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14. That the Circular of the Secretary of State for Home Affairs—the Proclamation issued instantly on the prorogation of Parliament the language lately used by the Judges from the Bench-the servile echo of Grand Juries-the illegal, cruel, and vindictive conduct of Magistrates-the slaughter of men, women, and children, by a sanguinary and ferocions Yeomanry-and the monstrous conduct of Ministers in advising the Prince to thank those inhuman wretches for the massacre they committed-all tend to convince ns that the Social Compact is broken up-that a Conspiracy exists against the Rights and Liberties of the Non-Represented People; that the rich are leagued against the poor; and that a legal tyranny, supported by a military despotism, is preparing to deprive them of every vestige of the freedom guaranteed to them by their forefathers.

15. Therefore, that it is the bounden duty of every honest friend of his country, and friend of humanity, solemnly to meditate, not only upon the present alarming state of society in these countries, but also upon what may be its final de plorable condition, if the present system of plunder, exclusive privilege, and oppression, pursued by the infamous Borough factions be allowed to continue longer in operation, and it is a farther duty of them to determine, at the hazard of their lives, to resist every attempt to suspend any law, which guarantees their liberties, or to de prive themselves or their Countrymen of any right which, by the laws of nature, of justice, or their country, they are entitled to.

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16. That we consider Popular Meetings pre-eminently calculated to preserve the ancient spirit of the People, and to prevent them from sinking into that slavery designed by wicked, ambitious, and tyrannical Men.

17. That any attempt of ministerial, magisterial, or other authorities, to prevent the peaceable assembling of the People to consult upon their Rights and Liberties, and the best means of securing them, and upon the removal of grievances, is a gross violation of their Rights, and ought to be visited in all instances with some marked and severe punishment.

18. That as the true end of Government is to restrain the encroachments of the powerful upon the happiness and well-being of the weak, it is the bounden duty of a People to co-operate in obtaining and preserving a Government subservient to their will and voice; as it is equally their duty to obey the laws impartially enacted for the good of the whole community-that it was never more necessary than at the present awful moment, for the People to unite for these laudable purposes.

19. That we hail with the most joyful feelings, the spirit of liberality which pervades our Catholic brethren of Great Britain and Ireland, and all other denominations of religious people, whether Jews, Catholics, Protestants, or Dissenters, and felicitate ourselves with hopes, that all religious animosities, prejudices, and disabi lities are about to leave for ever the British dominions.

20. That we solemnly declare, that we never will, but with our lives, cease from demanding in a firm, manly, and constitutional tone, from the Authorities in power, a Reform of the Commons House of Parliament, Universal Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, and Annual Parliaments.

21. That we make the foregoing solemn Declaration, because it proceeds from an honest conviction in our minds, that a Reformed Parliament would be the means of breaking up factious divisions, of lessening taxation, of giving the People a free Government, and a confidence in that Government, of increasing trade and Commerce, restoring prosperity and happiness, of disbanding a standing army, and of providing for the brave and discharged Soldier and Sailor a liberal and adequate reward for their services, to afford them the means of a comfortable subsistenceand because we believe a Reformed Parliament would be the means of restraining public and private vice, intolerant licentiousness, bribery, and corrupt influence; that it would annihilate a debt enormous beyond example and destructive beyond endurance, and that from a Reformed Parliament would emanate regulations and institutions, which would speedily be the means to overcome all our national diffculties, of preserving the Rights, Liberties, and Happiness of the People, and the independence and glory of the British Empire.

22. That while we profess ourselves the firm advocates and supporters of Universal Civil and Religious Liberty, of Virtue and Freedom, we are the decided enemies of tyranny and oppression; and while we are determined with our lives to preserve our rights and liberties, we are equally determined to oppose every kind of licentious vice and intolerance of men placed in authority.

25. That we call upon the People of these Kingdoms to take into their serious consideration the example of their forefathers at Runnymede, when they found it

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necessary, with arms in their hands, to demand of the Tyrant of those times a gua rantee to secure their own Liberties and those of their posterity.

