THE RACOVIAN CATECHISM, WITH NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN: TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF UNITARIANISM IN POLAND AND THE ADJACENT COUNTRIES. BY THOMAS REES, F.S.A. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND ADVERTISEMENT. SEVERAL years have now elapsed since the following work was first promised to the public. A variety of circumstances have operated to delay its appearance; of which the principal has been a painful bodily indisposition of long continuance, whereby the translator was unfitted for the close application, and the mental exertion, which his undertaking required. A kind Providence, to whom he can never be sufficiently grateful, has at last restored to him the invaluable blessing of health, and enabled him thus to put the finishing hand to his task. He cannot send his work forth to the world without expressing his consciousness, that it will stand in need of much indulgence. The reader of discernment and taste will not fail to discover many defects in its literary execution. But A 2 |