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22. In the formation of a sentence, there must, therefore, be two parts,- that to which the attri bute belongs, and the attribute itself; and the at ter must be affirmed of the former.

23. That to which the attribute belongs is called the subject; and the attribute itself, with the word which connects (17) it to the subject, is called the predicate.

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24. It very often happens that the attribute and copula are united in one word.

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When the predicate contains the copula and the attribute in one word, it may always be resolved into these two parts, 28, "Winds blow," "Winds are blowing."

25. The uniting of words, to form a sentence, is called construction or synthesis.

26. The resolving of a sentence into its ele ments or of any complex element into the parts which compose it, is called analysis.

27. A simple senter.ce contains but one proposition

28. A complex sentence contains two or more dissimilar propositions.

29. A compound sentence contains two or mor similar propositions.

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NOTE. The pupil should learn Lesson I., in the Appea dix, p. 206, before studying this section.

30 A proposition is the combination of a subject (23) and predicate, and is either a simple sentence, or part of a complex or compound sentence. 31. The subject is that of which something is affirmed.

32. The predicate is that which is affirmed. 33. The subject is commonly a noun or pronoun.

(a.) Other parts of speech may be used as nouns, and therefore may become the subject; as, "Once is sufficient; "Bebind is not before."


(b.) Any word, used merely as a word, may be the subject, "Is is a verb; "Of is a preposition."

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(c.) A syllable or letter may be the subject; as, " Un is a pre ""A is a vowel."


34. The predicate consists of two parts, the verb, or copula, (17,) and that which is asserted

*NOTE TO TEACHERS. The pupil should now commence the Appendix. The lessons of the Appendix are made to corre spond, as nearly as possible, to the sections of CHAP. I. Since it is the chief object of this arrangement to bring the principles of etymology into immediate use, as the pupil advances, the lessons of the Appendix should be learn a only as they are referred to, in the body of the work.

by it, called the attribute; (15,) as, "Snow is white.

It cannot be too strongly impressed upon the mind of the learner, at this stage of his progress, that the copula is that which gives vitality to language. No sentence can be formed without it. Any number of attributes oined to a subject without it would not form a proposition. The omission of this im portant connective is that which distinguishes the first attempts of children to utter their thoughts; as, "Cake good," for "Cake is good."

35. When the two parts of the predicate are united in one word, (24,) that word is always a verb; as, "John writes."

(a.) Verbs which contain the copula and attribute are sometimes called attributive verbs, because the attribute is included in them.

(b.) The verb to be is sometimes an attributive verb; it then denotes existence, and is commonly preceded by there, and followed by its subject; as, "There are dolphins,"


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(c.) Besides the verb to be, there are several others which do not complete the predicate, but take after them some word denoting a property of the subject; as, "Beggars are becoming numerous; "" He is called handsome." These verbs are sometimes called copulative verbs. They are such as become, seem, appear; and the passive forms of deem, style, name, call, consider, and others.

36. Of a subject we may predicate,

(a.) What it does; as, "Birds fly;

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(b.) What qualities it possesses; as, "Sugar is


(c.) What it is; as, "Wheat is a vegetable."

Of these predicates, (a.) is always a verb; (b.) an adjective; and (8.) a noun or pronoun.

37. These three parts of speech,- the noun, including the proncun,) the verb, and the adjec


are most commonly used to form the two principal elements of the sentence.

NOTE. Either of these three parts of speech may also be used to form the subordinate elemen s of a sentence.

38. A sentence containing only the two principal elements, is said to be unlimited, and is analyzed (26) by pointing out the subject and predicate.

39. Unlimited propositions should be analyzed according to the following


"Birds fly". is a proposition, because it contains a sub ject and predicate.


"Birds" is the subject, because it is that of which the action (36, a.) "fly" is affirmed.


... is the predicate, because it is the action affirmed of "birds."

"Snow is white" is a proposition, because it contains a subject and predicate.


"Snow" is the subject, because it is that of which the quality (36, b.) "white" is affirmed.

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is the predicate, because it is the quality affirmed of "snow." "Is" is the verb or copula, and "white" is the attribute.

“Gold is a metal" is a proposition, because it contains a subject and predicate.


"Gold" is the subject, because it is that of which the class* (36, c.) metal is affirmed.

• When the predicate is a noun, it commonly denotes to what genus, species, or class, the subject be ongs. Sometimes it de notes identity; as, "It is James;" I am he. '

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'Is a metal". is the predicate, because it denotes the class which is affirmed of "gold." "Is" is the verb, and "metal," the attribute.

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shine. Writers differ. Trees are plants. Virtue ennobles. Wisdom directs. Cæsar conquered. Kings reign. Rich ard was bold. Nero was cruel. Socrates was a philosopher. Night comes. Exercise strengthens. Serpents crawl. Winds blow. Eagles soar. Historians write. Boys play. Geography is interesting.


Predicate ACTION (36, a.) of the following subjects :

Horses, water, eagles, whales, quadrupeds, Columbus, Washington, father, mother, insects, wind, stars, children fire, rain, leaves, grass, time, robbers, armies, moon George, kings wasps, acorns.

Water flows.

MODEL. Horses run. Predicate QUALITY (36, 5.)


of the following

Life, peaches, ice, play, arithmetic, cloth, chairs, money, nealth, intemperance, history, darkness, morning, wisdom,

The pupil should write these and similar examples upon a siate or paper, drawing a line under the llustrative word, and placing a period (.) at the end of each p oposition. The first word in each sentence should commence with a capital. The exercises, after being corrected, should be copied into a writing book

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