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the Australian Natives' Association on any terms whatever.

Dr. GLEDDEN wished to caution the members against rushing into print and replying to the numerous letters that would, no doubt, appear in the daily press as a result of their action; he rather advocated that all replies should be undertaken by their hon. secretary. He would move this in the form of a resolution if he were in order. This was seconded by Dr. O'NEILL, and unanimously approved.

Dr. WORRALL was called upon from all parts of the room to speak. He explained he had not intended addressing the meeting unless there had been some opposition to the motion. He read some letters from prominent medical men in Victoria, one from a gentleman whose name would be known to every one in the room were he to disclose it. The speaker emphasized the state of affairs in the sister State by affirming that no newspaper in Victoria dare publish a letter signed simply M.D., if the writer ventured to criticise the Australian Natives' Association, the proprietors demanded medical men who had such hardihood to furnish their names in full, and this inevitably called down the vengeance of the Australian Natives' Association upon the writer. In conclusion, Dr. Worrall urged his hearers to persist in the attitude taken up that night, assuring them that any treaty entered into with the Australian Natives' Association would certainly be broken.

Dr. KERR stated that he had been approached by the Australian Natives' Association, and had been informed by such that the British Medical Association was only opposed to them on account of the issue of the wage limit, and this question being settled there remained no logical objection to their association,

The PRESIDENT remarked that he would deal with the question in his forthcoming presidential address. As for the misgivings hinted at with regard to country districts they had already had proof that local medical men, by the help of the Branch, had successfully

resisted the encroachments of the Australian Natives' Association.

The resolution was then put to the meeting and was carried unanimously by acclamation.


THE Council met at the Branch offices on Tuesday evening, 4th March, 1902, at 8.30 o'clock. Present :Drs. Foreman, Hankins, Rennie, Crago, Newmarch, Abbott, Quaife.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

The following members were elected :-Dr. E. A. Bardsley, Oxford Street, Waverley; Dr. H. M. Anderson, Sydney Hospital; Dr. L. E. Ellis, Children's Hospital, Glebe; Dr. Louis Vallee, Inverell; Dr. G. S. Samuelson, Armidale; Dr. R. L. Davies, Children's Hospital, Glebe; Dr. Margaret I. White, Children's Hospital, Adelaide, S.A.

Members nominated for election:-Dr. R. T. Mitchell, Wee Waa; Dr. C. C. Cocks, Wentworth.

Correspondence with regard to the Inverell Lodge,


Resolved-" That the matter be allowed to remain over until the result of the conference is received." Correspondence with reference to the Australian Natives' Association was read.

Arrangements for the special general meeting on Friday, 7th March were made.

The following resolution was agreed upon, to be moved by Dr. Rennie, and seconded by Dr. Gordon

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THE opening meeting of the New Zealand branch of the British Medical Association was held in the Town Hall, Dunedin, on February 3rd, Dr. Colquhoun, of Dunedin, President, being in the chair. The question of the notification of infectious diseases was brought up by a Nelson delegate, but consideration of the matter was deferred till later in the week. Dr. Collins, of Wellington, was appointed chairman of the council, Dr. Mason, editor of the medical journal, and Dr. Campbell secretary. Dr. Colquhoun gave his presidential address on the evening of February 3rd.


A MEETING of the Branch was held on Friday, March 7th, with the following attendance :-Dr. P. Bancroft (President), The Hons. W. F. Taylor, and C. F. Marks, Wheeler, Hardie, Carvosso, Turner, Orr, Cameron, Drs. Lilian Cooper, Eleanor Greenham, Lockhart Gibson, Flynn, Salter, Connolly, Ure, Hawkes, Francis, Sutton, McEvoy, Espie Dods, Culpin, Byrne, Nall, Clowes, Wield, and Brockway (Hon. Sec.). Visitor: Dr. Edith Ure.

Dr. CONNOLLY exhibited a uterus removed for fibroid, one tumour showing calcareous degeneration.

The PRESIDENT welcomed Dr. W. S. Byrne, on his return to Brisbane.

Drs. EDITH UBE, Zwar, PRING and HAMMOND were nominated for membership.

The PRESIDENT announced that it was a recommendation of the Council that the meeting in April be held at Toowoomba, The recommendation after disOussion was adopted.

The adjourned discussion upon the resolutions with reference to the Brisbane Associated Friendly Societies' Medical Institute and its medical officers was resumed, and after discussion, it was unanimously resolved:-"That Members of the Branch shall not meet in consultation, medical practitioners employed by the Brisbane Associated Friendly Societies' Medical Institute, until the agreement entered into by them shall have been amended to the satisfaction of the Branch.

