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to replenish Iron Reserve, diminish Hem-
olysis, and tone up the Nervous System is
contained in

Hemaboloids ARSENIATED

(with Strychuia)

palatable, non-irritating and absorbed in
spite of deranged digestive function. Pre-
digested albuminoids and Bone Marrow Ext.
add Nutrient and Reconstructive Value.

Samples on request.



The tremendous demand for the


proves that the public desire for a Piano Player that will furnish something more than mere technique, is being gratified.

The PIANOLA furnishes faultless technique,

The METROSTYLE attachment furnishes an artistic interpretation.
Each an absolute necessity to the other-- the combination offering a perfect performance.




the patient is recovering is medical or surgical in character.

The administration of Pepto-Mangan -(Gude) is an especially desirable method of furnishing that unexcelled hematinic-iron, and its reconstructive partner, Manganese-in bland, unirritating and immediately appropriate form. The vital, oxygen-bearing hematin of the red cells of the blood is speedily and steadily increased when this peculiarly available reconsistuent is regularly administered. Constipation is avoided and none of the irritant or other unpleasant features ordinarily attendant upon ferruginous medication are noted when Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is given.


Indianapolis, Ind., July 18, 1908. Are not facts concerning something of merit, of demonstrated worth, something which can be rationally administered and depended upon, worthy of a moment or two from even the busiest man?

To date 11,400 pints of Solguatone P. M. Co. have been prescribed by physicians of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.

Of this amount 4,056 prescriptions were written for this preparation by Louisville physicians alone.

Since January 10, 1908, physicians of Nashville, Knoxville, Atlanta, Birmingham and Memphis have written 6,253 prescriptions for this article.

Have you, too, studied its composition and considered claims made for it as a reconstructive tonic, tissue builder and anti-ferment? If not, won't you give it an opportunity to demonstrate that such claims are justifiable? In SOLGUATONE, Pitman-Myers Company have submitted to the medical profession a preparation containing creosote and guaiacol which will not derange digestion, is effective in small doses (therefore economical), water soluable-casy of administration, palatable, non-alcoholic and constructed in such a manner that the physician can make additions as his judgment dictates.

Formula: Each fluid ounce contains guaiacol 8 minims and creosote 8 minims, both combined in water soluble sulphonates, strychnine hypophosphite 1-32 gr. quinine hypophosphite 1-2 gr., with hypophosphites of calcium, iron, manganese and potassium 5 grs.


"In the Calcutta Medical Journal for February, 1908, Ghosh makes a few observations on the salicylates as antipyretics and hepatic stimulants. He asserts there are few drugs in the Pharmacopoeia which can excel sodium salicylate in its action on the liver. stimulates the latter to increased activity, causing an increase in the flow of bile, which is rendered more watery and is at the same time excreted under a higher pressure. In ordinary fever with some hepatic derangement and congestion, it has invariably been used with the customary diaphoretic mixture, with good results.

Moreover, the general discomfort and the indefinite sort of pain over the whole body, so often complained of by such patients, are as a rule, relieved. by this drug.

[blocks in formation]




It is a Stomachic Tonic, relieves Indiges

tion, Flatulence and Dyspepsia.

Can be administered in inflammatory conditions of the mucous membrane, as it has no irritant effect.

Has the remarkable property of arresting certain kinds of vomiting notably the vomiting of pregnancy-due to a peculiar bitter principle.

Under ordinary circumstances, and when the object of its administration is to promote the digestive function, it should be taken after meals.

When the object is to arrest vomiting of pregnancy, it should be given before meals, in doses of 10 to 20 grains.

It should be combined with prescriptions containing calomel, as it prevents nausea and vomiting.

Put up in Powder and Tablet Form.




Manufacturing Pharmaceutists,

Philadelphia, PA.

Branches: New York, Chicago, New Orleans.


A PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF Insanity, Nervous Disorders, Inebriety and Optum Habit. For Males and Females. Facilities and advantages are unsurpassed for the proper care and treatment of all forms of the above named disorders. Careful attention is given to the proper classification of patients. Average one attendant to every four patients. Supervision at all hours. Every needed convenience and any accommodations that may be desired. Retired and homelike. Site elevated, beautiful and salubrious. 39 miles from Cincinnati, 84 miles from Indianapolis. 8trains daily. Terms moderate. For references, trains, etc, address

A Private Sanatarium for Nervous Disorders and Morphine Habitues.


