The State College Hospital. The State College Hospital. This hospital is located at 210 N. Senate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. There are 70 beds under the control of the Indiana University School of Medicine. The services of the clinical teachers of the faculty are rendered gratuitously to those patients available for clinical instruction. An obstetrical ward, and male and female medical and surgical wards, at $6.00 petr bed per week. An operating room fee of $5.00 is charged for surgical cases. cases Each community has surgical, obscure medical, and obstetrical who are unable to pay for regular hospital fees and medical service. These are the patients to whom we are offering the advantages of our wards, but this hospital is not the place for chronic cases or incurables. Physicians may refer cases to any member of the hospital committee. Private rooms may be secured at $10 to $20 per week. Patients who can afford private rooms should not be referred to the wards. The hospital committee comprises Drs. Charles R. Sowder, Edmund D. Clark, David L. Kahn, Albert C. Kimberlin and E. Oscar Lindenmuth. A Ghost Story. Dr. Joseph McDowell, founder of the McDowell Medical College in St. Louis, and a firm believer in ghosts, tells an interesting story: "A German girl died with a very unusual disease, and we determined to get her body for dissection. We got it. Germans heard of it and made things lively, and I heard they were coming that night to search for the body. I went down to hide it and threw it over my shoulder to carry it to the top loft to conceal it in the rafters. At the top of the first flight, out went my lamp. I put down the corpse and re-lighed it. Out again, and as I felt for another match I saw my dead mother standing a little way off and beckoning to me. I followed to the loft, hid the body and came down in the dark. At the window where my mother had appeared were two armed Germans, talking, and when I got to the dissecting room door I saw six more down in the hall. My only chance of hiding was in the dissecting room. Opening the door as the Germans came upstairs, I saw my mother standing by the table. from which I had taken the corpse. I had no light, but light came from her. I lay down and covered my face with the sheet and the men came in. They uncovered four bodies and came to me. I thought of jumping up and scaring them, but heard a voice say, 'Be still. be still.' They were looking for a girl. and my feet were sticking out at the end of the table. Here's a fellow who died in his boots; I guess he is a fresh one,' said a German; and they did not uncover my face, but left the house." (Excerpt from "The Barred A. Road to Anatomy," by Howard Kelley, M. D., Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin.) even The Religion of a Democrat. Prof. Charles Zueblins's "The Reli gion of a Democrat,' 'is full of suggestion. Evidently written as a series of lectures, it contains enough "popular" material to make it interesting to any reader. To one already profoundly interested in religion and democracy, his book will make a strong appeal. His first chapter is on the expression of man's relation to the universal ultimate and infinite. However religions may differ, they are comprehended in this relation, and whatever seeks this expression is religion. This conception may answer at once the demand for the greater common religious denominator, and the criticism that religion will perish with theology. The religion of an individual is the chief test of personality. With the revolutions and changes that have followed the contributions of science, with the enlarged critical attitude, and the pos sibility of fusing various temperaments, more people should have genuine, strong personalities than ever before in the world. This ought not to mean the denial of religion, but that religion is to be less dogmatic, more spontaneous, more personal, at the same time more social. It is good to live for others; it is better to live for all the others. This is the religion of a democrat-the dynamic to secure the realization of the fulness of life for all people. In "The Constraint of Orthodoxy," he says, "Orthodoxy is a less intense temperamental expression than conformity. Orthodoxy tends to emphasize nonessentials. Orthodoxy being correct ideas sanctioned by some accepted authority, it naturally governs not only religious faith, but social, political an deconomic beliefs." So we may speak of religious orthodoxy as devotion, social orthodoxy as convention, political orthodoxy as loyalty, coenomic orthodoxy as class consciousness. As to the decay of authority, he observes that it is not complete. Authority is still tenacious of its power and it is not desirable that it should utterly decay. He then traces the noticeable decline in personal authority, economic and political authority. Each is being shorn of its traditional power, and, social authority must go the same way. It is equally inevitable that the privilege of private investigation investigation should lead ultimately to the destruction of the authority of both church and book. The authority of the old theology, of the church, of the Christ cult (devised by Luther and Calvin from Paul) has waned; but the moral power of the unsullied life of Jesus is an increasing vital force. The new authority must be that of the spirit-the spirituality of comradeship, of co-operation, of universal suffrage and direct. legislation, of democratic culture and democratic religion. Upon this living law will be built the church of democracy. Professor Zueblin's chapters on reli gion and the church, and religion and the state are luminous. They may shock some people by their frank proposals and propositions, but they are refreshing in their