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THE POETS AND POETRY OF ENGLAND.'-Our friend Rurus WILLMOT GRISWOLD and Messrs. CAREY AND HART, Philadelphia, have combined together, and put forth a volume, after the manner of 'The Poetry and Poets of America,' entitled as above, that we have good reason to believe will prove of equal popularity with its predecessor, which has already passed through several editions. The present work affords a comprehensive review of the poetry of the nineteenth century, embracing not only all the eminent British poetical authors who have made their fame within that period, but an assemblage of more than eighty writers, including very many who are less familiar to the world of letters. The biographies of the various authors are brief and well written. There are seven superb illustrations on steel, from the burins of our very first engravers, in addition to the internal attractions of the volume, which (save in the quality of the paper) could not be improved. We miss, in two or three instances, what we consider the master-pieces of certain of the authors embraced in the collection; for example, in the selections from TENNYSON we look in vain for the three best productions of his pen; the May-Queen,' the New-Year's Eve,' and its 'Conclusion.' We know of nothing in the language more replete with melting pathos than the last two. There is little however of which to complain in the volume, whether of omission or commission. Mr. GRISWOLD has no compeer in industry of collection and judgment of collation of poetry that is worthy of preservation. Apropos of this: we infer, from the book before us, that its compiler has not left the literary field of 'Brotherly Love.' Something was said in one of the journals about his having gone west, and taken a chair;' the said chair being in some college of the Occident. We hope, if this report be true, that the chair is well-bottomed; but we can hardly expect any thing very immense in the way of endowment, since the institution is called, we believe, Shirtless College.'

"THE ROSE OF SHARON.'- We have once more the annual pleasure of welcoming this tasteful and interesting souvenir, and are again enabled conscientiously to commend it to the favorable regards of those who contemplate book-presents to any of their young friends in the course of the approaching holiday season. "The Rose of Sharon' is edited with ability and judgment, by Miss S. C. EDGARTON, herself a writer of acknowledged delicacy and taste; and she has succeeded in drawing around her a corps of collaborateurs, of whom she may well be proud. The pictorial portions of the work will command general commendation. Our young friend T. B. READ, an artist to whom we have heretofore alluded in terms of cordial praise in these pages, has the place of honor. His 'Excelsior,' which fronts the title-page, is a most pleasing picture; and although the mezzo-tint in which it is given is not perhaps favorable to the bolder touches of the painter, it is yet a most attractive engraving, and deserves all the praise which it has elicited. Solitude,' by EGERTON, deserves mention; the 'Study' is an agreeable sketch; and there are others which are highly creditable to the work. The literary contents are mainly excellent. We would especially note the 'Birth-Day Thoughts,' The Man who always found Fault with his Dinner,' and 'The Unbeliever no Philosopher.' The 'Rose' is well edited, well supplied, well illustrated, and well printed.

CADELL'S ABBOTSFORD EDITION OF THE WAVERLY NOVELS.- We are in the receipt of several new numbers of this altogether matchless series. It not only continues to fulfil the promise of the liberal publisher, but exceeds them, in almost every respect. There is absolutely nothing that can add to the interest or attractions of the edition, that is not obtained, no matter at what cost, by Mr. CADELL. He is repaying the friendship and warm regard of the Great Novelist, by the erection of a literary monument to his memory, which will continue for countless generations. The scenes of the romances, even the slightest things which may possess attraction in the eye of the reader, are represented by the rarest efforts of the pencil and the graver; so that while perusing them, the reader, sitting in his easy-chair, is transported as it were to the very scenes described by his author. We hope that all of our readers, who can afford the expense-small, when compared with the great value of such a purchase. will possess themselves of CADELL'S Abbottsford Edition of the Waverly Novels.'

MRS. HEMANS' COMPLETE WORKS. Messrs. APPLETON AND COMPANY have performed a most acceptable service to the public, and supplied an acknowledged desideratum, in the publication of two beautiful volumes containing the complete works of Mrs. HEMANS, edited by her sister, and reprinted entire from the last English edition. It is not necessary to say one word touching the character of Mrs. HEMANS' writings. In how many thousand hearts in America are the records of tenderness and affection with which her true woman's heart overflowed, forever endenizen'd! We are glad to perceive that the volumes are illustrated by numerous steel engravings, in a soft and delicate style of the art, and that all their externals are in good keeping.

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