of the book, brought to our recollection Quarles's Emblems. Many just and useful remarks occur; of which a speREV. DEC. 1799.









cimen offers in the very outset. It is the over curious ambition of many to be best, or to be none; if they may not do so well as they would, they will not do so well as they may. I will do my best to do the best; and what I want in power, supply in will. Thus whilst I pay in part, I shall not be a debtor for all. He owes most that pays nothing.'

Two or three pieces of poetry, in the style of the respected Herbert, though not equalling him, make up this little volume.

Art. 58. The Life of the Rev. John Machin, A. B. a holy and laborious Preacher of the Gospel, formerly Minister of the ParishChurch of Astbury, near Congleton, in Cheshire; with a recommendatory Preface, by the late Sir Charles Wolseley, Bart. Revised and re-published by George Burder. 12mo. 8d. bound. Button.


The original life of Mr. Machin was published in the year 1571; and an abridgment of it appears in Palmer's Nonconformist's Memo. rial, vol. 1st, p. 270. The present editor has, we are told, exchanged some antiquated phrases and obsolete words, for others more agiceable to a modern ear, and added, in the notes, a few particulars of farther information concerning him, obtained from his descendants.' Mr. M. appears to have been possessed of a paternal estate, which enabled him to support, better than several of his brethren could, a conscientious and honourable desertion of the establishment; his honest fame, however, rested not on his maintaining soundness of faith, as it is sometimes termed, (meaning orthodox or calvinistical principles,) but on a firmer basis,-the integrity of his heart and conduct. As Sir Charles Wolseley reports, he lived not in the impalement of any party,-was a man of a catholic spirit, who made religion his business, and was a worthy pattern both as a minister and a christian.'

Art. 59. Miscellaneous Essays, Naval, Moral, Political, and Divine.
By Alexander Duncan, D. D. Vicar of Bolam, Northumberland,
Chaplain of his Majesty's Ship Venerable on the glorious 11th of
October 1797, and now of his Majesty's Ship Kent of 74 Guns,
Lord Duncan's Flag Ship. 8vo. 35. Symonds, &c.

The reverend author of these essays writes with the intention of animating our seamen to persevere in a just and necessary warfare, against enemies who, by their impiety and inhumanity, have rendered themselves the just objects of hatred and indignation to God.'

As encouragements to the navy, the Doctor recommends that honorary badges should be conferred on all those who signalize themselves on any particular occasion; that midshipmen unemployed should be allowed half pay; and that half pay, in times of peace, should be given to twenty or thirty thousand of our seamen. These are encouragements on a grand scale, and unfortunately not so well proportioned to the abilities of the nation as to the merits of the objects recommended.-To keep alive the courage of our seamen, Dr. D. proposes that martial songs should be learned and sung occasionally.' He remarks that in going into action against an

*Commonly called the Divine Herbert.




enemy, martial music has the finest effect possible.'-'You can work more instantaneously upon the passions in this way than in any other almost you can name.' Such advice, if the business were to revive depressed and drooping spirits, might be worth consideration: but we trust that the courage of our seamen will never be at so low an ebb as to need the assistance of an old song.

With all this attention to the profession of arms, the author has not neglected to bestow notice on his own profession. He informs us that he considers the clergy as a valuable class in society,' and he bestows encomiums on the present amiable Lord High Chancellor for preferring military and naval chaplains who have served with applause.'

The third essay is on the discipline of the navy, and in praise of the articles of war. When a culprit is brought to the gangway,' and all hands are piped by one of the boatswain's mates on such occasions, it is absolutely necessary to enforce a strict observance of these laws,' &c. Respecting the truth of these matters, we have no intention to make inquiry: but the remarks arrested our notice by the very uncouth appearance which they assume when falling from a person of Dr. D.'s profession. The following opinion, however, we ought not to omit to mention he asserts that no officer ever punished to gratify any humour of his own.' Though the Doctor cannot be warranted in advancing that such is universally the fact, yet his assertion strongly conveys an idea of the excellence of the discipline which, in order to form such an opinion, he must have been accustomed to observe.


The latter essays examine the questions, whether peace can be made with the French Government? How Great Britain in conjunction with her allies should continue the contest with proud imperious 'France,' &c. &c.

Art. 60. A Letter to the Pope, on the probable Cause of the War; and that it waits on his Holiness to invite the Blessings of Peace. By Christophilus. 8vo. IS. Richardson. 1799.

This advice of a pious well-meaning protestant was intended for the late unfortunate Bishop of Rome; whom he treats with much civility and compassion, but whom he earnestly exhorts to relinquish the noxious doctrines of popery, to disclaim the enormous prerogatives of his predecessors, to abjure the tenets of the invocation of saints, transubstantiation, the celibacy of the clergy, false miracles, superstitions, &c. &c. and thereby to bring about a thorough reformation in the church of Rome.

Capt. B....y.

It seems reserved for thee, most Holy Father, to bring about this reformation, or else, tottering to its fall, fate hovers round to overwhelm it [the church] in destruction. The great and good Ganganelli was persuaded by kings and princes to dissolve that seminary of danger to the world, the jesuits; by which he gained an immortal reputation. Then let awakened hope expect that you, Holy Father, by a better influence, the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, will have the eyes of your understanding opened, accompanied by resolution of soul to eradicate the errors, the false doctrine, and Kk 2


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