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le maréchal Baraguay-d'Hilliers avait son quartiergénéral. Le maréchal Baraguay-d'Hilliers lui apprit que cette canonnade était le résultat d'une rencontre entre les Autrichiens et le général Forey. Le dernier livrait en ce moment, près de Casteggio, en avant de Voghera, ce combat qui a pris le nom de combat de Montebello. Une nouvelle guerre venait de faire son entrée dans le monde. C'était le 20 Mai, sur une terre en pleine floraison qu'avait lieu ce premier combat. Les boulets déchiraient

la robe du printemps, toutefois sans offenser ses charmes.-PAUL DE MOLENES.


Grammatical Questions.

1. How many articles are there in French? Name them.

2. In what does the elision of the definite article consist, and when is it applied? Give examples.

3. Form the plural of the following substantives, homme, fils, nez, bateau, cheval, genou.

4. What is the general rule for the formation of feminine in the adjectives. Mention some exceptions as heureux, cruel, général, trompeur ?

5. Have French comparatives and superlatives any termination answering to those in er and est of the English? If they have none, how do you express the degrees of comparison?

6. What are the invariable parts of speech in French?

7. Write in full the imperative and subjunctive mood (perfect and imperfect) of the verb Tenir.


Translate into French :

It was near Hohenlinden, a village of Bavaria, on the 3rd of December, 1800, that one of the greatest battles took place, between the French and Bavarian army on the one side and the Austrians on the other. The former, under the generalship of Moreau, gained a complete victory over the latter, under Archduke John. Besides killed and wounded, the Austrians lost 10,000 prisoners and 100 pieces of cannon.


In the battle of the Nile, the Admiral of the Orient ordered his son Casabianca (a lad about 13 years of age) not to quit his post until he told him. In the course of the action, the Admiral was killed, the ship caught fire, and was blown up. The boy, unconscious that his father was dead, remained at his post, and permitted himself to be launched into eternity rather than disobey his father's orders.-ALISON.


Write a short letter in French on the place in England which you know best.



Translate into English:

Die Expedition gegen Rochelle ging unter dem Earl von Lindsay in See. Aber die Capitäne waren dem General nicht recht gehorsam; Anordnungen, welche berathen und beschlossen worden, blieben unausgeführt; die Feuerschiffe, welche die feindlichen Vorrichtungen durchbrechen sollten, wurden mangelhaft geleitet. Man hatte die Absicht, eine stärkere Fluth zu erwarten, um einen neuen Angriff zu versuchen: aber indessen waren auch die letzten Hülfsquellen der Stadt erschöpft; sie sah sich zur Capitulation gezwungen. Es war ein unermeßlicher Verlust für England, daß Rochelle von Richelieu erobert wurde.

(Ranke, Englische Geschichte.)

Translate into German :

Henry VI was always a sincerely and zealously religious man; and probably in youth and early manhood he was of stronger intellect than from sickness he became in later life. Born the 6th of December, 1421, and succeeding to the throne in September 1422, he had scarcely attained his twentieth year when he commenced the foundation and building of his two celebrated Colleges at Cambridge and at Eton.

SIR J. COLERIDGE, Tiverton Lecture.

Grammatical Questions.

1. Decline derselbe große Verlust.

2. Give the gender and genitive singular of Schiff, Kanone, Gewehr, Pferd, Wagen.

3. Conjugate the imperfect indicative and subjunctive of nennen, nehmen, nähren.

4. Give the first person of the imperfect indicative and the past participle of sprechen, springen, lachen, binden, blenden, bleiben.


5. Give the German expressions corresponding

What are you doing?

It is a quarter to two o'cl.

The sun rises at half past six o'cl.
Where are you going?

Mind your own business.
I am tired of it.



1. Describe the crystalline forms of Fluor spar, Iceland spar, Diamond, Garnet, Topaz, and Emerald; or make drawings to represent them.

2. Give the principal mineralogical characters of Quartz, Felspar, and Mica.

3. Name some of the metals and non-metallic elements which are found native or uncombined.

4. State the specific gravity of Gold, Copper, and Iron; and mention some of the heaviest nonmetallic minerals.

5. Give the composition of Pyrites, Hæmatite, and Spathic Iron.

6. What are the principal sources from which Sulphur and Nitre are obtained?

7. Give some account of the nature and probable origin of Volcanic cones and craters.

8. Mention the three principal classes of stratified rocks, mineralogically considered, and give examples of each.

9. When the layers of a sedimentary rock are highly inclined, how may it be possible to determine whether the materials were originally deposited at such an angle, or whether the dip has been caused by subsequent upheaval?

10. Make a tabular list of the chief British strata.

11. State, approximately, the number and thickness of the separate beds of coal in any one of the British coal-fields, and what sort of proportion the coal bears to the sandstone, shale, and fire-clay interstratified with it.

12. The temperature of the strata below 50 feet from the surface is constant all the year round, and increases with the depth at a certain rate; what would it probably attain at 4,000 feet?

13. Enumerate the English counties in which the hills are formed of Oolitic rocks.

14. What is the geological character of the country eastward of the Oolitic hills?

15. What circumstances have led Geologists to apply the term "Northern Drift" to the superficial gravels and boulder-clay, formerly called Diluvium?

16. Mention some of the fossil animals whose

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