clearness and sanity. His discussion of the use of the day of rest for the workers is most interesting. The bad art of to-day is largely commercial, and the church by its prudery and puritanism has degraded the best art. He would have all the best influences of society, schools, theaters, music and art, open to the people on Sunday. "Democratize morality; democratize knowledge; democratize taste; and secure the synthesis of these, reconciling the sacred and the secular, by democratizing Sunday!" Every extension of the intellectual horizon is fertile in new religious movements. Emotional temperaments are caught by soul-satisfying sects; the exaggeration of rationalism produces secularism and new thought. The sounder basis furnished by a knowledge of human needs. has produced positivism, the worship of humanity; and socialism, the organization of humanity. That last chapter concerns Impersonal Immorality. The incorporation of the idea in a personality accounts for the power of the belief in personal immortality. It is natural to cling to a belief in a future world peopled by personalities such as we know. Impersonal immortality is the perpetuation of oneself through the individuals, the institutions and the ideas of years to come. Impersonal immortality furnishes a motive power more unselffish and more inspiring than any system of eternal rewards and punishments. It makes possible the conception that one may overcome evil with good. It enlarges the boundaries of the spiritual life. The attainment of the fulness of life by the individual here and now is the best promise of its wider enjoyment by a coming generation. There is much inspiration and interest in Professor Zueblin's book. Whether it confirms one's own opinions, or shocks the reader by its un conventional views, it is refreshing to find a book so full of human sympathy, or rational investigation, and genuinely religious spirit. (New York: B. W. Huebsch.) Culture by Reading. Culture comes to us mainly through. literature; that is, by reading, for only by reading can we get a knowledge of the best that has been thought and said and done in the world, and so become possessed of that wisdom and justness of perception which is needed. to draw right conclusions, and so guide and develop the instinct for beauty inherent in our natures, and so enabled to lead lives of hope, courage and cheerfulness as well as of veracity and righteousness. Let any man use the time he wastes on his vices if he have them, on useless business, deteriorating amusements, trivial conversation and random reading, and he will have plenty of time for good books-that is, for culture. co-operation with several American. universities. The trip is from Montreal to Chicago and thence to New York. When the entire twenty-four reach Chicago the journey will be continued to New York, where the race will come to an end. Not 3:30 But Four. New York, June 12.-When Abram Golofsky returned to his farmhouse near Troy Hills, N. J., yesterday the doctor met him at the door. "Four," said the doctor. "No," replied Golofsky. "It's only 3:30." "Four fine boys this time," said the doctor, breaking it gently. "Merciful gracious." exclaimed the farmer, dropping into a chair. It was true. Mrs. Golofsky had presented her husband with four tokens of her affection. The four boys weighed altogether sixteen pounds four ounces, and are perfectly formed, have well-developed lungs and good appetites. Golofsky is forty years old; his wife is thirty-two. Here's the record: Married April 5, 1892; twins March 22, 1893; one was born 1894 ; twins 1895; triplets 1896; twins 1897; twins 1898; twins 1899; one 1900; one 1901; twins 1902; one each year 1903, 1904, 1905; triplets 1906; twins 1907; quadruplets June 10, 1908. Total, thirty in fifteen years, of whom fourteen are living. (In lieu of the summer snake and fish stories.) "How Near is Greatness to Our Dust." New York, Aug. 14.-Dr. David Coombs Peyton, of Jeffersonville, Ind., president of the Indiana State Medical Association, got a hair cut in the Hoffman House today. Dr. Peyton also said to the barber: "You need not shave my upper lip. today; I'm going to grow a mustache.' Then Dr. Peyton got into a closed cab, and, notwithstanding the hea. pulled down the curtains and told the driver to break all records driving o the nearest railroad station. Once Dr. Peyton thought it was a joke because he is a remarkable double of W. J. Bryan, but after being routed out of a New Haven train coming from Boston to New York at midnight, pushed to the back platform, cheered and asked to deliver a speech. Dr. every arm of precision, and know how to employ all modern methods to make a safe diagnosis. He must then know how to use the specialist for his own purposes, not to be used by him. The general practitioner will then be more secure in his place than ever before in history.-Lancet-Clime. Peyton thought it was time to change Twelve Cases of Typhoid Traced to Milk his looks. Dr. Peyton would not have worried. so much over the loss of sleep, but today he was caught in the Cafe Martin and a score of men insisted on shaking hands with him. During the excitement Dr. Peyton lost a watch fob. and that was too much, hence the hair cut and a new mustache.