It was also resolved :-"That, except by a special resolution of the Branch at a meeting called for the purpose, the members of the Branch shall not meet in consultation medical men who are now employed or who shall after this date have been employed by the Brisbane Associated Friendly Societies' Medical Institute."

The second resolution :-"That members of the Branch shall not meet in consultation medical men who meet in consultation the medical practitioners employed

by the Brisbane Associated Friendly Societies' Medical Institute," gave rise to considerable discussion, and it was resolved that its further consideration be deferred until an occasion for its adoption were reported to the Branch.

In consequence of the lateness of the hour, a paper by Dr. W. S. Byrne was not read.



(FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT). King Edward's Hospital Fund for London-The King's Sanatorium-Adrenal Therapy-High Frequency Currents - The Cure and Causation of CancerThe London Polyclinic-The New Postage Stamps. By special desire of the King, the Prince of Wales's Hospital Fund, with the creation and success of which His Majesty when Prince of Wales was so closely identified, shall in future be known under the name of "King Edward's Hospital Fund for London." The distribution meeting of the Council was held at York House, St. James's Palace, on Saturday, December 28th, under the presidency of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. In the absence of Lord Rothschild the financial statement was presented by Mr. Craggs, and showed that the nett receipts for the year amounted to £51,496 88. 5d., which when added to £174,225 3s. 7d., the balance of funds from last year, made a grand total of £225,721 12s. A sum of £50,000 was recommended for division among hospitals, being £1000 more than the previous distribution. The Visiting Committee reported that they had visited eighty-five hospitals, to seventy-nine of which grants had been made, of the six left out, one institution was not in immediate need of assistance and the remaining five were considered ineligible because they required either reconstructing or rebuilding. Owing to the increased administrative work necessary to carry on the business of the fund and the increase of staff necessitated thereby, larger and permanent offices have been secured at 81 Cheapside, E.C.

Widespread interest has been aroused by the announcement, made on January 2nd that the King "had graciously consented to direct that a large sum of money placed at his disposal for charitable or utilitarian purposes, shall be devoted to the erection in England of a sanatorium for tuberculous patients." The munificent donor of this noble gift, which amounts to no less than £200,000, is Sir Ernest Cassel, K.C M.G., the eminent financier. The Daily Mail, gives the following details of his career. He was born in Cologne in 1852 where his father was a banker; when be first came to London he was attached as clerk to a large financial house, and subsequently started in business on his own account; he took an active part in placing the Egyptian position on a trustworthy basis, was largely concerned in the amalgamation of the great firm of Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, and is a director of the Swedish Central Railway Company and of many other important industrial enterprises.'

For the purpose of carrying out the decision thus arrived at, His Majesty has appointed an Advisory Committee consisting of Sir William Broadbent, Sir Richard Douglas Powell, Sir Francis Laking, Sir Felix Semon, Sir Hermann Weber, and Dr. Theodore Williams, and as a first step towards the practical fulfilment of the scheme, a sum of £800 is offered in prizes for the best essays upon sanatoriums for the treatment of tubercular disease.

It is obviously the wish of the King that his sanatorium shall be as perfect as possible; fully equipped with all that is necessary for scientific research, and suitably arranged for the carrying out in detail of all the most recent and approved methods of treatment.

That this generous gift should thus be dedicated to the foundation of a medical institution, when no limit was put to the King's choice but that the money should be expended "for charitable or utilitarian purposes," adds one more to the many previous evidences we have had of His Majesty's untiring consideration for the health of his subjects, and cannot fail to afford particular pleasure to every medical man within his wide dominions.


