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Was beheaded is the predicate.



.. is limited by "Charles," an adjective eiement of the first class, used to identify the "king." "King Charles" is the complex subject.

is a proper noun, of the third person, sin. gular number, nominative case, and is used to identify "king;" according to Rule VI., "A noun or pronoun," &c. (See 105, a.)


Analyze the following sentences, parsing the nouns in apposition:

The patriarch Abraham was accounted faithful. Paul the apostle was a martyr. The emperor Nero was a cruel tyrant. Milton the poet was blind. The disciple John was beloved. The martyr Stephen was stoned. The great navigator Columbus was maltreated. Henry the scholar was crowned king.

Write twelve sentences limiting the subject by a noun in apposition.

NOTE. Let the pupil review the declension of nouns and personal pronouns, (Lesson III., in the Appendix.)

106. The subject may be limited by a noun or pronoun which represents it as an object of possession; as, "Henry's book fell."

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(a.) This relation does not always denote possession. It may denote the relation of persons; as, " William's cousin ;' -or the relation of the doer to the thing done; as, "Solomon's Temple; " or the relation of a whole to its parts; as, "a horse's head;" 'the dog's foot."

(b.) The possessive pronouns mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, and theirs, are used as nouns, and hence may be employed as

predicates, when we wish to affirm (not assume) possession, as, "The book is mine;" "The pen is yours."

107. A noun or pronoun thus used to limit the subject is parsed by the following rule:

RULE VII. A noun or pronoun used to limit another noun by denoting possession, must be in the possessive case; as, "Stephen's courage failed."


His hand trembles.

It is a simple sentence, because it contains but one

Hand... is the subject. (Why?)

Trembles is the predicate. (Why?)

His hand is the complex subject. (Why?)

Hand.. is limited by "his," an adjective element of the first class, denoting whose hand.

His is a personal pronoun, third

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person, singular number, possessive case, and is the modifier of "hand; " according to Rule VII.


Analyze the following sentences, parsing the modi fier of the subject:

The rook's nest was destroyed. The bird's beak was broken. Our lesson is easy. My task is completed. Wiliam's farm is productive. Rufus's garden is watered

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Write twelve sentences limiting the subject by a noun or pronoun in the possessive case.

108. The adjective element, by an ellipsis of the noun to which it belongs, often becomes the sub

ject of the proposition; as, "The good may err;' "This is the book; ""Many will be disappointed.'

(a.) In such cases, the adjective is said to be used as a noun. (33, a.) Thus, in the first example above, "good" is an adjec tive used as a noun, third person, plural number, &c., and is the vabject of "may err Let the pupil write examples of this kind

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Analyze and parse the following miscellaneous examples:

Three birds flew. The man awoke.

Good food was


provided. Every soldier escaped. All men are mortal. Twenty days have passed. Your lesson is easy. dom's ways are pleasant. The king's council might have been able. John the Baptist was beheaded. The planet Venus has risen. Sirius, the dog-star, is visible. Boston. the capital, is populous. The goddess Discord was offended. Beautiful plants were sold. Old iron is wanted Becket, the archbishop, was considered a martyr. The east wind is disagreeable. A winter scene was repre sented. A sun-burnt urchin came in. The merry dance commenced.

Write twenty sentences illustrating the four kinds of modifiers. (96, a, b, c, d.)



109. By certain inflections (Section IV.) the predicate can be mad to indicate properties not

essential to it as predicate. These are called modifications of the predicate, because they restrict its application to a certain time or in a certain manner. 110. When it is necessary to restrict the application of the predicate by referring to properties which cannot be indicated by inflections, other words (as with tne subject) must be added.

111. All such words are called modifiers of the >redicate, (92.)

112. The predicate, considered apart from the words that limit it, is called the grammatical predicate, or simply the predicate.

113. When taken in connection with the words which limit it, it is called the complex or logical predicate.

114. When the predicate is a noun, (36, 60,) it may be limited, like the subject, by an adjective element, (see Section V.;) as, "Francis is an industrious boy."

NOTE. Let the pupil write examples modifying the predicate nominative by either of the four species of modifiers mentioned in the last section. This construction will need no further illtration.

115. When the predicate is an adjective, it may be limited by an adverbial element; as, He was awake early."

NOTE. This element will be treated of in the next section

116 When the predicate is a verb, it may be limited either oy an adverbial or an objective element, or both; as, "The boy studied his lesson carefully."


117. The objective element is that which used to complete the meaning of a transitive verb. see Appendix ;) as, "He opened (what?) a book, — a — knife, the door, -- his hand, — his eyes," &c.

118. The objective element becomes the subject when the transitive verb assumes the passive form; as, "Henry struck William; "" William was struck by Henry."

(a.) The objective element answers the question Whom? or What? as, "He loves (whom?) George;" "They broke (what?) the ice."

(b.) The noun or pronoun used as the object has the same modifications (Sec. III.) of number, gender, and person, as the subject.

119. The following rule should be applied in parsing the object:

RULE VIII. A noun or pronoun used as the object of a transitive verb or its participles, must be in the objective case; as, “We paid him."

NOTE. Review the declension of nouns and personal pronouns, Appendix, Lesson III.

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It is a simple sentence, because it contains but one

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.. is limited by " Pompey," an objective ele

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