Moral and Political Dialogues: With Letters on Chivalry and Romance: by the Reverend Doctor Hurd. In Three Volumes

T. Cadell in the Strand, 1776

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Side 264 - With store of ladies, whose bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit, or arms, while both contend To win her grace, whom all commend.
Side 328 - There was no example of any such manners remaining on the face of the Earth: And as they never did subsist but once, and are never likely to subsist again, people would be led of course to think and speak of them, as romantic, and unnatural.
Side 207 - ... knights, as to give birth to the attentions of gallantry. But this gallantry would take a refined turn, not only from the...
Side 260 - And without more words you will readily apprehend that the fancies of our modern bards are not only more gallant, but, on a change of the scene, more sublime, more terrible, more alarming than those of the classic fablers. In a word, you will find that the manners they paint, and the superstitions they adopt, are the more poetical for being Gothic.
Side 267 - When an architect examines a Gothic structure by Grecian rules, he finds nothing but deformity. But the Gothic architecture has its own rules, by which when it comes to be examined, it is seen to have its merit, as well as the Grecian.
Side 259 - The ancients have not much of this poetry among them ; for, indeed, almost the whole substance of it owes its original to the darkness and superstition of later ages, when pious frauds were made use of to amuse mankind, and frighten them into a sense of their duty.
Side 272 - ... ideas of Unity, which have no place here; and are in every view foreign to the...
Side 279 - ... his critics seem not to have been aware of it — His chief hero was not to have the twelve virtues in the degree in which the knights had each of them their own...
Side 207 - Virtue fhould be plentifully found, Which of all goodly manners is the ground And roote of civil converfation : Right fo in faery court it did refound, Where courteous knights and ladies moft did won Of all on earth, and made a matchlefs paragon.
Side 247 - I mean the poetry we still read, and which was founded upon it. Much has been said, and with great truth, of the felicity of Homer's age for poetical manners. But as Homer was a citizen of the world, when he had...

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