Insane not admitted. Every facility for proper treatment. Careful supervision at all times. Retired, accessable; surroundings beautiful. Modern in all appointments, lighted by electricity and heated by steam. Sanitation perfect. Send for descriptive circular.

Under the same control and Medical Management as the Oxford Retreat.

G. F. COOK, M. D., Physician in Charge,

Oxford, Butler County, Ohio.

the genuine is dispensed. He thus insures his results in all bromide treatment, particularly in those instances in which the prolonged use of the salts seems indicated and desirable. Neurologists have called especial attention to this feature of the preparation of Peacock's Bromides, and therefore it is extensively prescribed and dispensed in epilepsy. This is the severest therapeutic test to which the Bromides can be put, and there is no doubt that purity is of great importance in such cases.


The First Symptoms of Migraine. Dr. J. J. Caldwell, of Baltimore, Md., in "Medical Progress" writes as follows: "The treatment of migraine, to be correct, must be adjusted on the basis of the element of causation. Constipation, if present, should be treated by a proper dietary and regular habits, but purgatives should be avoided. Only mild laxatives should be ployed, and they should be abandoned. when diet regulates the bowels, as proper diet will do. During the premonitory stage we can generally abort or rather prevent the development of an attack by the administration of two antikamnia tablets. They should be given as soon as the first symptoms of the attack are manifest. If then, all symptoms are not speedily dissipated, another dose should be given in threequarters of an hour or an hour. This means is a most effectual one to abort an attack, and when the attack is developed, antikamnia tablets will relieve

the pain usually in about forty min


In chronic diffuse interstitial nephritis the patient is generally anemic, and iron will agree with but few. Indeed, in many cases the nervous symptoms are aggravated by its use. Here is where Hagee's cordial of the extract. of cod liver oil compound is indicated. It should be given It should be given in tablespoonful doses four times a day. Am. Jour. Dermatology.

The Right Will Triumph.

The optimistic Emerson always contends that the right will ultimately triumph. "There is a serene Providence which rules the fate of nations, which takes little account of time, little of any one generation or race, makes no account of disaster, conquers alike by what is called defeat, or by what is called victory, thrusts aside enemy and obstruction, and obtains the ultimate triumph of the best race by the sacrifice of everything which resists the moral laws of the world. It makes its own instruments, creates the man for the time, trains him in poverty, inspires his genius and arms him for his task."

The end of all political struggle is to establish morality as the basis of all legislation. It is not free institutions, it is not demorracy that is the endhese are only the means. Morality is the object of government. We want a state of things in which crime will

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not pay; a state of things which allows every man the largest liberty compatible with the liberty of every other man.


Mr. Harris and "Unele Remus."

Joel Chandler Harris did not look like a literary man, did not talk or act like one, and, for that matter, always refused to consider himself as one But "Uncle Remus" has been translated into twenty-seven languages, and it would not be easy to name any American author who will be surer of his reader's hearts a hundred years hence.

Mr. Harris was a Georgia newspaper man, a very quiet, shy person of homely tastes in everything save reading, author who was obscured by immediate panic when a strange admirer worshiped before him.


He always felt that the "Uncle Remus" stories were a sort of accident in which he bore a comparatively unimportant part. The stories appeared in the Atlanta Constitution in the '70's. Harris had at the age of twelve entered a country news paper office as printer's devil. He had gone through the multifarious "grind" of a provincial newspaper man in Savannah, Macon, and elsewhere, when in 1876 Colonel Howell brought him to the Atlanta Constitution as editorial writer and capable journalistic man-of-all-work. Soon after this "Si" Small, who had been doing lialect sketching for the Constitution, resigned, and Colonel Howell, with some difficulty, persuaded Harris to step into the breach and keep the readers amused.

The only thing the young editor could think of was to write down the the old taoi aoin aoi oi aoin aoin oini old plantation stories he had heard in the negroes cabins while, after the fashion of Southern boys, he had loafed with the darkies in front of the big open fireplace, with hoecakes browning and bacon sizzling. So he ramsacked his memory for the most characteristic of these darkey stories, printed them in the Constitution, and became famous. From the Author of 'Uncle Remus,' in the American Review of Reviews for August.

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