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Female sex, progress of the, i. 494. Have more sensibi-
lity than man, 405. Bashful and want patriotism, ib.
Modesty of, 407. Why once purchased in marriage,
426. et seq. Of female succession, 453. et seq. Diffe-
rent degrees of restraint on, 458. et seq. Manners
rising from this, 465. Effects of chivalry on the man-
ners of, 468. Defects of the education of the, 474.
Effects of a proper education on, exemplified, 475.
Education of, chiefly useful in a monarchy, 479.

Fielding, his remarks on the state of the poor, ii. 3c9.
Remark of, 318.

Figurative language not confined to warm countries,
i. 156.

Finances, ii. 155. et seq. See Taxes.

Fish, not a favourite food of savages, i. 70. Associations
for procuring, 93. Not offered in sacrifice, iii. 340.
Flagellants, their tenants, iii. 416.

Fletcher. See Militia.

Food, the kind of, best suited to different climates, i. 18.
Quantity of, taken by barbarians, 491. Taken only
once a day formerly, 492. Progress of luxury in,
ibid et seq.

Fools kept by the great in the middle ages, i. 164.
Foundling-hospitals, their pernicious effects, i. 89. Note ;
ii. 316.

France, refinement of taste in, i. 170. Unction of the
kings of, iii. 304.

Francis I., his heroism, i. 313.

Franklin, a parable communicated by, iii. 435-

Futurity, folly of prying into, ii. 450.



Gaming, savages fond of, i. 340.
Gardening, the English excel in, i. 170.

Giagas, their want of natural affection, i. 51.
Gold. See Commerce. <

Golden Bull, style of the, i. 161.

Government, generál view of, ii. 56. Democratic form
of, 59. Limited monarchy, ibid. Different forms of,
compared, 61, et seq. Difference between democracy
and a commonwealth, 63. What a free state is, 66.
Degrading nature of despotism exemplified, 67. et seq.
Insecurity of, 73. Compared with respect to patrio-
tism, 75.; to the influence of opulence, 80. ; to the exe-
cution of the laws, 83. Of the military branch of, 245-
Rise of soldiers by profession, ibid. Different military
establishments in Europe, 352. et seq.

Gratitude, remarkable difference between, and fear, iii.

Greeks, remarks on their drama, i. 205. et seq. Deficient
in morals, 459. Women excluded from general society
by the, ibid. Their sanguinary character, iii. 219.
Superstition of, and crude notions concerning the
Deity, 272.

Greenlanders, their songs, i. 177. in Note.

Gregory, Pope, his puns, i. 159. His persecution of
learning, 240. Note.

Grenville, his remarks on the decay of patriotism in Bri-
tain, ii. 145.

Grotius, instance of credulity in, ii. 453..

Guiana, remarks concerning, i. 52. Happiness of the in-
habitants of, 95. Superstition of the people of, iii.


Guillon, barbarous sentence against, iii. 410.




Gumilla, his account of the misery of married women in
South America, i. 432.

Gustavus Adolphus, a saying of, iii. 372.


Hailes, Justice, quoted, ii. 319.; iii. 132. Note. Lord,
remark of, 402. Note, 419, 422.

Harmony, remarks on, i. 224. et seq.

Harris quoted, i. 68. Note. Praise of, iii. 34.

Herodian his account of the deification of the Roman

emperors, ii. 68.

Herodotus quoted, i. 33. His remark concerning tame and
fierce animals, 73. quoted iii. 271.

Historical composition, the perfection of, i. 202.

Hollinshed, his description of the rudeness of the Eng-
lish, i. 137. Farther remarks by, 493. 496. et seq. His
declamation against luxury, 506..

Homer quoted, i. 177. ; in what sense a bard, 179. His
repetitions, 195. Remarks on the writings of, 215. et
seq.; quoted, 274. Manners of his heroes, 274. 284. et
seq.; their rudeness, 297.; this disguised by Pope, 274.
Gluttony of his heroes, 491, Note. His rude notions of
morality, iii. 219.; quoted, 273. 276. 341.
Hooker quoted, ii. 57.

Horace quoted, i. 5. in Note.

Hospitals, remarks on, ii. 314. Bad effects of foundling,

Hospitality, difference of, in different nations, i. 25. et


Horses, social in a natural state, ii. 10.

Howel, his credulity, iii. 307.

Highways in Scotland, plan for improving, iii. 472. Con-
siderations supporting this plan, 481.


Huet, absurd remark of, ii. 433.

Hume quoted, ii. 37.; iii. 20.

ted, 282. 400, 411.

His categories, 23.; quos

Hunting, the appetite for, natural, i. 68. Various in
different countries, 79. Associations for, 93.


Iceland, fondness of its inhabitants for history, i. 45.
Idolatry. See Worship.

Ilinois, stuffs made by the, i. 128. Note.

Importation, remarks concerning, ii. 220, et seq.

Indies, benefit of the exportation of the precious metals
to the, i. 119.

Infants, nursing of, neglected in France, i. 472. Note,
How cheerfulness to be produced in, 475.

Innocent, Pope, his letter to King John, i. 159.

Instincts, those of brutes, for distinguishing their ene
mies and prey, i. 5. Birds not instinctively afraid of
quadrupeds, and final cause of this, 6. Farther re-
marks on, 488.; ii. 31.; iii. 176. Note.

Interest, remarks concerning. i. 108.
Interpretation, of, iii. 12.


James I. of England, a dedication of, i. 162.

of Scotland, his skill in poetry and music,
i. 238.

Japanese, ferocity of the, i. 53. Cleanliness of, 265.
Fables of, ii. 471.

Jealousy, a proof of increased esteem for females, i. 459.
Jews, a law of the, commended, iii. 214. Their defect

in moral principles, 221. Their idea of a peculiar tute-
lar deity, 293. Their idolatry, 361. Superstitious re-
spect for the Sabbath, 400.

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, Ben, his bombast, i. 166.

Josephus, false reasoning of, ii. 423. 428. 458.; iii. 223.


Keckerman, remark of, iii. 68.

Kello, John, story of, iii. 145.

Kempfer, his observations on migration, i. 62, Note.
Knowledge, remarks on the sources of, ii. 395. et seq.
See Reason.


Labour, why cheap in the Indies,. i. 116. Division of,
useful to art, 151. Hurtful to intellect, 152.

Laconic style of two Irish chiefs, i. 205. Note.

Lama, the grand, iii. 360.

Language, its original simplicity lost at the Tower of Ba-
bel, i. 61. How a poor one enforces a thought, 203.
Causes of the corruption of the Latin, 246. et seq.
Continued longest pure among the lawyers, 248. Was
corrupted sooner than the Greek, 249. Corruption of
not necessary, 250. Remarks on the harshness and
smoothness of, 270.

Laplanders, original Huns, i. 19. Timidity of, 38.

Their bread, 71. Dependance on the reindeer, 79.
Why so few, 86. Two odes of, translated, 395. Ab-
surdly congratulated by Linnæus, ii. 30. Note.
Lauzun, Count, story of, ii. 24.

Law, curious Welsh ones, i. 139. Fictions of, ii. 442.
Absurd literal interpretations of, 447. et seq. Laws
respecting rewards and punishments, iii. 142. Respect-
ing reparation, 153. Civil, quoted, 215. Of nations,
what, 229.


Liberty, civil, endangered by a standing army, ii. 260.
Moral. See Morality.


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