Considerable attention has been recently directed to the therapeutic properties of supra-renal extract. It acts as a powerful stimulant to involuntary muscle, which it seems capable of affecting both directly and through the medium of the nervous system. principal physiological effects, so far recorded are, (1) elevation of blood pressure, secondary to constriction of the arterioles; (2) retardation of the pulse rate; (3) increased force of the cardiac systole; (4) blanching of tissues when applied locally. Until comparatively recently its use was restricted to cases of Addison's disease, in some of which its exhibition was attended with satisfactory results, but further investigation of its physiological effects has led to its adoption as a promising remedy in cases of dilatation of the heart, exophthalmic goitre, and cardiac failure. In experiments conducted by Mankowski, of St, Petersburgh, it was found that 30 seconds after cessation and respiration and cardiac action from chloroform inhalations, an intravenous injection unfailingly resulted in producing resuscitation. Its greatest successes so far, however, have been achieved from its local application, In epistaxis, metrorrhagia, and other forms of hæmorrhage from surfaces that can be reached it may be counted upon as a powerful astringent and hæmostatic. But in internal hæmorrhages, hæmatemesis, hæmoptysis, hæmaturia, etc., its administration by the mouth is credited with surprisingly successful results. When instilled into the eye it produces within one minute complete blanching of the ocular and partial blanching of the palpebral conjunctiva, and from a similar effect on other mucous membranes, it is recommended in cases of coryza, hay fever, tonsillitis, and other affections, attended with capillary congestion. Its ascertained properties suggest it as useful for careful trial as a hæmostatic. It may be given in tabloid form as a dried extract, but recently the active principle has been extracted in a pure form by Dr. Jokichi Takamine, and is now in the market under the name of "Adrenalin." It is a stable substance which occurs in the form of minute white crystals, has a slightly bitter taste, and is soluble sparingly in cold, but readily in hot water.

Considerable attention has recently been aroused by reports, mostly emanating from Paris, of surprising results achieved by various observers in the treatment of disease by electric currents of high potential and great frequency. The fact that the body may be painlessly charged with quantities of electricity enormously in excess of anything previously attempted, owes its discovery and recognition to the excellent work of Tesla in America, and of D'Arsonval in France.

These observers have found that currents of high frequency exert a powerful influence on respiratory combustion, so that their use is attended with a marked increase in the amount of oxygen absorbed, and of


carbonic acid given off; also that when the frequency of alternation has reached a limit of from twenty to thirty million undulations per second, both motor and sensory nerves are insensible to them. principal effects claimed for them are (1) a marked influence on the vaso-motor system, causing a primary fall and subsequent increase of arterial tensions; (2) assimilitative and nutritive changes with increased activity of skin; (3) a diminution in the amount of uric acid and an increase in the amount of urea excreted; (4) promotion of natural sleep and appetite; (5) restoration of vital energy; (6) attenuation of certain toxins and modification of the normal growth and behaviour of various micro-organisms. It is not yet accepted as an established fact that the painless currents actually penetrate the tissues, though there is much to warrant the belief that they do. If it be so, the body would become an electrolytic conductor, and as such would be subject to molecular and other changes similar to those which are always associated with the passage of the electric current through any kind of electrolyte. The application of this form of electricity is carried out according to various methods, both generally and locally, and with proper precautions is unattended with the least risk.

Its great usefulness has, so far, manifested itself in the treatment of hæmorrhoids, anal fissure, diabetes, arthritis, anæmia, and various superficial maladies of the skin. Certain claims have also been advanced in favour of its value in diseases associated with microorganisms, especially phthisis, but the investigations are too recent and too few to justify great reliance on the results so far attained. It may be admitted that high frequency currents possess a distinctive influence over nutritional activity, and that they may ultimately prove to be the most valuable form of electricity as a therapeutic agent yet discovered, but the suggestive influence which their manifestations must exert upon neurotic patients must be borne in mind if their true value as a remedial agent is to be arrived at. Most other electrical methods have suffered from a too blind faith in their virtues, and it will be regrettable if this most recent development in the field of electrotherapeutics should similarly perish from the enthusiasm of its votaries.

We are at present suffering from a severe epidemic of cancer cures. The case of Lady Marsham to which regrettable notoriety was recently given by the London press was professedly published to extol the virtues of violet leaves as an infallible remedy, From America speedily comes the news that the value of violet leaf fomentations is as nothing compared with the efficacy of an old friend which has periodically been credited with marvellous powers in a long succession of diseases, namely sulphur. Various forms of electricity are being exploited vigorously, and whereas one set of believers pin unyielding faith to the Röntgen rays, another as confidently asserts that high frequency currents are about to supersede every previous method of treatment and are to prove the permanent panacea for the control of all forms of malignant disease. The publicity given to these and many other so called cures in the general press is most undesirable from every point of view.

As regards causation, the trend of professional opinion has lately been in the direction of supporting the theory which connects the admitted increase of cancer with a more luxurious way of living and particularly with the progressive dietetic preference of the western world for nitrogenous food which systems of cold storage and preservation by canning have within recent times brought so largely within the reach of all classes. As a deduction from this theory,

Dr. James Braithwaite has just published in the Lancet a paper advocating reasons for believing that probably excess of salt is the ultimate factor in the meat-eaters diet which is responsible for his greater susceptibility to the dreaded disease. Dr. Braithwaite does not claim to produce conclusive proofs of his theory, but the well-known prevalence of the disease in Switzerland where salt enters very largely into the daily regimen of the population is a suggestive fact in support of his contention.

