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General Baptist Magazine.

JANUARY, 1884.

The Editors to their Readers.

"A HAPPY new year to you, good friends!"

"The same to you, Messieurs the Editors," we think we hear our readers say. "True, we were sorry to lose your predecessor, Dr. John Clifford, who had served us well and faithfully for so many years; but since changes must come, we give a cordial greeting and our best wishes to his successors."

This friendly greeting is no more than we expected; for it is a pleasant thing to us, the new Editors, to feel that to the great majority of those we now address we need no introduction. Both of us have already been honoured in various offices with the respect and confidence of the General Baptist Denomination. Few are the churches of the Connexion which we have not at some time visited; whilst in many a home in the broad Midlands, among the great hills of Yorkshire and Lancashire, as well as in the million-peopled metropolis of England, we have received kindly Gaius-like hospitality. How can we then feel shy or strange?

Still, we hope in our present capacity to make new friends as well as to retain old ones; and to all it is fitting that we should briefly unfold our plans in regard to the conduct of the Magazine and the spirit in which we hope to perform our editorial duties.

First, then, a word as to the Dual Editorship. Two of us have been appointed to this work. But it is no part of the contract that we should both think alike on all subjects: we have a generous confidence in each other's judgment, consequently we shall not strive to suppress our individuality, nor shall we trouble a great deal if one should occasionally do and say things the other cannot fully endorse. It is not uncommon for one and the same man in his various moods to say conflicting things. Surely, then, two independent minds may be forgiven if they fail to coincide in every trifling matter.

Happily, however, we are agreed as to the main lines on which we will conduct this Magazine.

We have also hit upon a division of labour, which, whilst it may not be very apparent to others, is clear to ourselves. This will serve, we


trust, to obviate to a large extent, the difficulty arising from the distance that separates us. We may add that whilst it would be folly on our part to enter into this arrangement without some confidence, yet it is no part of our expectation that we shall please everybody. If we may put a Latin proverb into an English dress, "not even Jupiter pleases every one." Remembering that fact, we shall be ready to accept respectful criticisms and suggestions from any quarter, and for the present at any rate we will not believe that criticism of any other kind will ever reach us. Angry and anonymous communications to editors should be very carefully worded, and very beautifully written on tinted and scented paper, sealed, directed, and stamped, and then dropped into the fire.

All this being well understood by our readers, we shall, in the first place, bear in mind that the Magazine is the monthly organ of the General Baptist Connexion. Once a year, in the sunny month of June, the representatives of the churches meet and confer together face to face on matters pertaining to the kingdom of God among us. But the Magazine, by the opportunity which it affords for the interchange of thought and information, bridges over the interval from June to June. Or, to change the figure, it is a Telephone, by means of which, between Association and Association, Leicester may speak with LondonBirmingham and Burton with Boston and Louth-Derby with Peterborough Nottingham and Loughborough with the manufacturing towns and villages of the West Riding. It will be our endeavour to make the instrument as efficient a medium of communication as possible.

We invite our friends all over the country to make frequent use of the Intelligence department. If they have had specially good anniversary services, let them tell the fact to the brethren. If God has signally blessed any particular method of Christian work, let them explain it for the benefit of others. If many have "believed and turned to the Lord," let the hearts of fellow-disciples be cheered by the glad news. Bradford is a long way from London; but no doubt Bradford has sons and daughters now resident in the great city who will be rejoiced to hear of the blessing of the Master descending upon the churches of the stone-built, but not stony-hearted, Yorkshire town; and similarly with other places. At the same time it must be remembered that events which interest a locality do not usually interest other localities to quite the same extent. Therefore let the news you send be as terse as a telegram.

As part of our plan for making the Magazine increasingly efficient as a medium for the interchange of thought on matters pertaining to the welfare of the churches, we propose to institute an "Open Correspondence" column. In this part of the Magazine we invite our friends to express their opinions freely on all matters of general interest connected with the kingdom of Christ, the only restrictions we shall impose being those which are rendered necessary by the limited space at our command, and the laws of Christian courtesy. Our firm conviction is, that truth has nothing to fear from free and fair discussion, and that Christian Institutions are best managed when ample opportunity is given for asking and imparting information in regard to them.

But whilst duly performing its functions as a Connexional organ,



we wish the Magazine to be something more than that. Our desire is that, as in the past so in the future, it should be a Periodical in which any intelligent person may find pleasant and instructive reading. With this view we shall endeavour to furnish, either from the pens of able correspondents or from our own stores, short papers both on present day topics and on subjects of perennial interest. For example, we may mention that an accomplished scientific friend, a contributor to the British Quarterly and Westminster Reviews, has promised a series of essays illustrative of the correspondence between the two worlds of matter and spirit,-between the teachings of science in regard to matter, and those of Revelation in regard to spirit.

