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litical character to divert that fund to parliament-that they were, for instance any other than its legitimate purposes, as legal as those of assessor or counsel, or there could not be a case of grosser any other expenses of that class. Then impropriety, one better entitled to a legal the question resolved itself into this-was remedy, or one more imperatively de- it justifiable in the corporation to apply manding a solemn inquiry upon oath. its own undoubted funds to such a purIf the view of the subject were just, pose? To explain himself more clearly, which he founded on the passage in the by giving an instance:-Might a peer, petition referred to, he had not the against whose interference in election slightest hesitation in saying, that a re- matters there'existed much jealousy-might medy by law was to be preferred to any peer pay any of the expenses of a candimeasure that might be adopted by that date, those expenses not being in themHouse. The allegation in the second selves illegal? It had never been alleged petition was, that the corporation were that such conduct in a peer would be unnot at liberty to apply their own undis- lawful. Then, was a corporation to be puted property to such a purpose. Now, placed within narrower limits than an inthe distinction between these allegations, dividual? Here he had been confining it was material for the House to observe; himself to what a corporation might for it was one thing to affirm that it was legally do; not what would be judicious a diversion of charitable funds, and quite or expedient. If he were a member of another to allege, that it was illegal in the such a corporation, and the question were corporation so to apply their own funds. propounded to him, he would certainly This question presented itself-had the advise that there should not be any such corporation a right, from funds legally application of their funds; a corporation, their own, to pay the legal expenses of an composed of members, having an eternal election? Now, this could scarcely be existence, possessing, perhaps, unlimited answered in the affirmative, if the doc-funds- he would say, that they ought trine of the hon. mover, respecting the general powers of corporations, be founded in law. He maintained, that, unless the funds of a corporation be applied to purposes strictly corporate, it was a misapplication, in which the majority had no power to bind the minority. While these observations were being made, he observed, that the hon. member for London listened with much anxiety. That doctrine must, indeed, to him, have proved new. What! the majority not bind the minority, in cases where there was an application of funds to purposes not directly corporate. If that doctrine were true, what became of the vote which gave 1,000l. for the encouragement of the Greeks? He stopped not then to inquire whether such an application was right or wrong, he merely observed, that it wasnot for corporate purposes. Under the influence of a classical taste, they had voted a sum of money for the relief of a classical people. How could the gallant officer affirm, that, in the application of money so applied, the majority could not bind the minority. The question as it stood before the House, founded on the two allegations, was one on which he would rather not then give a positive opinion. He would, for the present at least, assume, that the expenses were legal and perfectly recognized by

seriously to pause, before they made such an application of the funds placed at their disposal. But, though he should feel bound to give that advice, he would be far from saying, that as the law now stood, the corporation had been guilty of a breach of the privileges of that House. It was by no means an unusual circumstance, for a corporation to vote 5001, or 200l. to the chief magistrates on retirement from office-or 1,000l. to their last Lord Mayor, to reimburse him for the expenses of certain elegant entertainments-though, certainly, those, it must be confessed, were for strictly corporate purposes [a laugh.] Whatever views might be entertained on either side of this question, he thought it extremely desirable that the House should be furnished with a plain statement of what the practice in such cases had been; and, without prejudging what the law of the case would turn out to be, he would be rather inclined to vote for a committee to inquire into the practice, The question was a very important one, and he should be extremely unwilling to say any thing that might seem like prejudging it in a legal point of view; but, whatever might turn out to be the law of it, he repeated, that, were he a member of a corporation, he would never advise such an appropriation of public money; at the same time, he

stitutional. It appeared to him, as he was sure it must also appear to the right hon. gentleman, that if every corporation in the kingdom were to be permitted to apply its funds as the corporation of Northampton was stated to have done (and if one corporation made such an appropriation, all had an equal right to do so), the practice would be a direct infringement upon the privileges of that House, and could not fail to be attended with the most pernicious consequences to the country.

