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The subjunctive mode is the same in form as the indicative or potential, with if, unless, though &c., prefixed; as. f I love, if I can love.

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is the simple form of the verb, generally used without the subject expressed; as, love.



The infinitive mode has two tenses, a present and a perfect. The present is the first form of the verb joined to to; as, to love.

The perfect is formed by joining the present infinitive of have to the past participle of the verb; as, to have loved.


The present participle is formed by adding ing to the first form of the verb; as, loving.


The past participle is formed, for 1egular verbs, by add ing ed to the simple verb; as, loved.


The perfect participle is formed by joining the present participle of have to the past participle; as, having loved.


The emphatic form belongs to the active voice of the Indicative and imperative modes. It is formed by joining the auxiliary do to the first form of the verb, for the pres

* When the simple verb ends in e, the e should be dropped before the addition is made; as, love, lov-ing or ea.

ent tense, and dil to the same, for the past tense; as, do love, do thou love, did love.


The progressive form is the common form of the copula to be added to the present participle; as, am loving, have been loving, &c.


The passive form is the common form of the copula to be joined to the passive participle, (same in form as the past participle ;) as, is loved, has been loved, &c.


The conjugation of a verb is the regular arrangement of its several modes, tenses, voices, numbers, and persons. The following is the conjugation of the verb TO BE.

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• Thou is used in the solerin or poetical style, but you is used m the singular in the common style; as, I am, you are, he is ↑ Ye is also used in the plu al; thus, le or you are

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Besides the forms already given, the subjunctive has other for the present and past.

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