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He is without fea".

NOTE. Analyze as above.

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Is without fear, the predicate, denotes a state of the sub ject. "Is" is the copula, and without fear" is the attribute; it is equivalent to fearless, and relates to the subject; according to Rule III.

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is a preposition, and shows the relation of "fear" to "he;" according to Rule XIII. is a common noun, &c., and objective case, and is used to complete the relation denoted hy "without; " according to Rule XIV.


Analyze the following propositions, and parse the predicates:

His nephew is to be educated. The captive is to be released. The work is to be completed. George was in fault. The slanderer is beneath contempt. The child was in ecstasy. The general is in fine health. The passage is to be found. The watchmen are on their guard. He is at supper. The patient is in distress. Our word is not to be broken. The trees are in blossom. The prisoner is without friends. The gentleman's character is above suspicion. My brother is in excellent spirits.

Write ten sentences, having a phrase for the pred icate.

Change the predicates in the foregoing examples to elements of the first class.

MODEL. His nephew must be educated. George was culpable.



201. When the phrase is used to effect either of the purposes mentioned in ¶ 96, (a. b. c. d.) it is called an adjective element of the second class.

202. Quality is denoted by an abstract noun formed from an adjective of quality, and is connected with the subject by the preposition of; as, "a generous man"="a man of generosity."

203. Circumstance is indicated by some noun denoting place, time, cause, source, or manner, connected by of or any other preposition which may show its true relation to the subject; as, "an Arabian horse "=" a horse of [or from] Arabia ;" "a morning walk"="a walk in the morning; "a brazen kettle" "a kettle of brass ; a hasty preparation" "a preparation in haste."


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204. To identify a common noun, we often connect with it by of its proper name; as, "the city of Boston"="the city Boston." The infinitive is often used for a similar purpose; as, desire to assist you prompted the proposal."


205. Possession is denoted by of, which shows the relation of the possessor to the object possessed; as "the estate of my father" ="my father's estate."

(a.) It will readily be seen, that the preposition of is property the connective of the adjective phrase. For the purpose of convenient reference, its principal uses are here brought together —

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1.) It shows the relation of a quality to the object to which it

belongs; as, "a man of virtue"=" a virtuous man." (2.) I shows the relation of an effect to the cause or agent, as, “the temple of Solomon"="Solomon's temple." (3.) It shows the relation of a material to the thing made of it; as, "a vessel of brass" ="a brazen vessel." (4.) It shows the relation of a whole to some of its parts; as, "the top of a tree"" the treetop." (5.) It denotes the relation of persons; as, "the brother of Samuel "=" Samuel's brother." (6.) It denotes the relation of a possessor to the object possessed; as, "the estate of my father": ="my father's estate.' (7.) It denotes the relation of a proper name to a common name denoting the same thing; as, "the city of Boston"="the city Boston." (8.) It shows the relation of some circumstance of time or place; as, "the mountains of Mexico" "the Mexican mountains;' "the report of last year"="last year's report."


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(b.) In many of these cases, some word is understood, as, 8 walk taken in the morning; "a house situated on the mountain; ""imprisonment suffered for debt; "a heavy loss caused by fire."

(c.) The participial noun is often used to limit a noun, as, "The hope of receiving a reward stimulated him.”


The brother of Richard I. usurped the throne. It is a simple sentence, because it contains but one proposition.

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The subject, brother, is limited by the phrase "of Rich

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.... is a proper noun, of the third person singular number, masculine gender objective case, and completes the relation of the preposition "of," according to Rule XIV.

His attempt to rescue his friend was fatal to



Analyze as in the last exampie

Attempt, the subject, is limited by "to rescue," an adjec tive element of the second class, used to designate the attempt.

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Analyze the following examples, and parse the phrases:

A man of straw was prostrated. The dew of the murning has passed away. The light of the moon assisted us. The king of Morven struck his breast. The temple of Solomon was destroyed. Time to come is called future A desire to see you has brought me here. The spirit of Loda shrieked. The joy of his youth was great. The city of Mexico is beautifully situated. The hope of the hypocrite will fail. The man at the mast-head descried an iceberg His intention to resign has been publicly an nounced. The true spirit of heroism is generous. The brother of Henry left the city. A man of honor will

never forsake his friends. The hope of hearing from you nar greatly delighted me.

Write sentences limiting the subjects by the follow ing phrases:

Of morning; in the moon; of brass; of generosity of America; of virtue; of seeing; of doing; of wood, of Europe; on board; of the house; of friends; of home MODEL. The dawn of morning found Waverley on the esplanade.

Change any twelve of the adjective elements in the preceding examples into equivalent forms of the firsı class.

MODEL. The morning dew has passed away

Write sentences of your own, limiting the subjects by the following adjective elements; then change them to the second class.

Evening, virtuous, David's, Solomon's, generous, honorable, penniless, comfortless, coming, breathless, prosperous experienced, deformed, wise, country, morning.

MODEL. An evening walk is agreeable A walk at evening is agreeable.




206. When the phrase is used to complete the neaning of a verb, either as direct or indirect object.

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