must add, that he did not believe the cor- be necessary to prevent the recurrence of poration of Northampton wished to pre-proceedings so reprehensible and unconjudice the inquiry, or to do any thing that was wrong. They, there was every reason to believe, had acted all along, as if they thought themselves perfectly warranted in the course they were pursuing they had consulted the most eminent lawyers-they denied that the funds were appointed for charitable purposes. For years past, they had been in the habit of disposing of these funds in such manner as they thought proper; and, so far as could be perceived, it had never entered into their contemplation to doubt that they were doing otherwise, than disposing of their lawful property, in supporting a candidate, whose political opinions coincided with their own. They spared no pains to satisfy themselves that they were pursuing a course warranted by the general law of the land, and the privileges of parliament. They took the opinion of Mr. Warren, and that was decidedly with them. It was perfectly clear that the corporation had no wish to offend: it was evident that they had taken every pains to avoid offence, and nothing but the great question remained, as to their legal right, both as to the nature of the expenses paid, and the source whence the funds were derived. If it appeared to be manifestly a misapplication of charitable property to election purposes, then he would at once say, go before a court of law, and assert your right; and even if it should appear, as there was reason, from the second petition, to expect it might, to have been an application of property, in the disposal of which they were not specially limited, to election purposes, he would not be disposed to shrink from such an inquiry as would put the House in possession of the practice; and, when that was once ascertained, it only remained to determine whether any, and what, legislative measure might be required.

Lord Althorp said, that the present complaint was one which affected the rights and privileges of the House, and as such it was their duty to inquire into the circumstances out of which it arose. He concurred with the right hon. Secretary, that it was desirable that the House should acquire a knowledge of facts, before any distinct measure was adopted. If it should turn out upon investigation that the facts, as stated in the last petition, were true, some act of legislative interposition would


Mr. Abercromby considered this to be a question on which it was desirable that the House should act upon some clear, definite, and ascertained principle. The right hon. Secretary seemed to have fallen into a misconception, and to have attached the whole importance to the questionwhether or not the money had been diverted from charitable purposes. the real and single point with which the House had to deal, was the fact as alleged, that 1,0007. had been appropriated to election purposes. The sole question was, whether the House should suffer all corporations to appropriate their funds to election purposes? If it should appear on investigation that any portion of this 1,000l. had been so employed, that would form a case in which the House would be bound to adopt measures, founded upon the ascertained fact, that a sum of money had been applied in a practice such as that House did not sanction. If it were found that the funds appointed for charitable purposes had been misappropriated in the manner complained of, it would devolve upon the House, as a duty, to order the attorney-general to take means to vindicate the rights of those charities. But he protested against that which would be contrary to the known principles of that House-namely, against its affording a sanction to the attorneygeneral, or any other person, going to a court of law or equity, to obtain from it a decision as to the rights and privileges of that House.

Mr. Alderman Waithman denied that the corporation, to which he had the honour to belong, had ever made an improper application of the charitable funds intrusted to their care. It had happened to him that he had been obliged to differ with the corporation of London as to the

application of funds intrusted to their management, but never upon occasions of this description. He agreed with the right hon. Secretary, that such proceedings on the part of any corporation ought to be inquired into; for, if allowed to be practised, the great cities and towns of the empire might be reduced to the situation of Bath, where the corporation elected each other, and some thirty or forty persons return representatives for a population of many thousands.

Mr. Secretary Peel disclaimed the intention of casting any imputation upon the corporation of London. He had had an opportunity, for several years, of observing the conduct of that body, and had never known a single act to have been done by it, upon which that House, or he, or any other individual, could found a reasonable complaint. He had only referred to the corporation of London incidentally, in answer to the argument of the gallant officer, and the purport of his observation in reference to it, was merely, that if the proposition of the minority being bound by the majority were tenable, the act of the corporation which he had instanced, could not, on that principle, be vindicated. Lord John Russell expressed his surprise at the unwillingness of the right hon. gentleman to refer the question in the manner proposed. The practice complained of might prove in the highest degree detrimental. The question certainly was not, whether the candidate, supported by a corporation, were a ministerial, or an opposition candidate, but whether a corporation was to be suffered to set one party in a town against another. If the habit of supporting the candidates of particular parties prevailed, elections in this country would soon become even more corrupt than they had been, and the general opinion of a city would be overborne by the contribution of immense sums to support the person who might happen for the time to be the favourite of the corporation. It might be said, that the funds appropriated to these purposes did not form a portion of the funds designed for charitable objects. But how could this fact be ascertained? Who could say what particular portion of the funds of a corporation had been applied to a specific purpose? If this was a legal application of the funds, he should be, on that account, even more anxious for a committee; for in that case some measure would be

the more necessary to preserve the purity of parliament.