-Press Dispatch. Tread lightly; don't you know? The General Practitioner-IIe Must Stand at the Top. in Indianapolis. Dr. Eugene Buehler, secretary of the City Board of Health said, August 13th, that the health officers had traced twelve cases of typhoid fever in the southeastern part of the city to the milk sold by one dairyman on his route. "It is likely," said Dr. Buehler, "that this dairyman gathered milk bottles from a residence in which there was a case of typhoid fever and that he did not sterilize the bottles before refilling them and delivering them to other customers. "I wish to warn all dairymen not to take bottles from a house in which there is a case of typhoid fever. It is a violation of the law and we will prosecute any dairyman found doing this. We also warn persons in families where there is a typhoid case not to allow dairymen to remove milk bottles from the house. A milk bottle is one of the easiest means of spreading typhoid. The dairymen, who merely washes his bottles and does not scald them well or sterilize them before re "Is there any room left for the general practitioner?" asks a writer in the August Charlotte Medical Journal. He mentions the various specialties, all of which encroach upon his preservesthe "dermatologist, the aurist, rhinologist, gynecologist, stomatologist, genito-urinary specialist, abdominal surgeon, naval surgeon, general surgeon, tuberculosis specialists, specialists on diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat and chest, obstetrician, pediatrist, alienist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, filling them, is sure to spread the dischiropodist, habit cure specialist. osteopath." The remedy in this day of specialism is to become more conversant with the science of medicine. The general practitioner has lost his selfreliance. He frequently feels his inability to cope with a serious disease, an dnot possessing self-confidence how can he convey it to others? He needs must study and visit clinics and hospitals and laboratories, take advantage of every opportunity to become truly conversant with the science of medicine. Above all, he must learn how to recognize the disease. To do this effectually he must be in possession of ease if he takes bottles from an infected house. I wish, also, that dairymen would inquire at this department for a list of typhoid patients on their routes, and in that way they can avoid trouble." Neuronhurst Hospital, Founder's Day and Founder's day and commencement were celebrated last night on the lawn at Fletcher's Sanatorium, 1140 East Market street. Seven nurses were graduated and a number of the city's best known physicians gave short talks in which Dr. W. B. Fletcher was affectionately remembered. The sanitarium and grounds were decorated with Japanese lanterns. After the commencement exercises a dance was held on the gymnasium floor. The Founder's day address was delivered by Dr. Guido Bell, who said August 18 was celebrated as Founder's day because it was the birthday of Dr. W. B. Fletcher, who was born on that date, 1837. Other speakers were Dr. Theodore A. Wagner and Dr. John Sutcliffe. Dr. Wagner spoke of Dr. Fletcher as the first to do away with the straightjacket and other instruments of torture in the treatment of insanity, and declared that the step marked an epoch in the treatment of nervous, diseases. Dr. E. E. Padgett delivered the class address. Dr. Urbana Spink presented the diplomas, and Dr. Mary A. Spink the pins. These were graduated: Luella Schlosser, Blanche P. Bell, Ivah M. Hill, Margaret E. McGrath, Mazy De Vertrand and John J. Lynch. The International Congress of Tuberculosis Washington, D. C. DR. JOHN S. FULTON, SECRETARY-GENERAL 714 COLORADO BUILDING, WASHINGTON. The section meetings will take place the week beginning September 28, and the exhibition will continue for the entire three weeks, from September 21 to October 12. The program for the week includes two plenary sessions, one on Monday, September 28, at which it is hoped that President Roosevelt will preside; and the other (probably) on Saturday, October 3. In accepting the presidency of the Congress, President Roosevelt. promised that if it were impossible for him to preside at the general sessions he would delegate Secretary Cortelyou to present him. Each of the seven sections into which the Congress is divided will hold two sessions daily, except on the days on which the plenary sessions will take place. The provisional programs for the sections. with the exception of that of Section 1, are to be found in the page proof. In connection with the Congress a series of lectures is to be given in Washington, and in other cities by distinguished foreigners. Disease and Death in Indiana in July. The State Board of Health Bulletin for July says: Diarrhoea was reported as the most prevalent disease followed by cholera morbus, dysentery, and cholera infantum. It was predicted in the bulletin of the preceding month that diarrhoeal diseases would lead the list in July. As soon as the people learn to take proper sanitary care of all foods including water, they will be much freer from diarrhoeal diseases. Smallpox-Presented 65 cases in 13 counties with no deaths. In the corresponding month last year, 74 cases in 21 counties with no deaths. The disease existed unusually in Clark county, 10 cases; Marion, 28; and St. Joseph, 11. Tuberculosis-This disease wrought its usual havoc causing 339 deaths, 134 males and 205 females. Of the males, 26 were married in the age period of 18 to 40 and left 52 orphans under 12 years of age. Of the females, 70 were married in the same age period and left 140 orphans under 12 years of age. This awful disease, therefore, put 96 young fathers and mothers in the grave and made 192 orphans. Pneumonia-Caused 60 deaths, 35 males and 25 females. 12 infants under one year of age died from pneumonia and one person over 90 years of age. In the corresponding month lastyear pneumonia caused 84 deaths. Of typhiod fever there were 207 cases reported in 53 counties with 58 deaths. In the corresponding month last year, 312 cases in 64 counties with 53 deaths. The amount of typhoid fever a community has is a measure of its intelligence and cleanliness. Violence caused 207 deaths, 159 males and 48 females. Of this number, |