We are of those, also, who think that the day for Sermons is not yet gone by. If it be, woe be to us! We believe that good sermons were never more read or appreciated than at present. We propose, therefore, to supply in each number a condensed sermon by one of our ministers. They will be samples of the spiritual food distributed weekly from General Baptist pulpits. We have an ample number of ministers who command the esteem and affection of large and intelligent congregations, and that of itself is evidence enough that our own pulpits have not lost their power. But remembering that these are hurried times, we shall take care that the sermons do not repel by their undue length. Four pages at the outside is all we propose to give to this department, whereas the majority of sermons, if printed whole, would run to eight, or even more. With this limitation, we think that readers generally will welcome the sermons; whilst to the invalid unable to attend social worship, to the guardian of the home on Sunday evening, etc., etc., they will afford materials of thought for a quiet hour of meditation and devotion.

"Editorial Notes" will take the place of the "Scraps from the Waste Basket," to which the readers of the Magazine have been in recent years accustomed.

It is our desire to be welcomed as a Family Friend. We wish that the eyes of the young people should sparkle as at the commencement of each month they catch sight of the familiar cover of the Magazine. For this purpose we intend, following the example of our predecessor, to give a serial story, pleasantly exciting, and yet thoroughly healthy in tendency. We think ourselves fortunate in the one we are able to introduce for the present year from the pen of a popular lady-writer.

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In pursuance of the same wish to make the Magazine a welcome guest in the home, one of us proposes month by month to have a lively Talk with the Boys and Girls. Also, for friends both young and old we shall have a Question Box," to which they are invited to send queries. Opportunity will be afforded to other correspondents to give replies, or, failing these, the Editors will do their best to supply the deficiency.

Announcements of Marriages and Deaths, Notices of New Books, Selections of Poetry, and the Missionary Observer, will all appear as heretofore. Also, for the busy and careworn, who may not have time or inclination for larger and graver papers, we shall provide a section consisting chiefly of lively anecdotes and short extracts.

But enough of our programme of contents. One word as to the spirit in which we desire to discharge our duties. This, we trust, will be one of fidelity to both Christian truth and Christian love. We hope to be broad-minded and very charitable where liberality of thought and feeling are in place, and to be firm as solid rock where great principles are at stake. As our endeavour will be to stimulate others to unselfish aims and noble deeds, we hope to shew no petty ignoble temper ourselves. It will be our aim to kindle and nurture among the churches an enlightened Public Spirit, and accordingly it will be our pleasure, as we have opportunity, to speak a good word on behalf of all our Public Institutions.

And now, what will you, our readers, do for us? It will be seen that we are intending to do our best to maintain, and if possible increase, the interest and value of the Magazine; and much careful thought and many busy days, and often weary hours, shall we employ in this work. But obligation rests not only upon us, but also upon you. Will you, then, help us by making an effort now to increase the circulation of the Magazine? Will everyone who can afford it purchase for the months of January and February another copy besides his own to give or lend to possible subscribers? If you value your Denomination, support your Denominational Organ. Other denominations take care, by means of weekly, monthly, or quarterly Journals, to cater for those who belong to them, and so should we. We do not wish to say a single word in disparagement of other periodicals with which the press literally teems. On the contrary, we would gladly commend many of them to your notice. We would say, Get wisdom, and get it wherever you can; but with all your getting, get the General Baptist Magazine.

The more people do for their denomination, the more they are likely to love it; and on the other hand the more a denomination does for its people, the more will it win their affections. Do, then, what you can for the Magazine, that it may do what it can for you and your families. WM. R. STEVENSON, JOSEPH FLETCHER.

A Miner's Experience.

I was once talking with a plain, hard-working miner on the subject of personal salvation. I had long thought him a true Christian, and asked him to tell me candidly the reason for the hope that was in him. He answered me:

"You know I am no scholar, but I'll tell you the best way I can what I hope in. It is not what I do, but what Christ does for me. You've been down in the shaft. Now for a long time I'd been trying to do what was right, to live as I ought to; and I was trusting to my own self. And yet all the while I felt as if I were in the bottom of the shaft, and all I could do didn't get me out of the pit. God shewed me that all my righteousness was but filth and rags, as the Bible says. Well, how can I get out of the shaft? Why, just get in the bucket when it comes down, and trust to the men at the windlass to draw me out. And so it is about my soul. I can't draw myself out, but I trust in Christ's plan and leave it all to Him. I used to try and do right because I was afraid of God and the judgment day; but I try now because I love Him."

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