Mr. Secretary Peel.-I am sorry that my argument has been so completely misunderstood. What I say is this, if any corporation has applied charitable funds to election purposes, I cannot conceive a more reprehensible application of such funds. If a corporation has applied funds over which they have an entire and undisputed control, to election purposes, I do not say that I approve of such an application; all I ask of this House is, not this night to vote such an application a breach of its privileges. I have such doubts of the propriety of such an application of corporation funds, that if any corporation were to ask my opinion as to their right so to apply the general funds of the corporation, my advice would be "Don't do any thing of the kind." And I further say, that if such an application of corporation funds shall be decided not to be illegal, my objections to it are so strong, that in my opinion, a legislative remedy should be resorted to, to prevent the recurrence of a similar application.

Major Maberly begged leave to withdraw his original motion, and to substitute the following:-"That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into any payment, or engagement to pay Election expenses, by the corporation of Northampton, at the late Election." The motion was agreed to, and a committee appointed.


Thursday, February 22.

CORN LAWS.] Earl Bathurst rose, and desired, that the order for summoning their lordships on Monday, which had been made on the motion of the earl of Liverpool, should be read. His lordship then said, that, although it was necessary, from the nature of the measure which would be proposed, that the proceedings relative to the Corn-laws should begin in another place, yet his noble friend had given notice, in consideration of the great importance of the question, and what he considered due to his own high station, that he should take an early opportunity of explaining in detail, the nature of the resolutions which were to be submitted to the other House; and he had fixed Monday for that purpose. His noble friend had hoped that he might be able, by his explanations, to arrest that conflict be


Corn Laws.


for the question was of too much importance to be speedily decided.

tween the great interests of the state however, help expressing his sincere regret FEB. 22, 1827. which had been most unjustifiably aug- on account of the illness of the noble earl mented; and, undoubtedly, there was no whose motion it was proposed to discharge. man whose character and disposition ren- As a public man, he was looked up to by dered him better able to interfere with the people of England, and was well quaeffect than his noble friend. Unfortunately, lified to be the mediator between those he was now prevented from doing as he conflicting interests to which the noble had proposed by his sudden illness, which earl had just alluded; for no man's chamade it impossible for him to give their racter stood higher. As a peer, there lordships the explanations he had intended. He would, therefore, move that earl, whose absence their lordships all denever was a fairer debater than the noble the order for their lordships to be plored. But he hoped and believed that summoned on Monday be discharged. the friends of the noble earl would not be Before he sat down, he thought it proper deprived of the pleasure of his society, to state, that certain resolutions on the whatever might be the case with that subject of the Corn-laws would be moved House. With regard to bringing forward in the other House on Monday, which the question of the Corn-laws at any would make the substance of the measures future period, whether he should think to be proposed known to their lordships, proper to submit any resolutions to the, and give them an opportunity of judging House, or whether he should think proper whether any further inquiry was necessary. He felt it his duty, however, to add, that tioned by the noble earl, in whatever manto propose such an inquiry as that menif any of their lordships should make a motion for a general inquiry, to such ancient time must be taken for consideration; ner he might trouble their lordships, suffiinquiry there were so many real objections, and it would open such a wide field for delay, that he should be obliged to oppose it. To a limited inquiry, similar objections could not be made; and such an inquiry would, probably, involve two different questions. The first was, into the rate at which the home-grower could bring his produce to market; and the second into the rate at which the importer could bring foreign corn into our markets. If any inquiry were to be made as to the first question, their lordships would be doing what had already been done to a great extent. Parliamentary committees had carefully inquired into this subject; and, after all that had been done, any of their lordships acquainted with the subject would form as correct an opinion of the sum at which the home-grower could bring his corn to market, as any of the witnesses who would be examined. As to the second part of the inquiry, his majesty's government had thought that the information was deficient, and they had sent a gentleman abroad to collect information. The report made by that gentleman was before the House, and if any of their lordships should think fit to propose further inquiries into this part of the subject, he should be ready to agree to any reasonable proposition.