In all probability the solution of the problem of curability, when found, will resolve itself into a question of prevention rather than cure. It is difficult to conceive how any methods other than surgical can cause the disappearance of such an active tissue growth as cancer once it has become fairly established.

The fixture card of the Medical Graduates' College in Chenies Street for the first term of 1902 has just been issued and again contains an attractive programme of practical work. During the absence of Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, who has gone to South Africa to enquire into the causation of leprosy, the Thursday afternoon consultation will be conducted by Mr. W. H. A. Jacobson. The other cliniques are arranged on much the same plan as formerly. Clinical lectures are promised by Dr. Halliday Croom of Edinburgh, Mr. Henry Power, Dr. Handfield Jones, Mr. Rushton Parker of Liverpool, and others.

This young institution is carrying on a very useful and much needed work, and requires only to be more widely known in order to have the facilities which it offers for post-graduate study more extensively taken advantage of. We learn from Captain Pinch, the medical superintendent, that there has been a larger attendance of Colonial and American practitioners during the autumn months of 1901 than at any other period since the foundation of the College, and that the general progress as regards attendance of members, supply of patients, etc., is one of slow but satisfactory improvement.

On the 1st of January the Post Office replaced our old postage stamps by a new series bearing the effigy of His Majesty the King. The Lancet has taken the trouble to inquire into the nature of the colouring matter used for distinguishing their different values. In the case of the penny issue, whose colour has reverted to the red with which we were for so long familiar, one of the innocuous anniline dyes, which is peculiarly resistant to atmospheric action and to moisture, has been used. The same is true of the half-penny, and no doubt of all the stamps of the series; in none of them could any trace of metallic or irritant poison be found. The adhesive material used is in all instances dextrin or British gum. In view of the fact that the large preponderance of stamps in use are rendered adhesive by the dirty but convenient practice of licking them, it is a matter of no small consequence to be thus assured that, so far at least as the manufacture of these daily necessities is concerned, every care has been taken to provide that the materials are clean and harmless. This, however, does not lessen the possibility of any stamp becoming a vehicle for septic or other infection. When, indeed, the kind of storage and manipulation to which postage stamps may be subjected is contemplated, the risk from the use of the tongue as a moistening agent becomes. in these days of bacterial omnipresence, a danger of greater actuality than is generally recognised. This idea is most unpleasantly suggestive if it is applied to the hobby of stamp-collecting which, however interesting and instructive, puts into circulation old stamps from

all parts of the world; these pass through innumerable hands and various phases of ownership until eventually they find their way into our schools and families where they are freely handled, perhaps even " licked" for the tenth, twentieth, or hundredth time.

London, January 14th, 1902.


(FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) The Carnegie Bequest - The Edinburgh University and Royal Infirmary -The Edinburgh Australasian Club-Farewell Dinner to Professor Welsh. THE Scottish Universities were brought prominently before the notice of the English-speaking world by Mr. Carnegie's great gift last year. A settled income of over £100,000 a year, half to go to the payment of class fees of needy students of Scotch parentage, and half to the furnishing of laboratory and teaching requisites, seemed a great windfall to the Scottish Universities. There have been many opinions of a widely different nature as to the effect this princely gift will have on them. So far no results are apparent, a large amount of fee money has been paid this winter, mostly to students who were already attending the Universities; the other part of the grant has not as yet been apportioned. It is not to be anticipated that the payment of fees will have much immediate effect on the number of students, the preliminary examination acts as a barrier to those who will profit most by the scheme, and some years must elapse before many candidates can present themselves who have not previously resolved on having a University education. The scheme makes no provision for a preliminary education, and this will prevent any great rush to take advantage of free University classes. The grant for labority expenses should bear fruit sooner; hitherto many departments have suffered severely from want of funds necessary to bring them up to modern requirements. In future this will be largely remedied, but the rapid progress made in scientific knowledge requires a great annual expenditure to keep the Universities abreast of the times The medical schools, University and Extramural, will be chiefly benefitted, and Scottish medical education will be better enabled to maintain the high standard it has hitherto been justly credited with. The annual returns of Edinburgh University lately published are of more than usual interest this year. There are now 1,139 medical students as against 1,094 last year and 1,136 the year before. In the first year of study there are 220, against 237 last year, and 221 the year before; the number in the first year does not, however, indicate the full number of new students, as many come here who have already completed a year or more of study in colonial or other Universities. The number of medical students at the University has been steadily decreasing for several years; most other Universities have also shown a decrease, and the London Hospitals have had a marked falling-off with a few exceptions. It is hoped that the lowest limit has been reached, and Edinburgh at any rate shows an increase this year and will probably continue to do so.

