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to the passing of "An Act for the better regulating the Practice of Apothecaries," &c.; by which the honour and respectability of the profession have been upheld, and the public interest most importantly served.

2. Resolved, unanimously, That a purse of five hundred guineas be presented to Dr. Burrows, the late chairman, as an acknowledgment of the services he has rendered this association, to the profession, and to the public.

3. Resolved, unanimously, That the above resolutions be advertised in the public papers.

4. Resolved, unanimously, That the gentlemen who may this day be appointed treasurers to this association be authorized forthwith to carry into effect the two preceding resolutions.

5. Resolved, unanimously, That the sincere thanks of this association be given to the members of the general committée; who, for a period of five years, have, with unwearied zeal, ability, and attention, devoted their valuable time to the interests of the association, and the general improvement of the profession; and who have consequently rendered an essential service to the public.

6. Resolved, unanimously, That the thanks of this association be given to the Treasurers for their services.

7. Resolved, unanimously, That the Report of the general committee, now read, be received and adopted.

8. Resolved, unanimously, That this association do continue permanently.

9. Resolved, unanimously, That this association determines to use its utmost exertions to promote the improvement of those branches of the medical profession exercised by general practitioners, and to protect their interests.

10. Resolved, unanimously, That the interests of the association be entrusted to a committee, with full powers to act according to its discretion.

11. Resolved, unanimously, That the said committee shall consist of twenty-four members, resident in London and its vicinity; and that one moiety of them shall be members of the Society of Apothecaries, and the other moiety of non-members of that society.

12. Resolved, unanimously, That Messrs. Hunter, Upton, Wells, Bowman, De Bruyn, Brande, Cates, Drew, Kerrison, Shiilito, Seaton, and Malim, members of the Society of Apothecaries; and that Messrs. Parkinson, Humby, A. T. Thomson, Cook, Haden, James, Reginald Williams, Hayes, Ogle, Neville Wells, and Edward Leese, non-members of the society, do constitute the present committee.

13. Resolved, unanimously, That the present treasurers to this association be desired, and are hereby authorised, to transfer to the treasurers to be appointed at this meeting, the balance of the fund of this association, which may be now in their or the banker's, Messrs. Gosling and Sharpe's hands.

14. Resolved, unanimously, That the moneys belonging to the association be invested in public securities, bearing interest; and be placed in the names of the three treasurers now to be nominated; except such balance as is necessary to defray current expenses.

15. Resolved

15. Resolved, unanimously, That Messrs. Parkinson, Hunter, and Upton, be treasurers; and that the signature of two of the trea surers be necessary to the disposal of any part of the fund.

16. Resolved, unanimously, That in order to establish a competent fund to preserve the interests of the association, further subscriptions be received; and that any new subscriber of one guinea be enrolled as a member of the association.

17. Resolved, unanimously, That subscriptions be received by any of the treasurers, and by the bankers to the association, Messrs. Gosling and Sharpe, No. 19, Fleet-street.

18. Resolved, unanimously, That the committee be authorised by this general meeting to receive from any member of this association any well-authenticated case of illegal practising: for the purpose of submitting the same to the Court of Assistants of the Society of Apothecaries for their prosecution.

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19. Resolved, unanimously, That there shall be a general meeting of the association held annually, on the third Wednesday in July, at two o'clock; when any vacancy in the committee, or the office of treasurer, shall be filled up, the accounts of the current year be audited, and all other affairs relating to the association shall be reported.

20. Resolved, unanimously, That a fortnight's notice shall be given, by advertisement in the London Medical Journals, and in two norning and two evening papers, of the time and place of the an nual meeting.

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The Secretary being under the necessity of resigning→→

21. Resolved, unanimously, that the thanks of this meeting with a purse of one hundred guineas, be presented to Mr. Ward, the late secretary, as a mark of estimation for his services.

22. Resolved, unanimously, That the treasurers be requested forthwith to fulfil the object of this resolution.

23. Resolved, unanimously, That Mr. John Powell of Newmanstreet, be appointed secretary.

24. Resolved, unanimously, That the thanks of this meeting be given to R. M. Kerrison, Esq. for the zeal displayed by him in his publications; as well as for the general interest he has taken to forward the objects of the association.

25. Resolved, That a communication be made from this associa tion to the Court of Assistants of the Society of Apothecaries, begging them to ascertain and publish a list of those persons who were in practice up to the moment of the operation of the act.

26. Resolved, unanimously, That the thanks of this association be given to James Parkinson, Esq. for having accepted the chair; and for the able manner in which he has conducted the business of the meeting.

27. Resolved, unanimously, That the thanks of this meeting to the Chairman be advertised in the public papers.

28. Resolved, unanimously, That the Report of the committee, the state of the funds, and the above resolutions, be sent to the Medical Journals for insertion.



We find the opinion concerning the suction influence of the heart, in accounting for the motion of the blood through the veins, is not confined to Liverpool. Dr. J. ZUGENBUHLER, in Recueil periodique de la Societé de Medecine de Paris, has published a similar opinion in Latin. However plausible this opinion might be, it seems difficult to reconcile to the condition of those animals which have no lungs and no pulmonary heart. Nor can we well understand how this influence can extend to the circulation through the liver. Dr. Z. has, however, provided for all this, and even for the passage of lymph through its proper vessels.