The Earl of Lauderdale did not rise to make any objection to the course just proposed by the noble earl. He could not,

opposite had been pleased to allude to the Lord King observed, that the noble earl conflict of interests which he said had been most unjustifiably augmented; but, if it had been augmented, it had been done by the most unjustifiable delays to which this question had been subjected. It was to be brought forward one session; it was then postponed to the next. another, and then came the dissolution of come on this year; it was then put off to It was to parliament. by the noble earl, he looked on the After what had been stated tion with despondency, and almost despair, particularly as they were deprived quesof the assistance of that noble lord, whom he regarded as the most sincere in wishing to get rid of the Corn-laws. He had hoped, that before this time their lordships would have seen the necessity of agreeing to such a measure as would content the people. He was afraid that the plan would only be an alteration, and scarcely an improvement. He had now to present a place at which the people were suffering a petition from Blackburn. It came from the deepest distress. were, indeed, so great, that they were distinguished in the midst of general distress. Their sufferings lordships if he did not state, that the peHe should not be dealing fairly by their tition contained many hard things against parliament, and particularly against that

House. His lordship moved, that the petition be read. After it had been read, Earl Stanhope said, that, although he was never disposed unnecessarily to reject the petitions of the people, and wished to open the door of parliament to them as widely as possible, yet he held it to be inconsistent with the duty which their lordships owed to themselves, to receive any petitions which, like the one then offered to their lordships, was couched in the most offensive language, and contained the most false statements. The Petitioners said, "that the legislature had, for their own aggrandisement, ruined and degraded the working classes." He knew not that the legislature had ever done so ; but he would say, that if they were to adopt any measure which went to alter the Corn-laws, without a full inquiry, not into a part of the question, but into the whole of it-any measure which went to lessen the supply of food-then he would say that their lordships were doing what might ruin not only the working classes, but all classes of the empire. He put it to their lordships, whether they would receive the petition, and allow themselves to be insulted.

[blocks in formation]

Earl Stanhope admitted the distress of the petitioners, but contended, that it did not arise from measures adopted by parliament. Their lordships could not give these people higher wages, nor find them additional employment. He must, once for all, enter his protest against the opinion expressed in that and other petitions, that the Corn-laws had anything to do with low wages. The assertions of the petitioners were contradicted by facts. Not longer ago than last session, a measure was adopted, having for its object to lower the price of corn.

The Earl of Limerick deprecated the inflammatory language which had been frequently used on this subject, which had, he thought, unjustifiably augmented the conflict between the opposite interests of the country. He thought that

the noble baron, by having had the petition read, and informed their lordships, that it contained certain expressions against themselves, identified himself with the petition.

The petition was rejected.

Lord King then presented, what he called, a quiet, meek, humble, petition, not containing one word which could offend their lordships. It was from the Incorporated Trades of Saint Andrews. In presenting it, he wished to tell the noble lord who spoke last, that he meant to use the same language he always had used, until their lordships did what was right and just.

The Marquis of Lansdown presented a petition froin the town of Liverpool. He thought it due to the petitioners, as well as to their lordships, to have the petition read. He begged leave, at the same time, to express his satisfaction at learning, by what fell from the noble Secretary of State, that the great misfortune which had befallen his noble friend at the head of the government a misfortune which deeply affected the public, and for which no man felt more than himself-would not occasion the postponement of the great public question beyond Monday next. He thought it most important that the question should be decided as soon as possible; because, while it was unsettled, no contracts could be entered into between landlords and tenants.

Lord Redesdale said, that a great mistake pervaded all the reasoning of this and of most of the petitions on this subject. The petitioners all seemed to think that the manufacture of other commodities and of corn were precisely the same; whereas they depended on very different principles. The manufacture of other commodities depended altogether on man. The growth of corn depended on the seasons. In one season there was an abundant crop, in another a scarcity; while the expense of " cultivation was the same in both years. It was impossible that the corn could be sold for the same price in both years. This was a decree of Heaven, and could not be altered. Corn could not be sold at the same price in a number of successive years; if the prayers of the petitioners were complied with, and their complaints redressed, it would desolate the country. The Corn-laws of the reign of Charles 2nd were founded on the peculiar principle which distinguished the produc

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