The annual returns of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for the year ending October 1st last were recently issued. During the year 9,552 patients were treated, and there remained in the Infirmary 604 patients on October 1st. Owing to drainage works, one or other of the medical pavilions, comprising three wards, have been closed during the year. This, and the building of new pavilions for eye and ear patients, and alterations in the kitchen and other parts of the

Infirmary, have entailed a heavy expenditure above the ordinary. Apart from these the ordinary expenditure, including that for out-patient departments, where 33,238 were treated in the year, amounted to an average of £71 1s. 9d. per occupied bed. The Infirmary is fortunately well supported, and is one of the best-managed and most efficient in Great Britain.

At this season of the year Edinburgh medical circles are busily engaged. The University has entered on the second half of the winter session, and the approaching "Professionals" in March are beginning to feel unpleasantly near to many who intend to appear for examination then. Medical classes cease for a fortnight's welcome vacation during the Christmas and New Year weeks; the laboratories remain open most of the time, but with the exception of a few enthusiastic men who take the opportunity of getting some dissecting done in the anatomical rooms there are not many who remain to work.

The Australasian Club held its annual smoking concert in its rooms in Melbourne Place on December 19th, rather later than usual. The large billiard room was tastefully decorated with flags, but the Commonwealth flag was not there, though the committee tried their best to get one. The members of the club are for the most part medical students and graduates from Australia and New Zealand; older members settled in England often come in for the "smoker," and it makes a very pleasant reunion for Australasians in this part of the world. In the unavoidable absence of the President (Dr. Young), the chair was taken by Dr. Begg, of New Zealand. The evening was a great success. and the club "smoker" maintained its reputation of being one of the best socials in Edinburgh. Among the guests were many of the leading medical men of the city, Dr. Malcolm Morris of London, and Dr. Welsh, pathologist to the Royal Infirmary, the recently elected Professor of Pathology at Sydney University. Dr. Welsh's health was proposed by the Chairman, and was enthusiastically received. Dr. A. B. Timms. a prominent member of the club, came up from Birkenhead. He is playing centre three-quarter for Scotland next Saturday in their match with Wales. A. N. Fell, a New Zealander, is also representing Scotland as wing threequarter; both men played in all three internationals for Scotland last year.

On January 10th a dinner was given to Dr. Welsh by his many friends in Edinburgh on the occasion of his departure to Sydney. Professor Greenfield, Professor of Pathology at the University, was in the chair, and there were present a large number of medical men and teachers, including Professors Schäfer, Chiene and Muir, Drs. Allan Jamieson, Milne Murray, Mr. Stiles, and many others. Dr. Welsh was University Assistant in Pathology and Lecturer on Pathological Bacteriology for some years before the new arrangements in the Pathological Department of the Royal Infirmary were made, and was the first to be appointed to the post of Pathologist to the Infirmary under the new conditions. Since then he has had the organisation of a new laboratory there, which is now doing splendid work. A man better fitted to conduct the Pathological department at Sydney University could not have been found. We all wish him success, and Australasians at any rate, and others besides, envy him his good fortune. Edinburgh, January 15th, 1902.

Dr. Edward Figg, one of the oldest doctors in Victoria, recently died at Williamstown at the age of 87 years. He was the author of several theological, medical, and poetical works.

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A NOTICE with reference to the Lady Bowen Hospital, Brisbane, which appeared in the last issue of the Gazette, may convey a wrong impression. A resident surgeon, Dr. Eleanor Greenham, was appointed last July; Mrs. Doyle and Miss Doyle, who have rendered valuable service to the hospital during a period of nine years, have resigned, with a view to undertaking private practice, Miss Brown having succeeded them as matron. There has always been private accomodation for "country" patients, an arrangement which is not an unmixed blessing, since it it involves a mixture of charity, and "the other thing" under the same roof and management. The hospital is further served by a staff of six honorary physicians, who take a month at a time in rotation. There are three classes of

patients; (1) private patients who pay £5 59. for a private room in addition to the fee of their own medical attendant (who must be a member of the honorary staff; (2) patients who pay £3, occupy a semi-private ward and receive the attention of the honorary staff if required; and (3) "ordinary" patients, who are expected to pay £1 1s. for a fortnight's residence and attendance. The committee of the hospital consists of ladies who, on medical points, consult the honorary staff, and to their credit it may be said, generally follow the advice given by them.

