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(c.) The measure of excess; as, "He is four inches taller than his brother."

232. An attribute may be predicated of a subject, so as to snow that it exists in quantity or degree equal to, or unequal to, the use which is to be made of it. The former is called comparison of equality; the latter, of inequality; as, " Medicine is good [not in itself, but] for a sick man;" "The medicine is too powerful [not for all complaints, but] for a chronic affection."

233. In comparison of equality, when the second term is a verbal idea, the infinitive, with or without its subject, (193,) or the participial noun, may be used; as, "Prunes are good for eating, or to eat;" "The cake is too rich for the child to eat."


(a.) Comparison of equality is indicated, first, by the simple adjective with for; secondly, by enough or sufficiently....for, or the simple infinitive without "for;" thirdly, by so as, with the infinitive; as, "Milk is good for children;' "The apples are ripe enough for use, or to use; ""Smith was so artful as to extricate himself."

234. Inequality is used to denote excess or defect; as, "The undertaking was too great for so light a preparation.

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The preparation is not equal in magnitude to the undertaking (a.) The superlative degiee takes after it the noun denoting he object with which the subject is compared; as, "Achilles was the bravest of the Greeks.”

235. The second term may be, as above, an in-initive or participial noun; as, "It is too stormy for the boat to leave to-night."

The measure of magnitude, or of excess, is commoni, expressed without a preposition. (294, 1.)

(a.) Sonetimes the to of the infinitive is omitted; as, "We could do no less than receive it.'

(b.) Comparison of inequality is denoted, first, by too ... .for, or the simple infinitive without "for;" secondly, by more or less ...than, with the infinitive; as, "He was too young for the sil· uation, or to take the situation; ""You can do no less than invite him."


Analyze the following propositions, and parse the phrases:

The anchor clung to the rock with tenacity. The ele phant takes his food with his trunk. The dove flew with rapidity. The Greeks took Troy by stratagem. The coachman rode by in haste. They have rushed through like a hurricane. They devoured the earth like an army of locusts. The Georgium Sidus was discovered by Herschel. Lightning and electricity were identified by Franklin. The man was culpable to a great degree. James walked with his sister. Columbus crossed the Atlantic with ninety men. The walls of Babylon were fifteen miles long. The jacket is too large for the boy. The water is too cold for bathing. The coat is too gay for an old man.

Write sentences limiting the predicates by the following phrases denoting agency. Then change the

verb to the active voice:

By Columbus; by Moses; by whales; by doves; by Washington; by Cromwell; by Socrates; by Judas; by Arnold; by Paul; by rabbits; by insects; by serpents, by bees; by labor.

MODEL. America was discovered by Columbus Co lumbus discovered America.

Write sentences limiting the predicates by the fol lowing miscellaneous phrases:

In naste, for a boy; with rapidity; like thunder; ten miles; six feet; seven rods; for me to do; with William; with a sword.

Change the following adverbs into phrases, and employ them in sentences of your own :

Carefully, wisely, courageously, unblushingly, tenderly, diligently harmlessly, furiously, despondingly, thoughtfully, incautiously, rapidly, boldly, timidly, foolishly, brightly, modestly, painfully, elegantly.

MODEL. He managed with care.

Write or find twenty sentences containing a phrase denoting manner. *

236. The elements of a sentence, so far as developed, may be thus represented :—(137, a.)

[blocks in formation]

237. Each element of a sentence may become complex, either by uniting two dissimilar simple elements of the second class, or by joining one of the first and one of the second.

* At this stage of the pupil's progress, his attention should be called to the different constructions as they occur in his reading Lessons. He may at length acquire a habit of classification, which will enable him at sight, to recognize any construction in the language. This power is vastly more valuable than

238. The essential point of dissimilarity.ha parts of any complex element is, that one simple element stands as principal or basis, and that al others are subordinate to it; as, "The lawyer fully established the CLAIMS of his client."

Here the objective element "the claims of his client" - ig complex. "Claims" is the basis, and "the" and "of his client " are subordinate to it.

NOTE. Fo. other points of dissimilarity, see ¶ 146, (a. b. c )

239. In the formation of a complex element containing simple elements of different classes, -

(a.) An element of the first class may be the basis; in which case the whole is said to be of the first class, (147;) as, "Nobility of birth does not insure NOBILITY of mind;

(b.) An element of the second class may be the basis, and to it may be joined one of the first; as, "The three great apostles or practical ATHEISM are health, wealth, and power;"

(c.) An element of the second class may be the basis, and to it may be joined another element of the same class; as, "Two of HER SOURCES of strength are physical."

NOTE. The last two combinations are complex elements of the second class, because the oasis of each is of the second class A subordinate element of the second class is joined to its basis by connective. (See 153.)

the mere ability to parse words. As the naturalist, in passing through the fields, is able to classify each individual p.ant that meets his eye, so the pupil who becomes acquainted with the structure of the language, will readily arrange under its proper division every combination of words which he reace.

240: Complex elements may be formed by either of the folowing combinations of simple

[blocks in formation]

NOTE. Classes I. and II., placed at the left, show the class of the complex element. (147.) The figures 1 and 2 show the classes of the simple elements which form the combination. The baris of each is in small capitals.


The whole course of his life has been distinguished by generous actions.

It is a simple sentence, because it contains but one

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Has been distinguished is the predicate.

The subject, course, is limited by "the" and "whole," both adjective elements of the first class. It is also limited by the phrase "of his life," a complex adjective element of the second class, used to explain the "course.' "Of life" is the basis. "Life" is limited by "his," a simple adjective element of the first class, denoting whose life.

The predicate, has been distinguished, is limited by the phrase "by generous actions". a complex adverbial element of the second class, showing how the course of his life had been distinguished. The basis of the

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