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Respecting the motion of the lymph, (says he) no plausible ex-` planation has been advanced by physiologists. No vascular elasticity, no muscular action, or arterial vibration can here operate on the innumerable tubes of the absorbent system, and their tenacious lymph; nor will the theory of capillary tubes solve the difficulty in granulated vessels. Suction, then, caused by the vacuum of the heart, demands our consideration; for, by this, the thoracic duct pours its contents, drop by drop, into the left subclavian vein, and thus, at a slow but unerring pace, exhausts the lymph from the whole body. The granulated structure of these vessels resembles the valves of veins; hereby congestion is prevented, and one drop after another is uninterruptedly raised. Nor is it without obvious reason that the thoracic duct empties itself into the left subclavian vein, near the heart; for the left ventricle absorbing the blood more readily from the lungs than the right, may thus exercise a greater power upon the thoracic duct."


We are to reflect, that the "exercise of this power" must extend from the thoracic duct to all the minutest ramifications of lymphatics, and their glands down to the toes. It may be urged, that when a power once established, it is not easy to ascertain its limits. This we readily grant; but, by the same reasoning, the power of the ventricle assisted by the arteries may be sufficient to convey the blood through the veins, which seems confirmed by an observation of Mr. Hunter, "that in the smaller he perceived a pulsation similar to arterial much more readily than in the larger." Now the former are much nearer the left ventricle, and much farther from the supposed vacuuni on the right side of the heart,

An Italian writer has described an hydatid in the human head of the following description:-" It consisted of a head, not unlike that of the tænia, and of a vesicle filled with water and beautifully organized. The vesicle was apparently formed by three different membranes: the first external, delicate, transparent, and shining; under which was observed a series of minute circular fibres; and, lastly, a membrane which invested with its villous surface the interior of the vesicle. Each vesicle, therefore, was but one worm. The cavity of the vesicle contained nothing but water; and not the slightest trace of any organ subservient to the natural functions could be discerned. The figure of the vesicle was round, oblong, or angular. If the animal were alive, on slight pressure of its neck, the head started out, furnished with piercers and a little mouth, resembling those of the tænia armata." LI

NO. 223.


Hydatids in the human brain are so rare, that Dr. Baillie describes none as seen by himself. It is still more curious, that those described in the above paper and in other foreign works, have heads like those found in the brain and other parts of sheep. We trust the Italian work above alluded to, will find its way among us in an English translation, if not, we shall not fail to give an analysis from the original.

Case of Hydrophobia.-Madame Bruneau, wife of M. Bruneau, of the ordnance department, had her arm violently lacerated by the bite of a cat, about the commencement of November last. The animal fastened upon her with such ferocity, that it would not loosen its hold until some of its bones were broken: it was immediately killed. The laceration was washed with brine, and dressed with some domestic remedy, such as the family had been in the habit of applying to wounds and sores. It continued open for several weeks, and healed at last with much difficulty. About the beginning of May, the scars became inflamed and very itchy, attended with a sort of pinching pain, which extended in the direction of the lymphatics to the axilla, and side of the neck. On the morning of the 12th, when attempting to take a little cordial for the relief of a pain in the stomach, she found herself seized with an indescribable feeling of horror, and constriction of the throat, as the liquid approached her mouth: attributing this to the smell of the cordial, she tried a little tea, and afterwards some water; but the same feeling was excited the instant she looked at either of these. Her husband being employed in the ordnance, sent for a medical officer of that department, who immediately attended, and, after much inquiry, obtained the history above related of the case. Care was taken, in putting the necessary questions to the husband, that the patient should not hear them, in order that she might have no suspicion of the real nature of the disease: she, however, overheard some observations that were made about the cat, and instantly exclaimed, "Ce n'est pas cela, car mon enfant a ete mordu dans le meme tems que moi."

The case being considered an important one, was reported to the Inspector of Hospitals, and permission was obtained from the family to call in an eminent physician, who, upon seeing the case, did not hesitate to coincide in opinion with the ordnance medical officer, that it was a distinct case of hydrophobia. This opinion was, on the following morning, further confirmed by that of the Inspector of Hospitals, and the Surgeon to the Forces. Notice was given of the case to all the medical gentlemen in town who could be found. The progress of the disease was so rapid, as to afford but little time for medical treatment. Copious bleeding having been latterly recommended from high authority, was put in practice, but with evident disadvantage; large doses of mercurial purgatives (indicated by the state of her bowels) were administered with some degree of tempo rary relief; antispasmodics were then attempted to be given, but the power of deglutition was so soon lost, that very little was taken,


(about three grains of the extract of hyoscyamus). The same sense of horror, and spasmodic constriction of the throat, &c. were excited by looking at the mirror, or any other substance having a polished reflecting surface.

On the morning of the 13th, these sensations came on sponta neously, and were frequently followed by violent convulsions, the moment any liquid was brought in sight. The power of swallowing solids now began to diminish, and, by ten o'clock, not even the saliva could be got down, but issued abundantly out of the mouth in a viscid and stringy state. From this moment the convulsions continued incessantly until two P. M., when she died. The body became perfectly putrid in a few hours after her decease. Quebec, May 27.

List of Patients admitted into all the Civil Hospitals of Paris, from the 1st to the 30th of June, 1817, both inclusive.

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Sporadic and chronic disorders, and the result of accidents








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The following gentlemen have obtained the degree of Doctor in Medicine from the University of Glasgow, within the last twelve months:-Mr. Jas. Yates, from England; Messrs. Wm. Couper, Jas. Robertson, James Moore, Daniel M'Allum, Duncan Henderson,

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