The position assumed by the Solicitor-General for Victoria with reference to the right method of administering chloroform would be more amusing were it less sad, but the medical profession should have by this time become inured to ignorant lay patronage and criticism. But that there is room for improvement in the broad question of anaesthetics there can be no doubt, and that there should be hospitals whose staffs do not include anæsthetists is a matter of surprise and regret. An experienced anæsthetist occasionally strikes a bad case, a case causing alarm or at least anxiety, and calling for special care and skill in the administration, but the more ex; erienced a man is the less often do such cases occur in his practice. As must happen sometimes, such a case falls to the lot of a recently qualified man, who is not under experienced supervision, and the misfortune which is very likely to ensue is not so much his fault as that of the diploma-giving body which has authorised him to practice anæsthetisation without having given him an opportunity of learning so important and everyday a branch of professional work, and also to the hospital authorities who place an anæsthetic apparatus into his unpractised hands.

Nothing has yet been heard in Queensland from the A.M.P. Society with reference to the reduction of fees for examination of insurance candidates. That such a

suggestion should have come from them is surprising. There are some insurance companies that pay half a guinea for examinations of candidates who are assuring a small sum, and it would be difficult to alter the rates already existing in connection with these societies, the continuance of which are due to the quiescent manner in which the medical practitioners of Queensland have accustomed themselves to submit to impositions and encroachments. It is to be hoped, however, that the prosperous and popular A.M.P. Society will not persist in action which will tend to reduce it to the level of the second-rate and third-rate societies of a similar nature.

Though there may be differences of opinion with regard to the formation of an Australasian Medical Association, there can, one thinks, be only one opinion as to the desirability of union in reference to defence matters. At the present time, an advertisement is appearing in the lay press, calling for applications for the position of medical officers to the Rockhampton Associated Friendly Societies' Institute. So far as Queensland is concerned, such an advertisement can be met by the insertion of a notice asking intending applicants to communicate in the first instance with the secretary of the Queensland Branch of the British Medical Association or of the Medical Defence

Society of Queensland. But the applications will come from medical men in the southern States who possibly know nothing of the conditions under which they will be expected to serve, or of the attitude of the profession in Rockhampton towards them. Such mistakes would be avoided were the Medical Defence Societies federated.

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A section of the lay press in Brisbane has obtained a considerable amount of "copy from Dr. Taylor's presidential address to the Queensland Branch, The City Ambulance Transport Brigade Hospital-a socalled hospital which is without a doctor and without medical control of any kind-and which is, moreover, subsidised by Government to the same degree as are le

gitimate hospitals, is also up in arms against the censures of the medical profession. Nor has the last been heard either of the Ambulance Brigade or of the Associated Friendly Societies' Medical Institute. Neither need, perhaps, be taken very seriously, but even small annoyances require a certain amount of attention. The large attendance at the recent meetings of the Branch is evidence,if evidence were needed, of the interest taken by members in questions of ethics. The adoption of the first resolution at the last meeting of the Branch (reported in another column) by a unanimous vote is very satisfactory, and should have the effect of showing the enterprising Medical Institute that the profession at large does not approve of its tactics. The second resolution was withdrawn in its original form, since it appeared to convey a mutual mistrust which does not exist among members of the Branch, its adoption being deferred until an occasion for it should be reported to the Branch. The fourth resolution, which depended upon the second, was also withdrawn. The third resolution was adopted with a verbal alteration made for the purpose of showing that it was not intended to be retrospective. It should be the endeavour of the Branch to insure, so far as possible, in the future that no medical man shall enter into an agreement with Institutes similar to that existing in Brisbane without clearly understanding the nature of the position which he will thereby take up.


(To the Editor of the Australusian Medical Gazette.)

SIR,-Your January issue, in referring to Dr. Duane's practice of giving each eye its correction in anisometropia as being an unusual one, is likely to give members of the profession a false impression of the refraction work of ophthalmic surgeons. Dr. KentHughes, in your February issue, has corrected this for Mr. F. B. Archer and himself - I should like to correct it for every ophthalmic surgeon worthy of the name. It is inconceivable that any oculist who takes his refraction work seriously would do other than correct each eye in prescribing for anisometropia. Since going into practice in 1885, I have never done anything else.

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