24. That as Petitions. Appeals, and Remonstrances of the People have been sent to the Prince and to Parliament from numerous separate assemblies, without producing any effect upon the mind of the Prince or the Members of Parliament favourable to the People; that in hopes that we may no longer remonstrate in yain, we hereby determine to appeal once more to the Prince, in conformity to the wish of our Countrymen throughout the United Kingdom, and that his answer to the Appeal, if he has the wisdom and judgment to answer, be made publicly known through the means of the Public Press

25. That as all hopes are at an end, that the Members of Parliament returned to the Commons House of Parliament under the present system of borough proprietor. ship and corrupt influence, will ever reform the present extremely partial representation of the People, and as that for time immemorial the King has occasionally exercised a privilege of enfranchising the People of local districts, towns, or villages, That for the advantage of the People, and as a peaceable and legitimate mede of complying with their desire, and their right to share by their Representstives in the Government they by industry uphold, and the better to secure their Liberties, that the Prince Regent, in the said Appeal be admonished to listen to the voice of the suffering People, forthwith to issue his writs to the Sheriffs of Counties, and to all Chief Constables, Headboroughs, and Constables, or other proper Officers of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to call upon the People to assemble and to elect, out of every 7000 adult male persons, one adult male person of fair and reputable character, to represent them in the Com. mons House of Parliament. That every male adult of sound mind, not incapacitated by crime, be eligible to be elected (save those persons hereafter excepted); and, that peace and order may be preserved, and bribery and corrupt influence may be avoided, that the People be directed to elect the said Representative by Ballot; and that all cause of offence, envy, jealousy, and malice may cease. That no religious opinions, or the possession or non possession of property, be a disqualification toany person being elected; but that nevertheless all persons directly or indirectly employed under Government, or enjoying place, pay, or pension from Goyernment, be ineligible to be returned to represent the People in the Commons House of Parliament.

26. That Dr. Watson be requested to présent the said " Appeal of the People to the Prince Regent" to the Secretary of State for Home Affairs; and that Mr. Gale Jones, Mr. Davison, and Mr. Gast, or any other individual that they may think proper to invite, be requested to accompany the said Dr. Watson to present the same; and that they be instructed to signify to the Secretary of State, that the People now assembled will meet again on the 15th day of November, to hear the report of the Secretary of State for Home Affairs, whether he has laid the Appeal before the Prince his master, and whether the Prince Regent will deign to listen to the advice, and consent to the desire of the myriads of suffering and aggrieved People of these Countries.

27. That we will use every means in our power, and never cease to inculcate the principles of the foregoing Resolutions into the minds and upon the hearts of our children, our families, and friends; and that we will, from time to time, read them over, that we may never forget the glowing feelings of Patriotism and love of Liberty excited in our breasts by the plaudits of assembled myriads of our Countrymen, pauting for the enjoyment of Freedom and the Rights of Man.

London meets again on the 15th November, to hear the Prince's Answer !!!


How strange ti is that the Whigs are eternally abusing the Radical Reformers for the violence of their measures," without stepping forward themselves to point out a remedy equally effectual, and to be effected by easier means. What, we ask, has been the result of all the Whig Meetings these twenty years past? They continually met-they passed Resolutions and Addresses to the Prince the Prince an-" swered those Addresses, sometimes graciously, at others with an unparallelled degree of effrontery and insolence; and there the matter ended. This is the summum maximum of all the Whigs have ever done or ever will do towards redressing the wrongs of the People! They cry out against" the Radicals for entertaining the idea of resorting to arms, when their own ill success in advocating temperate measures," proves to demonstration that such measures never can be attended with the desired effect. It is in vain for the Whigs to tell the People to wait with patience: the People have waited with patience untill they are absolutely starvinguntill Reform is become not merely a question of policy, but of life or death. While the former are lolling in their easy chairs, or revelling in the lap of luxury and profusion, the latter are wild and phrenetic from excess of poverty while the former are bedizening their children with spangled drapery, the latter are taking the threadbare cloathes from off their innocents to the pawnbrokers, for the purpose of sustaining life a little longer-and while the former is languishing in the embraces of the wife of his affections, the latter is listening in madness to the plaintive moans of expiring nature, for support-moans, which even affection for him, who has not the necessary sustenance to give them, cannot entirely suppress. The cry of patience to such' a man is an insult to humanity! But what can be expected from the Whigs? A Whig is in reality the self-same thing as a Tory-the object of each is wealth and power; the only difference between them is, that the Whig possesses more foresight than the Tory, and is for taking the most effectual means for continuing to himself and his family that which he already has. His liberality is the result of this foresight, and not of patriotism. He feels for the People when they are in distress, that they, when powerful, may feel him and his. His patriotism may all be traced to self-interest-his love of freedom to a desire of peaceably possessing his accumulating wealth, rather than to sterling principles of independence.

Will the People be deceived by their flimsy professions, or deterred from pursuing the path of liberty, even though it be the path of danger also, by their contemptuous mockery and derision. Point out to us the Whig that will stand forward in the cause of the People, and be as liberal of his money as of his professions-point out to us the Whig who will say that he is willing to share with us our privations, and our dangers, till our efforts are crowned with effectual success, and we will say that he is deserving of his pos-: sessions, even though his ancestors may have obtained them by the plunder of the People! The great obstacle to the cause of Reform is want of arms and ammunition on the part of the People: let the Whigs obviate this difficulty: and the People will say that they hay done their duty-, will acknowledge them as friends, and support them in turn against the factions of Toryism and Despotism: the terms: are synonymous.

Instead of this, however, we find them joining the Ministry in degrading and reviling the Radicals, calling them designing and ambitious men, who are anxious for the most perate measures-for Revolution rather than Reform. The reason assigned for this is that they are poor-that they, have nothing to lose and every thing to gain by Revolution., "Where (they cry) is the Man of Property amongst them?", It is true there are but few such among the ranks of the Radical Reformers, and equally true that there never will be many more. The reason is obvious; men of property. are perfectly satisfied with things as they are, because they can live in ease and plenty, and are quite astonished that we Radicals are not equally contented, even though starving. The fact is, that the Whigs and the Tories have plundered the Radicals of their money, and now revile them for being poor. If, however, the Duke of Bedford, the Marquis of Tavistock, the Hon. Henry Grey Bennet, &c. &c. were, placed in the situation in which three-fourths of the Radicals. have for years been dragging on an existence, they would soon change their principles of moderation for the musket or the sword, and massacre every Whig and Tory in the nation, to procure even one solitary meal for a dying wife or child. Nay, even Lord Castlereagh, in such a case would turn Radical, and put the Prince to torture or he would have. bread. It is very easy to inveigh against the Radical Reformers while enjoying all the luxuries which wealth can purchase, without even labouring for that wealth; but change the picture, and let the loudest of those who vent their spleen against us, rise in the morning without knowing where to look for a breakfast or for a bed for the ensuing,

night,-let such an one feel all the bitterness of povertyall the miséries of weariness and cold-all the wretchedness of starvation, and, if he will not then hail a Radical Reformation as the greatest boon that heaven can bestow, he must be more than mortal. This is not an exaggerated picture no surcharged account of, misery that is not felt. We call half the nation-nay, three-fourths of the whole People of England, to witness that such has been their lot for months for years. How long, we ask, do they expect the People will tamely submit to be robbed of the means of existence-will stand unresistingly to be butchered by the myrmidons of ill-placed and mis-used authority, to be murdered at noon-day by villains who pass bills to indemnify themselves from the consequences of such murder. It remains yet, however, to be tried whether the House of Commons will be so totally lost to every principle of honour, as to screen murderers from justice. Let them recollect that the sufferers on the 16th of August will consider themselves, (if the laws of their country be closed against them) justifiable in assassinating the parties concerned in the outrage. They will imagine that no honest Jury could in such a case declare them guilty, and in this idea we should most cor+ dially coincide with them. Let them also recollect, that if assassination once commences, it may become the order of the day, and no human foresight can determine where it will end. Every person who gives his vote in favour of a Bill of indemnity, becomes an accessary to the murders, and ranks himself amongst the enemies of the People-the dagger of the assassin becomes the Sword of Justice in the hand of the Patriot, and however secure in fancy, it may reach him when it is least expected. There is at present a lamentable want of concert amongst the Reformers; this is a great obstacle to their success, but we hope that it will soon be obviated. Ere any thing beneficial can result from their efforts, their motto must be, from one end of the kingdom to the other-" Be united and be free."


THE Whigs of Hull wish it to be understood, that they are equally, with the Reformers, averse to the horrid Massacre at Manchester; and they say they would have attended the Meeting, had it been confined to the expression of the public indignation on that subject; and not introduced the topic of Radical Reform. The Reformers, however, contended that the cause of the Massacre was as abominable as the effect and that they would endeavour to prevent another Massacre, while they condemn the present.

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